I don’t know how long it took, Zhuge Xun, who had passed out, woke up faintly.



am I? Where am

I? What happened to me?

After I asked three questions, Zhuge Xun came back to his senses.

After waking up, she ignored her pain, immediately stood up and looked into the distance again.

She remembered that after Lu Shaoqing crossed the robbery, he fought with the doppelganger, and then was slashed by lightning.

Finally, a powerful force struck, and she passed out.

What happened to that bastard?

Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but feel a little worried in his heart.

Just as she looked around, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came from behind her, “Are you awake?” Zhuge

Xun was startled, she hurriedly turned around and saw Lu Shaoqing standing behind her.

Why didn’t I find out?

Like a ghost, it scares people to death.

Zhuge Xun complained in his heart, while looking at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s aura became ordinary, just like before, inconspicuous, saying that he was a mortal would be believed.

However, the intuition of the refining period told Zhuge Xun that what was hidden under the ordinary appearance was the terrifying strength.

Zhuge Xun looked at Lu Shaoqing, and finally searched for a long time before finding a suitable sentence, “You crossed the calamity, succeeded?”

All these things are refreshing Zhuge Xun’s world view, making Zhuge Xun sure that Lu Shaoqing in front of him is the only one, absolutely unprecedented.

“Nonsense, standing in front of you alive, still unsuccessful?” Zhuge

Xun rolled his eyes, his tone still as annoying as ever.

Just one sentence made the anger in her heart come out.

Abominable bastard!

Zhuge Xun took two deep breaths to calm himself down.

When I calmed down, I felt the pain in my body, and my physical condition was very bad.

She couldn’t help but ask, “How long have I been in a coma?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, not forgetting to despise it, “You are too weak, are you really a genius of the Demon Clan

?” “The genius of the Yin Shi family is like this?” his

expression immediately became serious, “If it were all people like you, the Yin Shi family would eat jujube pills.” ”

Damn bastard

, Zhuge Xun’s hard-to-suppress anger instantly came out again, and he shouted angrily, “Do you want to take care of it?” “Do

I need to tell you how awesome my hidden family is?

If it were all geniuses like me, the hidden family would have ruled the cold star long ago, and then returned to the ancestral star to kill all your human race.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “I’m worried about your hidden family.”

“I don’t know the good heart.

Zhuge Xun snorted and asked, “Why don’t you wake me up?” Lu

Shaoqing said truthfully, “You yourself said that you want you to take care of it, but don’t worry, I am a decent gentleman and will not take advantage of you.”

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After saying this, Lu Shaoqing found that Zhuge Xun’s face turned red.

It’s flushed.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly wondered, “What’s wrong with you, do you have a fever? ”

I want you to take care of it!” Zhuge Xun roared fiercely, “You give me a roll!” Lu

Shaoqing blinked, feeling a little aggrieved, “Petty, didn’t you just call you?

She couldn’t stay here anymore, and the shyness in her heart erupted like a volcano, making her ashamed and angry.

Hit the illusion, what happened in the fantasy, now that I think about it, Zhuge Xun just wants to die.

“Where are you going?” asked Lu Shaoqing curiously.

Zhuge Xun shouted angrily again, “I want you to take care of it

!” “Oh!” Lu

Shaoqing snorted, and then took out a flying boat from the storage ring and left directly.

Zhuge Xun turned around, and when he saw this scene, he was immediately dumbfounded, as if he saw a scumbag, “Bastard, what are you going to do?”

Zhuge Xun rushed over with a breath, Lu Shaoqing stopped, and looked at Zhuge Xun in amazement.


Xun exploded, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he first spewed blood, and then roared, “Where are you going?” Lu

Shaoqing pointed to the distant deep space, “Go over there, find your way home.” ”

You deserve to die!” Zhuge Xun continued to roar the evil dragon, “You don’t plan to wait for me?” Zhuge

Xun was even a little panicked in her heart, in the Void, her injuries like this, without Lu Shaoqing’s help, she would die in other dangers if she didn’t die in the Void Storm.

Lu Shaoqing blinked, looking a little innocent, “Want you to take care of it?”


! Beast

, bastard!

Zhuge Xun suddenly regretted a little in his heart, regretting that he didn’t make a move on that illusionary Lu Shaoqing at the first time when he was in the illusion realm.

He should have shot early and killed him.

“But, hateful, poof…”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “Be careful, don’t vomit so much, don’t vomit yourself to death.” ”

Bastard, bastard…”

Zhuge Xun suddenly felt a little dizzy, and he didn’t know if he vomited too much blood or was angry.

I can’t go on like this, I either vomit blood and die of anger.

Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth, jumped on the flying boat, sat down directly, closed his five senses, and no longer paid attention to external affairs.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing smiled, did not say anything, and flew the take-off boat in the direction mentioned by the boundary plate.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, looked at his hand, and muttered, “It’s whiter again.”

“Gee, the doppelganger fusion, has the melanin been decomposed?” Then

, looking at the distance, the deep darkness, unable to see the slightest light, whispered to himself, “What is there?”

“If it weren’t for the broken plate saying that there might be a way back there, I wouldn’t want to go to death.”

Lu Shaoqing then looked back at Zhuge Xun, who was sitting on the boat, “With a low-level cultivator, it’s trouble. ”

If it weren’t for taking care of Zhuge Xun and giving Zhuge Xun time to heal, Lu Shaoqing wouldn’t have taken the boat.

In his current realm, his own speed of rushing is more than a thousand times faster than taking a boat.

“Alas, I don’t know where Senior Brother went, should there be any adventures…”

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