A man is suddenly held by himself, the first time he has been so intimate with a man.

Zhuge people are stupid.

The body was as if it had been fixed, and it was stiff, and I didn’t know what to do.

With his hands raised in the air, he didn’t know whether to hold Lu Shaoqing or throw Lu Shaoqing out.

After several breaths, Zhuge Xun gradually came back to his senses.

Smelling the smell of the other party, Zhuge Xun’s face turned red, as if it was ripe.

Feeling the weight of the other party, the feeling of shyness came, Zhuge Xun subconsciously wanted to push Lu Shaoqing away, and then fiercely beat to death this guy who took advantage of her.


, seeing Lu Shaoqing’s miserable appearance, Zhuge Xun finally put him down with a gentle force.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s unconscious appearance, Zhuge Xun stared at him with a red face for a long time, and finally snorted and said coldly, “Spare you first, and then settle accounts with you when the time comes.”

Then, she began to help Lu Shaoqing with medicine and heal her injuries.

More than half a month passed before Lu Shaoqing woke up from the coma.

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes, saw Zhuge Xun, and smiled slightly, “You’ve worked hard these days.” ”

Speak softly, smile softly, and be polite.

and the previous judgment of the two.

Zhuge Xun’s face suddenly turned extremely red.

A feeling of shame flooded my mind.

Zhuge Xun hurriedly turned around, the feeling of shyness made her brain chaotic, and she was no longer able to speak.

However, she suddenly felt that Lu Shaoqing like this was also very good.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and came to Zhuge Xun’s side, smelling the smell of Lu Shaoqing’s body, Zhuge Xun’s whole person froze again, unable to move.

Lu Shaoqing said to Zhuge Xun, “Don’t worry, the great grace does not say thanks, I will remember it.”

“In the future, I will always be by your side.”

Zhuge Xun was a little stunned, is this a confession?

In an instant, the shyness in her heart erupted in her body like a volcano, gushing out like magma, and spreading throughout her limbs.

Let her turn red from head to toe.

“You, you, you die!” Zhuge

Xun stomped his foot in anger, Dengzi, go die.

Shy, she turned around and ran in an instant without saying a word.

Zhuge Xun ran a long way before gradually calming down.

But seeing that Lu Shaoqing did not catch up, she stomped again, and then, she took a deep breath to calm herself down.

“Damn, what is that bastard going to do?” Zhuge

Xun, who had calmed down, felt that something was wrong.

Abominable bastard, I saved you, you actually dare to tease me?” Zhuge

Xun was angry, and the shyness in his body turned into anger, and he returned murderously.

Lu Shaoqing sat cross-legged on the ground to heal his injuries, and after seeing Zhuge Xun return, he opened his eyes and said to Zhuge Xun with a smile, “Back?”

Zhuge Xun’s face turned red again, and she huffed, “Damn guy, give me death!”

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Lu Shaoqing hurriedly dodged, his voice was still gentle, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Don’t be angry, where did I do wrong, I apologize to you!”

Zhuge Xun’s heart jumped, this guy really changed his temperament.

Perhaps, he has already been taken away.


Zhuge Xun shouted angrily, and the killing intent in his heart increased exponentially.

Her own little daughter’s posture is clearly seen, and only by killing the bastard in front of her can she cover up the secret.

Although he was injured, Zhuge Xun, who broke out, should not be underestimated, like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, roaring and roaring, eager to swallow Lu Shaoqing alive.

Lu Shaoqing also seemed to be injured, and under Zhuge Xun’s attack, he could only cope with it, and gradually revealed a tired posture.

“Miss Zhuge , where did I offend you?” ”

You can make it clear then, I…..” In

the face of Lu Shaoqing’s inquiry, Zhuge Xun only replied, “Die!” In the roar, Zhuge Xun hit Lu Shaoqing

with a spell.

With a soft pop, Lu Shaoqing instantly turned into fragments and disappeared.

The surrounding space fluctuated, and immediately after, the huge Tianwei pressure struck again.

Zhuge Xun looked up and saw the robbery cloud that had long disappeared reappeared.

Zhuge Xun was stunned at first, and then immediately reacted, sweating profusely, and a cold sweat came out.

She unknowingly fell into the environment and hallucinated.

Zhuge Xun was terrified in her heart, if she didn’t react, she would have been immersed in illusion for the rest of her life, until she died.


would also be affected from such a distance, what if she stood closer

? Is it more difficult to get out of trouble soberly?

Zhuge Xun shook his head and hurriedly consolidated his mind.

But when she looked into the distance, Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but doubt herself, “Am I still in the fantasy realm?”

In the distance, the two Lu Shaoqing stood opposite each other.

However, there is a dark skin, looking like it has been tanned, the breath is amazing, soaring into the sky, like a blazing sun, people dare not look directly.

One had tattered clothes, a weak breath, and a weak body.

Zhuge Xun wondered why there were two Lu Shaoqing.

That guy with an amazing breath looked at Hei Buqiu, but it was exactly the same as Lu Shaoqing, even the breath was the same.

It’s just that there is a little more ferocity and coldness in his breath.

Zhuge Xun felt strange.

Lu Shaoqing was also puzzled, staring at his doppelganger, “What are you running out for?

“Hey!” the doppelganger sneered, a mouthful of teeth that looked very white and bright against the black background, “Today is your time to die.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly, “So that uneasy feeling is you?”

Lu Shaoqing is helpless, how can his own doppelganger also eat back?

The doppelganger sneered even more, “Die!” Reaching

out and waving his hand, a huge fireball fell from the sky…

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