Three golden robbery thunders poked their heads out of the robbery clouds like three divine dragons, and like a curious baby, they were staring at Lu Shaoqing’s prey in the sky.

Zhuge Xun’s scalp felt numb again.

Lu Shaoqing’s weakness could be seen at a glance, and if he was bombarded by three robbery thunders, it would be almost the same if he was not a slag.

What kind of Heavenly Tribulation is it, and will the Heavenly Tribulation

in the Convergence Period be so outrageous?

Lu Shaoqing was also stunned when he looked at the three tribulation thunders.

After a few breaths, Lu Shaoqing howled, “If you don’t bring this, doesn’t it mean to return to normal?” ”

I like one-on-one, I don’t like yellow, I like white.” ”

A white thunder robbery is a normal thunderstorm.

Lu Shaoqing really wanted to cry, why couldn’t his painting style be normal?

I thought that the master brother Du Tribulation was because the master brother dragged him, and the Heavenly Tribulation looked at him unpleasantly, so the painting style would be crooked.

Unexpectedly, his painting style was even more outrageous.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Lu Shaoqing pointed his long sword at the clouds and shouted angrily, “Special, don’t mess around.”

“What good is it to chop me to death?”

Zhuge Xun in the distance was very speechless, and said silently in his heart, chopping you to death, the world can be much quieter and more harmonious.

“Boom!” With

a loud bang, three thunderbolts fell.

The eighth thunderbolt officially began.

Lu Shaoqing’s scalp was numb, and he shouted angrily, “I fought with you!” The

long sword waved, not retreating, and the Mo Jun sword buzzed, bursting out into a shocking breath.

Zhuge Xun saw a starry sky again.

The stars shine brightly, and in the center of the starry sky is a bright moon.

The cold moonlight shone all over the starry sky, and the surrounding sky was full of stars like courtiers guarding the moon in the middle.

Moonlight, starlight mixed together shines on the whole world, and the world seems to be vibrant.


by one, the stars exploded, and countless stars dimmed, like a storm of destruction sweeping through the starry sky, and all the stars exploded.

Each star explosion will burst out a stream of energy, and countless strands of energy will gather together to form the energy that destroys the world and the earth.

Finally, the twinkling bright moon also explodes.

The power of destruction reached its peak, sweeping from the depths of the distant starry sky.

It is like crossing endless time and space and coming to this world.

“Boom!” As

soon as this destructive force appeared, the entire void began to vibrate.

Thousands of miles, 100,000 li, billions of miles of space are trembling and collapsing.

Everything is going to be destroyed in this moment.

“Poof!” Zhuge

Xun, who was watching the battle from a distance, directly sprayed blood.

She looked alarmed, “This, what kind of sword technique is this?” She

was so far away, and she also vomited blood, you can imagine how terrifying it is.

The void here is like a fish pond, and Lu Shaoqing’s sword is like throwing a boulder into the fish pond.

Zhuge Xun, who was standing on the shore, was splashed.

Zhuge Xun ran back as soon as possible, she didn’t dare to stay here.

This sword is terrifying.

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Staying here, she didn’t know if she could carry it.

The void trembled under the power of destruction, rushing towards the three roaring divine dragons like ocean waves.

Two forces collide together.

The three divine dragons instantly weakened a lot.

As if sensing the danger, the divine dragon formed by the three thunders fused together and converged into a huge divine dragon.

In an instant, a huge divine dragon that was hundreds of miles long hovered in the void, the dragon scales flashed, and lightning ravaged every corner of the void.

The huge body rotated slowly, and golden lightning jumped on the surface.

The aura of destruction revealed seemed to tremble for the entire void.

Zhuge Xun just stopped, sensed this breath, and continued to retreat without saying a word.

These two forces, if she dares to touch the slightest, will be instantly destroyed.

Zhuge Xun, who was retreating, looked at the thunder like a dragon of annihilation, and his heart trembled.

Such a heavenly calamity is too outrageous.


this moment, Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but worry about Lu Shaoqing.

“Roar!” the

divine dragon let out a roar, and its huge body was turning.

Two different forces collide, now it depends on who is stronger.

The light shone in the calamity clouds above the sky, the divine dragon roared, and the breath soared.

Lu Shaoqing sprayed blood, and the power of destruction was even greater.

Constant collisions, constant explosions, obviously void, but smoke.

The catharsis of disorderly power makes the void crumbling, as if it will be destroyed with it.

Zhuge Xun felt the instability of the surrounding space, and she couldn’t help but get better while panicking.

If this space is destroyed

, will she survive, or where will she float

to? After the void, where will it be?

Lu Shaoqing’s figure has disappeared, Zhuge Xun’s eyes widened, and his divine sense probed out desperately to find where Lu Shaoqing’s figure was, as if disappearing in the explosion.

Soon, little by little, time passed, and the trembling void began to slowly calm down.

Two terrifying forces gradually faded.

Finally, the whole void returned to calm.


thunder in the sky disappeared, succeeded

? But what about that bastard?

Zhuge Xun looked for a long time and did not see Lu Shaoqing.

“It won’t be split into slag, right?” I don’t

know why, Zhuge Xun suddenly felt a little nervous and worried in his heart.


“You were just chopped into slag!” A

voice sounded behind Zhuge Xun, startling Zhuge Xun.

Zhuge Xun turned around and saw a embarrassed Lu Shaoqing.

The clothes on his body were tattered and tattered, and the exposed skin was large areas of charred black, bloody, and in some places white oozing bones could be seen.


Zhuge Xun was just about to speak, but Lu Shaoqing closed his eyes and fell straight towards her.

Zhuge Xun subconsciously took Lu Shaoqing in his arms…

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