
the doppelganger’s divine consciousness screamed miserably, and was swallowed up by Lu Shaoqing.

After devouring the doppelganger’s divine sense, Lu Shaoqing’s face changed slightly.

“Yes, is it so many aggregates?” The

consciousness of the avatar was not only caused by black lightning and black mist, but also other factors.

The consciousness that he had before in the cave heaven and earth, the consciousness that wanted to devour Xiaohei in the demon world, and his own negative emotions.

Among them, what made Lu Shaoqing speechless was that some parts were actually from the unknown.

Even if he obtains the memory of the doppelganger, he cannot know where part of the doppelganger’s consciousness came from.

It seems to appear out of thin air, mysterious.

At the moment when Yuanshen turned into a doppelganger, these all converged on the doppelganger

, as if a big hand was manipulating, rubbing together the bad things in his body, gathering together, and finally placing them on the doppelganger.

Like raising a moth, it constantly devours and fuses and finally turns into an evil and fierce consciousness.

Once the main body consciousness that devoured Lu Shaoqing was allowed, a brand new Lu Shaoqing would appear.

will become more bloodthirsty and murderous than the current Lu Shaoqing, and will become a demon who wants to destroy the world.

“Gee,” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “If it becomes like that, then the world will definitely be over.”

“After all, I saved the world again?” ”

Alas, the unsung hero is just distressing…”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, and consciousness returned.

In front of him, the doppelganger had become sluggish, as if it had lost consciousness.

But Lu Shaoqing knew how his character could stud?

The doppelganger was motionless, as if he really had lost consciousness.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and came to Lu Shaoqing separately.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Want to lurk and wait for the day when the mountain will rise again?” Lu

Shaoqing controlled the doppelganger and shouted to the sky, “Here, chop it a few times.” ”

The calamity clouds of the Heavenly Tribulation have not yet dispersed, and they are still hovering above the sky.

Lu Shaoqing’s words just fell, and the doppelganger couldn’t calm down.

Under the heavenly calamity, any little ghosts will be able to hide.

The eyes of the doppelganger regained their agility, and the remaining consciousness could not be contained.

He roared, “You, damn it!” thinking

of escaping here, but he was already controlled by Lu Shaoqing and couldn’t get rid of it at all.

“Boom!” The

robbery cloud rolled, and the robbery thunder fell again.

It was still a golden thunder, flashing golden light in the void, slashing through, leaving a golden track, and finally falling heavily on Lu Shaoqing and the doppelganger.

“Ah…” the

doppelganger screamed, his body seemed to be hot, and black mist continued to emerge.

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As soon as the black mist came out, it was cleared by golden lightning.

And as the black smoke dissipated, the consciousness of the doppelganger also weakened.

“Damn, damn it, I, I won’t let it go…” The doppelganger’s consciousness struggled desperately, thinking of escaping, but he was firmly controlled by Lu Shaoqing, imprisoned in his body, and there was no way to escape.

“Wha…” Lu Shaoqing also shouted, “It hurts, don’t cut the wrong person.” The

Tribulation Cloud in the sky ignored it, lowered the Tribulation Thunder again, and once again slashed at the two of them.

Repeating this way, Lu Shaoqing and the doppelganger were chopped five times, and the thunder robbery did not stop until there was no more black mist coming out of the doppelganger.

The consciousness of the doppelganger also seemed to dissipate in the thunder, and there was no more movement.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the doppelganger, looking up and down, and at the same time his consciousness switched to the doppelganger, carefully feeling it again and again, lest there was still the consciousness of the doppelganger left inside.

At the same time, the golden ball of light also quietly appeared, scanning the avatar again and again like an X-ray.

It was not until it was determined that the doppelganger no longer had any residual consciousness that Lu Shaoqing began to fuse.

When the two bodies are fused.

“Boom!” There

seemed to be a shock in the void, and a powerful aura erupted from Lu Shaoqing’s body and then spread.

“Poof!” Zhuge

Xun, who was looking at this place from afar, was directly shot away by the invisible force, and the blood spurted directly, and he passed out directly.

This invisible force continues to spread, thousands of miles and billions of miles, all the way to the distance.

The Void Storm, turbulence, etc. encountered shattered under the impact of this invisible force.

This power spread all the way to the depths of the void, and at the same time alarmed some sleeping beings.

Many beings in the darkness woke up, opened their eyes, and looked in the direction where Lu Shaoqing was.


is a breakthrough of the same kind? “How many years

?” “Finally there is a new kind of kind, is it at that moment of

turmoil?” “Oh, no matter, continue to sleep, the turmoil will not reach us anyway.”


, if you want to go to the beginningless realm, you have to see the new kind…” Some

ancient voices echoed in the void.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly picked up the wind here, and countless void storms gathered.

At the same time, the sound of music seemed to sound in the void, like a fairy sound, pleasant and intoxicating.

There seemed to be a looming fragrance echoing in the air, heaven and earth were happy together, and spiritual energy surged, as if congratulating Lu Shaoqing on entering the merging period.

Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, and the surrounding formation rose again, and he sat cross-legged in the formation and began to consolidate the realm.

What Lu Shaoqing didn’t notice was that the storage ring on his hand had been glowing slightly, and after Lu Shaoqing broke through, the light dimmed and recovered as before.

Inside the Time House, above the coffin, the silhouette was hanging, and the voice was full of dissatisfaction.

“It’s just rubbish, I thought how powerful it was, I didn’t think I couldn’t even fight a small human being.”

“Got it bastard boy, I’m still worried about you. The

voice was very dissatisfied, reprimanding the doppelganger for not giving strength.

For a long time, Qianying chuckled, and the moving voice echoed, “It’s good, I thought your kid would suffer a little, although it was a little disappointed, but it was good.”

“I, I really didn’t choose the wrong person…”

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