What are you bastards anxious

about? Hurt well

? At this time, do you want to open the calamity, pure can’t you think about it?

It doesn’t matter if you want to die, I applaud and welcome, but you can’t leave me.

Zhuge Xun was a little anxious in his heart, and even wanted to scold his mother.

In a place like this, she can’t go back.

Perhaps only Lu Shaoqing, who is not human, has a way.

At least, there are ways than her.

Lu Shaoqing was injured, and he definitely couldn’t survive the Heavenly Tribulation.

What about her then

? Wandering like a lonely soul and wild ghost here in the void?

Unreliable bastard!

Zhuge Xun rushed closer at the first time and looked at Lu Shaoqing from a distance.

But at this look, she was stunned.

Lu Shaoqing’s aura is complete, thick and powerful, giving people a steadiness like a mountain.

It doesn’t look like an injury.

This made Zhuge Xun feel very puzzled.

Lu Shaoqing alone resisted those violent and chaotic forces, and was really injured.

The injuries were not much lighter than hers.

Just now, he still looked like he was going to die, but now he is alive and alive, without any injury at all

? Is everything pretended

? If so, it is too terrible, right?

Zhuge Xun felt a chill in his heart.

It’s so capable.

Such a guy, can I beat him to death?

Zhuge Xun suddenly felt a little depressed in his heart.

But soon, Zhuge Xun’s gaze, who was determined, became sharp and full of confidence again.

“Hmph, what if you do this, I can beat you sooner or later.

I’m also a genius, I’m not worthy of you.

“Boom!” came

a roaring thunder from the calamity clouds in the sky, deafening, and the black clouds overwhelmed the top, permeating the aura of destruction.

Feeling the terrifying Tianwei, Zhuge Xun’s face changed slightly.

“Is this the Heavenly Tribulation of the Convergence Period?” The

terrifying Tianwei made Zhuge Xun’s heart stunned.

She believes that her current self goes up, there is no need to rob thunder, and the oppression of Tianwei alone is enough for her to bear it.

Zhuge Xun was in awe of the calamity clouds in the sky, and the heavenly power was unpredictable.

Then she saw Lu Shaoqing shouting to the clouds in the sky, “Big brother, light, I’m afraid of pain!”

Zhuge Xun’s hair was full of black lines, and she didn’t know what to use to describe her mood for a while.

You think it’s a family.

Besides, will the heavenly calamity give you face?

Stupid human beings!

The heavenly calamity clouds roll, turn, lightning linger, shuttle.

The next moment!

“Boom!” There

was a loud bang, and a thunder fell.

The golden light shone, cutting through the darkness, turning into a golden divine dragon in the pitch-black void.

Exudes rolling dragon power, suppressing all directions of heaven and earth.

When Zhuge Xun saw the golden robbery thunder, he jumped up three feet high on the spot and shouted in a lost voice, “This, what is this?”

Unseen, unheard of.

Zhuge Xun held her head, her hair was unkempt by her, and she already doubted life.


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it because this is the endless void, or is it because the person who crossed the tribulation is Lu Shaoqing?

She watched as the golden thunder swooped down like a divine dragon, its sharp dragon claws shining, capable of tearing everything apart.

Lu Shaoqing stood motionless in place, without any movement, looking undefended and unintending to resist.

“Boom!” Looking

at it from a distance, the golden divine dragon swallowed Lu Shaoqing, and the golden lightning burst out to form a huge ball of lightning.


Xun could feel the terrifying power from a long distance, and his face turned white.

This kind of powerful thunder, she only needs to rub a little to wipe it out.

After a few breaths, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “Wow

!” “It hurts

!” “Light!” Zhuge

Xun frowned, this tone and voice made him want to hit someone.

The thunder dissipated, and Lu Shaoqing was not greatly harmed.

“It hurts me…” Lu

Shaoqing looked up, just about to speak.

“Boom!” The

second thunder descended, still golden lightning.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Xun grabbed his head again and couldn’t help but groan, “It’s definitely an unorthodox heavenly calamity.”

“Who crosses the calamity so quickly?

Does the person who crosses the calamity not have to rest? Does the person

who crosses the calamity not

need to rest? Does

it not mean nine deaths and a lifetime?

Could it be that the Heavenly Tribulation also looked at him unfavorably and wanted to take the opportunity to kill him?


Lu Shaoqing was once again shrouded in robbery thunder, and when the robbery thunder passed, Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Don’t play like this, I didn’t provoke you.” ”

Is it okay to slow down?”

is still full of breath, alive and jumping, there is no big problem.

Let Zhuge Xun no longer know what to say.

Lu Shaoqing’s words had no effect.

With a boom, the third thunder fell.

This time, the sky shook, and the power increased a little.

The oncoming feeling of suffocation made Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but take two steps back.


!” Lu Shaoqing was angry, and pulled out the Mojun sword, “Let you light, let you slow down, you can’t understand people’s words, right?”

“Look at the move!” The

brilliant sword light lit up, and the violent sword intent blew like an autumn breeze.

Zhuge Xun felt a cold body and goosebumps appeared.

At this moment, Zhuge Xun knew how strong Lu Shaoqing’s kendo cultivation was.

Zhuge Xun looked stupidly at the divine bird formed by countless sword intentions in the distance, as if it was bubbling with flames, like a real phoenix, flapping its wings and flying high, dominating heaven and earth.

A thought came to her mind, none of the so-called masters in the clan could compare to him.

The divine bird and the divine dragon collided fiercely.

The terrifying power that erupted distorted the surrounding space, and a large area of space collapsed, recovered, and repeatedly ravaged this space.

In the end, both the divine bird and the divine dragon disappeared.

Lu Shaoqing stood between heaven and earth with his sword, like a god of war, facing the heavenly calamity.

It’s just that!”

I’m not powerful, when I’m a sick cat?” Lu

Shaoqing’s arrogant words shattered the image of the God of War in Zhuge Xun’s mind.

Lu Shaoqing’s words seemed to anger the heavenly clouds.

The tumbling clouds reacted quickly.

“Boom!” Two

loud bangs, two golden thunderbolts fell…

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