Xiao Yi squatted under the old plane tree and said to the plane tree, “Old Wu, is there a way for me to go to my senior brother?”

Xiao Yi supported his chin with his knees, looking very depressed and bored.

“Without the two senior brothers, I feel that the world is no longer interesting.

“Oh, it’s boring.

“It’s true, the second senior brother actually didn’t take me, he wanted to go to the void with the senior brother.


do they want to do, leave me this little junior sister, don’t the consciences of the two senior brothers hurt

?” “Void, I have only spent a little time in it…” A

face appeared on the trunk in front of Xiao Yi, and the plane tree shouted, “Little girl, can you go elsewhere?”

You have been coming to me for more than two months arguing. ”

Don’t you have to cultivate?”

the plane tree was annoyed.

Xiao Yi has been coming to it almost every day since he came back to make noise, and he can’t sleep if he wants to.

Do you have a way?” Xiao Yi looked at the face that was close at hand, and reached out to pluck on the eyebrows of the plane tree.

“Huh, no eyebrows

?” “What for?” Sycamore tried to hit someone, “You must have been damaged by that kid.”

“Is there a way?” asked Xiao Yi again.

“No!” ”

You and I are a god?” The

plane tree showed Xiao Yi how to roll his eyes on the tree, “Run to the void for a hundred years?”

“That kid likes spirit stones so much, you burn more for him.”

Xiao Yi patted the plane tree with his hand, “Don’t talk nonsense, they will be fine.” ”


The plane tree expressed disbelief and sneered disdainfully, and just as he was about to speak, Xiao Hei, who was standing on the tree, suddenly opened his eyes.

Xiao Hei changed back to his body, his gaze became wooden, and an indescribable aura appeared from Xiao Hei.

“Xiao Hei, what’s wrong with you?”

Xiao Yi stood up, Xiao Hei did not speak, opened his mouth and sprayed, a black flame rushed out and burned in the air.

The space was burned through, and the Void Storm was scraped out of it.

Little Black’s wings flew in.

“Xiao Hei!” Xiao Yi hurriedly typed a transmission note to the master, and then followed in without saying a word.

“Wait, I’ll take a look too!”

After thinking for a moment, the plane tree also turned into an old man and followed with a swoop.

After Xiao Yi entered the void, there was a void storm whistling around, like a world of wind.

“Xiao Hei, what’s wrong with you?” After Xiao Yi came in, he found that Xiao Hei had become a little girl.

“Uncle Junior, where is this, I’m afraid!”

Sycamores: …

“You don’t know?”

Looking at Xiao Hei shaking his head, Xiao Yi was just about to ask something, and suddenly noticed that there was something different around him.

“Huh?” Before

he could speak, the wind around him became more violent again.

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A powerful aura descended.

The next moment, Xiao Yi saw a vortex appear, like the eye of a storm.

When you look closely, you will find that it is actually a transparent mass in the whirlpool.

As it appeared, the surrounding aura became gloomy and cold.

“What is that?”

the plane tree next to him changed his face and whispered, “Void Wind Spirit.” ”

Can you eat it?”

the sycamore tree’s forehead jumped violently, “Eat a fart

!” “A very dangerous existence, the Void Storm here is all controlled by it, hurry up!” Not

many people know about the Void Wind Spirit, and those who know may all die.

The plane tree still knows about this existence because it is alive, and it happens to retain this part of the memory.

“Whew…” The

surrounding void storm became more violent, and the pulling force was even greater.

Xiao Yi is now just a nine-layer realm of the Avatar God, and under the pull of these forces, he feels the pressure.

Her body seemed to be being pulled in all directions by countless large hands, threatening to tear her to pieces.

Xiao Yi drew his sword, “Look at me…” ”

It’s right to run quickly!” The plane tree drank, and then waved his big hand, protecting Xiao Yi from fleeing into the distance.

The plane tree is a refining period, and it is more than enough to cope with this power.

He knows the terrifying nature of the Void Wind Spirit, how to fight in the home field of others?

Xiao Hei, who was held by Xiao Yi, suddenly rose up into the sky, and with a birdsong, he recovered his body.

The pitch-black feathers seemed to be a little darker than the darkness here.

Xiao Hei’s figure became larger, and a powerful aura spread from her.

Xiao Yi was shocked, “When will Xiao Hei break

through?” Wutong Shu despised, “She has already broken through, don’t you know?”

After despising Xiao Yi, the plane tree couldn’t help but complain, “What is the little bird going to do

?” “It’s right to run away!” ”

Shouldn’t she kill

the Void Storm?” “Can’t it?” Xiao Yi asked rhetorically, with pride on his face, “This is my family’s Xiao Hei, my second senior brother’s precious daughter, the Void Storm, what is it?”

A girl who has never seen the world.

Also, this tone is no different from that bastard boy.

Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, do not know the height of the sky.

In the distance, Xiao Hei fluttered his wings and soared into the void.

After screaming, she burst into the void storm, and countless void storms flapped her wings and collapsed one after another.

“Whew…” The

Void Wind Spirit was furious, and directly turned into a giant storm and rushed towards Xiao Hei.

The storm in the sky seemed to become its tentacles, opening its teeth and dancing its claws, fiercely surrounding Xiao Hei.

Soon, Xiao Hei’s figure disappeared into the storm.

Xiao Yi’s heart suddenly clenched, and the plane tree shook his head, “It’s dangerous!” Xiao Yi urged the plane tree, “Don’t

just talk, hurry up and help Xiao Hei.”

The plane tree rolled his eyes, “I can’t fight!” He

is a divine tree, even if it is in the refining realm, he is not good at fighting.

“What do you want…”

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