The doppelganger suddenly rushed straight towards Lu Shaoqing.

Although Lu Shaoqing’s side was puzzled, since the flaws were exposed, such a great opportunity, Lu Shaoqing cut without saying a word.

“Poof!” Mo

Jun’s sword left a deep bone scar on his body, blood splashed, and almost split him in half with a sword.

“Whoosh!” Mo Jun jumped out and raised his head to the sky with a long roar.

“What for?” Lu Shaoqing slapped Mo Jun away, very upset, “What are you doing, that’s my doppelganger.”

Lu Shaoqing put away the sword and asked with concern, “Does it hurt?”


wounds on the doppelganger were bloody, but there was no slightest pain, but instead he roared viciously, “Come, you will hack me to death.”

“My body is ruined, and you are no better.”

“Don’t forget, you haven’t really stepped into the fit yet.

Zhuge Xun in the distance was shocked in his heart.

The meaning of the doppelganger is obvious.

If Lu Shaoqing killed this identity, his strength after stepping into the merging period would definitely decrease by a lot.

The normal process is that after the main body and the doppelganger are fused, they enter the merging period.

Without a doppelganger, the strength is greatly reduced, even if you can smoothly step into the fit period, it is a weak fit period.

The doppelganger is threatening Lu Shaoqing with his own body, and he will die together if it is a big deal.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, his face showed an old father-like expression of relief, “It’s okay, it’s as shameless as me.”

After speaking, another sword swung down, and the doppelganger was caught off guard, adding another wound to his body.

“You…” The

doppelganger was shocked, and Zhuge Xun was also shocked.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want this doppelganger?

The doppelganger roared, “Do you really want to die together?”

“What are you,” Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily again, “You don’t know the southeast, southwest and northwest just praised you for two sentences?”

“I was successfully robbed by you, with your IQ, my face will not be lost to nine days and ten earths?”

Lu Shaoqing fiercely swung his sword and rushed over, his body was shocked, and then he remembered that he was indeed such a person.

If there is something dangerous, you can’t wait to uproot it, burn it down, and throw it away.


I am not afraid of threats from others at all.


The doppelganger does not dare to risk it anymore, does not hide, and waits to be hacked to death.

“Mad, when did I provoke?

“Don’t run, don’t push, continue to be tough with me.”

Lu Shaoqing chased after the doppelganger with the Wuqiu sword.

Qi Xun roared again and again, “Damn, damn it!” Zhuge Xun

was speechless in the distance.

This guy, what a bastard.

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His own doppelganger couldn’t help him, but was so angry that he vomited blood.

However, Zhuge Xun had to admit that Lu Shaoqing’s method was the best.

The doppelganger threatened Lu Shaoqing with himself, and Lu Shaoqing simply put on a look that he didn’t want you, and cut with his sword in hand.

Forced to be intimidated.

“Damn it!” the doppelganger was chased and fled, so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

But the doppelganger did not give up, if it is hard or not, it will come soft.

The doppelganger turned around and shouted, “Slowly, I have something to say.”

“You said!” Lu Shaoqing’s long sword paused slightly, and as soon as the doppelganger stopped, Lu Shaoqing suddenly exerted his strength, and the Mojun sword fell again.

Leave a sword on the doppelganger again.

“Ah!” the

doppelganger screamed, “You, mean!”

Lu Shaoqing waved his sword triumphantly.

“Come!” Lu Shaoqing pointed at the doppelganger, “What do you have to say?” The

doppelganger suppressed the anger in his heart, and stared at Lu Shaoqing with resentment in his eyes, “I admit defeat

!” “Plop!” Zhuge

Xun in the distance heard the doppelganger shouting like this, he really couldn’t help it, and knelt directly.

It is really worthy of being a doppelganger, and there is no difference from the main body.

Shamelessly, that’s not at all face.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “That’s right, come, quickly stick out your dog’s head.”

The doppelganger gritted his teeth, “Can you discuss

?” “Discuss what?” Lu

Shaoqing held the Mojun sword, like a general who returned with a great victory, and said arrogantly, “There is no negotiation, what I say is what it is.”

The doppelganger came to Lu Shaoqing vigilantly and stared at him deadly, “You and I are one, there is no need to separate you from death and life.” ”

That’s right,” Lu Shaoqing nodded, agreeing with this sentence, “Fighting is the most uninteresting.

“You and I can divide the priorities!” the doppelganger took two more steps.

Lu Shaoqing disagreed, “What is the priority, there has always been only me, you, get out!” ”

You leave obediently, I can give you a puppet body to save your life.”

The doppelganger snorted and gritted his teeth, “Impossible. ”

Unwilling?” Lu Shaoqing pointed to Zhuge Xun in the distance, “There’s a chick there, do you want it?”


voice was deliberately very loud, and Zhuge Xun’s divine sense caught it in the distance, so angry that she roared angrily, “Damn bastard!” Lu

Shaoqing turned to Zhuge Xun and said, “What are you angry about? Isn’t this a discussion with you?”

In that instant, the doppelganger pounced like a lion fighting a rabbit, and a monstrous divine consciousness permeated out.

In an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed, and the void twisted again.

Zhuge Xun also changed color.

This feeling she will never forget for the rest of her life.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense attack had cleaned her up before.

Now, it was his turn to shoot at him, just a breath, Lu Shaoqing held his head and screamed….

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