Although it

is a doppelganger, it is actually no different from Lu Shaoqing’s body.

The only difference is consciousness.

Lu Shaoqing will, and so will the doppelganger.


, Lu Shaoqing’s body is injured, and the strength he exerts is not necessarily comparable to that of the doppelganger.

Immortal Fireball Technique does not have the spells of this world coming out of the avatar, just like a meteorite that can destroy the sky.

It rumbled down towards Lu Shaoqing.

The blazing temperature made the void distort again.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing raised his sword, and the sword light streaked through, leaving a dazzling trajectory in the darkness.

“Boom!” The

huge fireball turned in half with a roar, then fell apart.

The terrifying energy then erupted, exploding in the dark void, as brilliant as fireworks, and it was beautiful.

The doppelganger was stunned, feeling Lu Shaoqing’s breath, he was stunned, “You, you are not injured?”

Zhuge Xun in the distance was also stunned.

She was still terrified by the huge fireball a moment ago.

The next moment, Lu Shaoqing not only easily broke through the huge fireball, but his aura also rose a lot.

Just as Zhuge Xun was stunned, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “Injured!” ”

Why don’t you get hurt?

“I don’t pretend to be injured, you will appear?” Lu

Shaoqing’s voice sounded so hateful to Zhuge Xun.

This bastard guy has to keep a hand when crossing the calamity?

As for Lu Shaoqing’s doppelganger, he was not angry.

Own meanness, know for yourself.

He still sneered, “Even so, you are still injured, you are not my opponent.”

“This time, I will fuse and devour you, and I will become the new you.”

Lu Shaoqing held the Mojun sword and pointed at the doppelganger, “Go to your Spring and Autumn dream, don’t you see that I have an advantage over you?”

What other

advantage do you have? Although you keep a hand, but you are really injured, what advantage do you have?

The doppelganger was also stunned, and he couldn’t understand the meaning of his main body.

However, the doppelganger quickly sneered, “What advantage

do you have?” Lu Shaoqing shook the long sword in his hand, “I have a sword, do you have



The sword was sharp, the chill was pressing, and the doppelganger hurriedly dodged.

“A sword?” Mo Jun jumped out, pointing at the doppelganger and cursing, “Don’t hide

!” Mo

Jun’s body was so excited that his little face was full of excitement.

There is no difference between chopping the boss’s doppelganger and chopping the boss.

This is the perfect opportunity, and perhaps the only one.

Mo Jun wanted to rush up by himself.

The sneer on the doppelganger’s face disappeared, and he found that there was no weapon in his hand, which was indeed somewhat unfavorable to himself.

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Not only did he have no weapons, but he didn’t even have any other magic weapons.

The storage ring was in Lu Shaoqing’s hand.


doppelganger’s brows furrowed, he didn’t dare to use his flesh to resist the Mo Jun Sword.

He knew exactly how sharp the Mo Jun sword was.

In addition to cultivating sword techniques, Lu Shaoqing only had some power in the Immortal Fireball Technique among the attack spells he cultivated, and the others were ordinary spells, which Lu Shaoqing used as an auxiliary.

Then there is the flesh and the divine consciousness.

After the doppelganger analyzed it himself, he was numb.

Without a sword, he couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing.

Without a sword, his most powerful sword skills could not be brought into play.

“Damn!” ”

Do you dare to fight fairly with me without a sword?” Lu

Shaoqing was very satisfied, shameless and the same as himself, although the consciousness is different, but the personality is still the same.

“I don’t use a sword, what will I fight you with?” Lu Shaoqing slashed out a sword again.

The splitter must not rush to dodge.

With his bare hands, he seemed very passive.

He even hated why Lu Shaoqing didn’t learn a little more powerful spells.

So that it is difficult for him to fight back now.

Lu Shaoqing chased after the doppelganger, and Zhuge Xun in the distance didn’t know what to say.

The doppelganger rebellion was already very explosive, and it was the first time she had encountered such a thing.

What’s even more explosive is that Lu Shaoqing actually guessed that his doppelganger would rebel, and actually kept a hand.

In the end, even if he was injured, Lu Shaoqing could still have the upper hand to chase and kill the doppelganger.

Zhuge Xun wanted to know what Lu Shaoqing had eaten and grew up.

Ordinary people have already been mortal when they encounter such a situation, but Lu Shaoqing can always control the situation.

Zhuge Xun looked at Lu Shaoqing, and secretly said in his heart, his mind was meticulous, it was too terrifying.

“So, you think you can defeat me if you invade my doppelganger?” came Lu Shaoqing’s smug voice from a distance.

“Naive, my stupid junior sister is not as naïve as you.

“Come, don’t run, let me see you ten swords and eight swords, and stab you ten eight holes.” ”

Damn it!” the doppelganger was furious, and he appeared full of confidence, thinking that he would be able to win, but he never expected such a result.

“Give me death!” roared the angry doppelganger, his hands sealed, and the fairy fireball technique reappeared.

“Boom!” This

time three huge fireballs appeared, falling like three suns.

The blazing temperature distorted the void, and the entire void burned.

Three large fireballs burned wildly, and the flames burning on the surface were like poisonous snakes spitting letters, exuding a terrifying aura.

Zhuge Xun’s scalp is numb, is a doppelganger so outrageous?

However, what is even more outrageous is that the sword light still flashed, and the three large fireballs were split in half one after another, and then exploded.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t use any moves, just simply swung his sword to crack the doppelganger’s attack.

Lu Shaoqing’s arrogant voice sounded, “I am cut like this by my master brother every day, do you think I don’t know how to crack

it?” “I don’t know if the same move is useless for me

?” “Are you still not my doppelganger? Don’t be so shameful, okay?” ”

You don’t want a face, I still want a face

!” “Damn!” The doppelganger was so angry that it exploded and rushed directly towards Lu Shaoqing…

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