“Haha…” rampant

smug laughter sounded in the sea of knowledge.

The doppelganger’s divine consciousness entered the sea of knowledge.

“Let you be tricky

, in the end, not a middle plan?” “Middle plan?” A voice sounded faintly, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded above the doppelganger’s head, “How do you know that I didn’t mean it?” The doppelganger

suddenly raised his head, Lu Shaoqing stood in the sky, a golden ball of light behind Lu Shaoqing, shining like the sun, making Lu Shaoqing look sacred and inviolable.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the doppelganger’s divine consciousness and shook his head, “It’s black from the outside to the inside, you say, how can I take you out to meet people like this?”


, you look like this, you still dare to go out, and you dare to yell and devour me?” The

doppelganger sneered, “Stupid, you let me in, one of your feet has already stepped into hell.”

“Now, I’ll send you down.” Divine

consciousness spread, turning into a spear-like spike that pierced Lu Shaoqing.

The surface is black and shiny, full of fierce and fierce aura.

What Lu Shaoqing cultivated, the doppelganger also cultivated.

Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly and fell from the sky in the same way.

“Boom!” The

two divine senses collided fiercely together, and a huge wave suddenly set off in the sea of knowledge.

Invisible fluctuations constantly echo in the sea of knowledge.

“Whoosh!” Lu Shaoqing covered his head, and his own head screamed in pain.

A battle broke out in the sea of knowledge, and the damage caused was borne by Lu Shaoqing himself.

Lu Shaoqing felt a little trance, two divine senses collided, each with its own damage, regardless of the uncle.

But in general, it was Lu Shaoqing who suffered.

His main body has been destroyed, and then the doppelganger side can easily gain the upper hand.

Moreover, the two divine senses fought both defeats here, and Lu Shaoqing won in the end, but also suffered a loss.

After all, the doppelganger is also its own.

“Haha…” The

avatar also has Lu Shaoqing’s cleverness and cunning.

“What about you taking the initiative to let me in?” the doppelganger laughed proudly, his dark face fierce, “Come on, let’s see who can have the last laugh.” ”

Now the two are naked bayonets.

But the doppelganger believes that in the end, he is the one who wins.

If the main body is crippled, the doppelganger can naturally occupy an absolute advantage.

Lu Shaoqing sighed and waved his hand again, “Don’t fight, don’t fight.”

“What’s the point of fighting? Fighting, or I suffer losses, loss-making things, I don’t do it.”

When the doppelganger heard this, he smiled even more happily, “I can’t help you anymore.”

“Whether to fight or not, it’s up to me.” The

doppelganger almost roared at the end, waved his hand fiercely, and the huge fireball appeared again.

There are not many powerful moves he can play now, and the Immortal Fireball Technique is one.


at the huge fireball above the sea of knowledge, Lu Shaoqing sighed, “What a crime!” In the

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past, he often used this trick to deal with others, but now it was his turn to deal with himself.

“Boom!” The

big fireball burned, rumbling and dragging a huge tail towards Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Alas!” His

heart moved, and the golden ball of light that had been hanging in the sky moved.

A golden light was cast, streaked across the sky, and landed on the fireball.

“Boom!” fireworks

burst out once again over the sea of knowledge.

The huge shock wave spread, and Lu Shaoqing covered his head again.


doppelganger looked at Lu Shaoqing, his face turned pale, “You, you…” Lu Shaoqing’s

voice sounded, “I’m wondering, are you my doppelganger

, do you have all my memories.”

“If you knew this, you wouldn’t have come in and fight me for life and death?” “It’s

really strange, can you tell me?” Although

the doppelganger was transformed by his own genshin, he also had his own memory.

Lu Shaoqing also thought about letting the doppelganger in and deciding the winner in the most direct and primitive way.

But he also did not dare to guarantee that the doppelganger would not come in.

Unexpectedly, the doppelganger actually managed to run in, which was simply not too cool.

“Damn, damn it…” the doppelganger roared, “Why didn’t I know you had this thing here

?” “What is this?” Lu

Shaoqing nodded secretly, the golden ball of light came from above, it was too mysterious, and the doppelganger didn’t know and could be said.

It can only be explained by the unfathomable nature of the heavenly way, the unfathomable nature of the heavenly machine, and the blinding of the heavenly machine.

Anyway, I can’t explain it.

“Since you don’t know, then you can go on the road with peace of mind. Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was cold, “Wherever the consciousness that comes out, give me death!” The

golden ball of light dripped around, and the next moment it suddenly sank, like the sun falling, directly towards the doppelganger.

The doppelganger felt the danger, but at the same time he was angry, he thought that the victory was in hand, how could something change?

“Give it to me!”

the doppelganger roared, shooting at the ball of light.


, like a stone smashing an egg, the golden ball of light touched the doppelganger, and the doppelganger screamed, falling apart, and the ball of light did nothing at all, dripping around, and finally returned to the sky.

A black mist emerged from the torn doppelganger, constantly creeping, constantly converging in one direction.

After Lu Shaoqing saw it, he couldn’t help sighing, “Is it because of these?”

The birth consciousness of the avatar cannot appear out of thin air, and there must be some opportunity or introduction.

And those black lightning bolts he absorbed, black mist was undoubtedly the best primer.

Now it seems that it is similar to what I guessed in my heart.

Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly, “Help me purify!” The

golden ball of light buzzed, and the golden light spread all over the earth like the sun, dispelling the darkness.

Some black smoke dissipated from the doppelganger’s divine consciousness, and the divine consciousness was weak with the naked eye.

“Hehe,” Lu Shaoqing rushed towards the doppelganger’s divine consciousness without saying a word, “I’ll send you to hell…”

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