Although the plane tree said that the combat effectiveness was not good, the speed was still very fast.

As a divine tree, you can’t do good work on your feet, and it’s easy to be peeled off.

The plane tree took Xiao Yi here in the void and hurried quickly.

Often a single step can cross hundreds of millions of miles.

Sycamore trees are experienced in rushing and have a keen sense of smell, and he avoids places that seem to be dangerous as soon as he encounters them along the way, preferring to detour and spend more time than rush straight over.

I don’t know how far I went, but gradually, Xiao Yi sensed that something was wrong.

“Hey, why are there more

Void Wind Spirits?” At the beginning, they didn’t encounter many Void Wind Spirits.

Where there is the existence of the Void Wind Spirit, a huge storm will form.

Some are tens of millions of miles, some are hundreds of millions of miles, but there are not many encounters along the way.

Sycamore trees also take a detour.

But now, it is often not a few steps before encountering one, or even several storm clusters formed by the Void Wind Spirit.

“Little girl, do you want to keep going?”

The plane tree already felt the pressure.

The slightest mistake is easy to spot.

The range of storms formed by the Void Wind Spirit here is not large, it is only a million li, tens of millions of li.

But there are not many of them, and there is not much space between them for plane trees to pass through.

“Go, why not go?” Xiao Yi’s eyes were already shining at this time, and he couldn’t wait to rush over quickly to see what was behind the Void Wind Spirit.

“Aren’t you curious, so many Void Wind Spirits gathered here, it must be some important place.

“Maybe, Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother are inside.

The plane tree pouted, “Just kidding, they didn’t dare to provoke the Void Wind Spirit when they came here.” ”

So many Void Wind Spirits, rushing up, no matter what kind of genius master you are, they will all be killed.

The plane trees have no choice, they have all come here, so they can only continue to detour.

However, around, around, the plane tree could not be circled, “the front can’t pass.”

Xiao Yi looked up, and several storm clusters slowly rotated.

Layer by layer, like holding hands.

Standing here, the surrounding void storm whistled, making her feel great pressure in this Avatar Period.

“Can’t get around?” Xiao Yi was a little disappointed.

The plane tree pointed ahead, “See for yourself, how to get around!” There

were also storm clusters formed by the Void Wind Spirit further away.

At a glance, there is no end in sight, like a dead end.

Xiao Yi was helpless, sneaking over or something.

As for forcibly breaking in, Xiao Yi did not have this idea.

Strength is not good, hard to break in, waiting to be killed here.

“Alas, if only the two senior brothers were here. ”

The senior brother will go straight through, and the second senior brother will definitely think of other ways to go over.”

Sycamore Tree scorned, “Think too much.”

“In this kind of place, they don’t dare to break in, don’t think that the Void Wind Spirit is easy to bully.”

“They are considered to be the original creatures of the Void, their origin is mysterious, this is their home field, no one dares to challenge them here in the Void…”


, as soon as the words of the plane tree fell, a sword light struck from the distance behind Xiao Yi.

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The sword light was so striking in the darkness, like opening the heavens and the earth.

“Boom…” Several

storm clusters in front of Xiao Yi and Sycamore Tree were instantly split in half, causing a violent explosion.

“Whew…” The

surrounding void storm suddenly erupted, whistling towards the distance.

The Void Wind Spirits that had not been slashed around seemed to have been awakened, and suddenly moved towards the distance one by one.

Countless storms gathered here, and Xiao Yi and the plane tree suddenly felt endless pressure.

“Oops!” The

Sycamore Tree’s face changed wildly, and they were also enveloped in the storm.

Just as the plane tree was about to escape directly with Xiao Yi, another sword light struck from a distance.

“Boom!” Those

Void Wind Spirits that had just wanted to move were split in half again, and the rumbling explosions were endless.

A white figure floated in from a distance.

“Senior Brother!”

Xiao Yi shouted excitedly.

The plane tree also looked at Ji Yan stupidly, like a sword god under the ordinary, invincible to the world.

Sure enough, this is the person he should follow.

And not that bastard guy.

“Why are you here?” Ji Yan was surprised by Xiao Yi who suddenly appeared here.

“Hehe,” Xiao Yi smiled and put the pot on Xiao Hei’s head, “Xiao Hei brought us in.” Ji

Yan naturally didn’t believe it, and stared at Xiao Yi sharply.

“Some days gone, and learn to lie?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly pulled the witness, and the plane tree said that Xiao Yi was right, “It is true that this little bird brought us here.”

Ji Yan stared at Xiao Hei, who was sleeping on the neck of the plane tree, and did not say anything.

Xiao Hei’s origin is mysterious, and it may be possible to have this function.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurriedly changed the topic, “What about the second senior brother?” ”

I don’t know!” Ji Yan shook his head, “I got separated from him.”

Although he was separated, Ji Yan was not the slightest worry about Lu Shaoqing.

Just like Lu Shaoqing didn’t worry about him.

“Boom!” The

surrounding void storms continued to hit, and many storm clusters in the distance could be seen moving towards them.

Countless storms became tentacles and claws, and they rushed towards them.

The gloomy and cold aura emanating from the Void Storm made the surrounding space seem to freeze, making people’s souls tremble.

Ji Yan noticed all this and said to Xiao Yi and Wutong Tree, “Let’s go.”

“Where to go?” Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, she liked this kind of adventure.

“Go to the second senior brother?”

Ji Yan opened the way in front, “Go to the front and take a look, I feel that something is calling me over there.” Xiao

Yi and Wutong Shu followed behind Ji Yan, who had reached the stage of convergence, and their strength was so strong that they had no friends.

In the eyes of Xiao Yi and the Wutong Tree, none of the difficult Void Wind Spirits could carry a sword.

Although there were one Void Wind Spirit after another in front of them, they could not stop Ji Yan’s footsteps.

In this way, Xiao Yi and Wutong Tree followed Ji Yan all the way to kill, and I don’t know how long it took, and suddenly Xiao Yi and the two felt a light in front of them.

Ahead, there is a light shining….

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