The bastard boy left,


you bastard girl was around, and I felt that the bastard boy was not leaving.

“Little bird fierce Dorji less…” Before

the words fell, Xiao Hei’s chirping sounded.

Xiao Hei rushed out of the Void Storm, with a roaring flame on the surface of his body.

Black flames burned on her like birds of hell.

Her wings flapped and the next moment, a monstrous flame appeared.

The black flames, like flames emerging from hell, instantly covered a radius of hundreds of miles.

A tentacle-like void storm burned under the shroud of black flames, becoming a sea of fire.

“Whew…” The

Void Storm blew even more violently, but in the eyes of Xiao Yi and the Sycamore Tree, it was the Void Wind Spirit that was screaming.

The Void Wind Spirit, which was like a storm cluster, soon revealed its original appearance, and the surrounding Void Storm had been continuously dissipating and collapsing under the burning of black flames.

In the end, only the Void Wind Spirit was left with a lonely family, and the surrounding Void Storm had disappeared without a trace.

The Void Storm twisted its transparent body, struggling to escape like a jellyfish in danger.

Xiao Hei screamed, making a childish voice, “Where to escape?” ”

Come to my pot!” His

wings shook, like an eagle pounced, straight into the void wind spirit.

Sycamore was heartbroken and regretted, “You’ve all been taught badly by that bastard brat.” ”

What a good girl, how come they have all been taught badly?

The world is finished.

Xiao Hei caught up with the Void Wind Spirit, and a pair of sharp claws pierced into the body of the Void Wind Spirit like a sharp blade.

The Void Wind Spirit struggled desperately, and an aura of fear spread from it.

Xiao Hei ignored it, and the black flame spread along the claws to the body of the Void Wind Spirit.

Soon, the Void Wind Spirit lost its struggle.

Xiao Hei turned back into human form and ran back with a grin.

“Uncle Master, look!” Xiao

Hei wanted to find a novel toy, and triumphantly showed off to Xiao Yi.

The Void Wind Spirit lost consciousness, like a transparent jellyfish, wrapped in a membrane on the outside, and pure energy on the inside.

A ball of energy is twice as large as the humanoid Blackie.

Xiao Yi and the plane tree stared at each other for a long time, Xiao Yi hesitantly asked, “Dead?”

Xiao Hei smiled, reached out and dug out, from above dug out a ball of transparent, jelly-like things and handed it to Xiao Yi.

“Uncle, give!”

Xiao Yi felt that there was an incomparably pure energy on it, but he felt a little disgusting when he looked at it, “What is this?” ”

Eat, delicious!”

Xiao Hei stuffed a mouthful into his mouth, Xiao Yi and Wutong Tree felt that a stream of energy was swallowed and absorbed by Xiao Hei, and at the same time, Xiao Hei’s aura became a little stronger.

Xiao Yi looked at the plane tree, “Didn’t you say you can’t eat it?”

The plane tree covered his forehead, and there was nothing to say.

“Uncle Junior, don’t you want it?” asked Xiao Hei very intimately.

Xiao Yi shook her head and said no, mainly because she felt disgusting, she asked Xiao Hei, “Where to find your father?”


didn’t know how to come here, where she knew where to find Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi was dizzy, “Don’t care about eating.”

“We’re here to find your dad, not here.” ”

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The plane tree demolished, “You came here to find them or are you not here to play with them?” Xiao

Hei sucked and swallowed all the Void Wind Spirits into his stomach, and his breath skyrocketed.

Xiao Hei, who was well fed and drunk, became a little drowsy.

She mainly relies on sleep to digest and cultivate.

She rolled and skillfully jumped onto the neck of the plane tree, “I will sleep…” Holding

the head of the plane tree, she fell asleep.

Xiao Yi: ……

Sycamore: ……

Xiao Yi huffed, “Unreliable little fellow.”

Sycamore agreed, “Yes, like that bastard boy.”

Xiao Yi hurriedly pinched Xiao Hei’s face, “Don’t sleep, you tell me how to find your father.”

Xiao Hei pointed in one direction, sleepy eyes, “Over there…”

After speaking, he directly fell asleep.

“Wake up, don’t sleep first…” Even

Xiao Yi pinched his face with both hands and roared loudly at Xiao Hei did not respond.

On the contrary, the plane tree couldn’t stand her magic voice, “Don’t shout, be considerate of me as an old fellow.” ”

Abominable!” Xiao Yi rubbed his face, feeling helpless.

The second senior brother is obviously very reliable, why is the little black born so unreliable?

“Or, go back?” The plane tree looked in the direction that Xiao Hei was pointing, distant and dark.

Looking at it makes people feel stunned.

Even an old guy like Sycamore Tree felt a hairshed in his heart.

“Cut,” Xiao Yicai didn’t want to go back, “I must find the second senior brother.”

“Maybe Master is waiting for me with a whip now, so I don’t want to go back so soon.”

The plane tree was depressed, “You girl really doesn’t know how high the sky is and the earth is thick.”

“Don’t you know that the void is dangerous

?” Xiao Yi squinted at the

plane tree, “Are you afraid?” “Nonsense,” the plane tree reminded again, “There is no spiritual power here, and it is not a good place for you and me.”

“What about encountering the Void Wind Spirit again then?” ”

Go back, it’s not good to wait for the bastard boy to come back?”

Xiao Yi shook his head, “It’s not good, it’s boring.” ”

I don’t want to be stupid at home.”

Senior brother and second senior brother want to leave me to love each other, no way.

I have to follow.

The electric light bold, I calmed down.

Moreover, Xiao Yi looked at

the plane tree, “Can you feel the way back?” “What do you mean?” The plane tree felt it, and his face immediately changed, “What’s going on?”

Xiao Yi shook his head, “I don’t know, now that Xiao Hei is asleep, it’s useless to ask her.”

“So, we have no choice, let’s go!” Then

the plane tree noticed Xiao Yi looking at him, “What for?” Xiao Yi

immediately sneered, “Grandpa Sycamore, you are so old, you must be very powerful, you take me.” ”

The plane tree is angry, and this little girl also plans to use him as a mount and let him take him with him.

“Don’t, I don’t want to die!” ”

Grandpa Sycamore

…” Xiao Yi sold cute, and the plane tree fell, “I must have destroyed the world before, otherwise how could I meet you.” ”

Let’s go…”

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