The light is soft and shining from afar.

Xiao Yi looked up, and in the distance, a continent appeared, and the continent glowed slightly, looking at it from afar, as if a hood covered the continent.

Where the light shone, there was no Void Wind Spirit, nor did the slightest Void Storm exist.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but turn around, and behind him, light and darkness were clearly distinguished.

Behind her was a void storm formed by clusters of Void Wind Spirits, where the place of light was their forbidden place, and they were in awe and did not dare to cross the half-step thunder pool.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but ask the plane tree next to him, “What is there?”

His mouth opened slightly and he shook his head, “I, I don’t know.”

Xiao Yi despised, “Then you are still embarrassed to say that you have lived for a long time and know everything?”

Finally he huffed, “You’ve been taught bad by that bastard boy.” After

Xiao Yi despised the plane tree, he ran to ask Ji Yan, “Senior brother, do you say that something is calling you inside?”

The plane tree couldn’t help but remind, “Beware is dangerous.” ”

A continent suddenly appeared here, and it was still glowing, which was a stark contrast to the dark void here.

There is no danger, and it is not believed to kill the plane tree.

Of course, if it was Lu Shaoqing, Wutong Shu felt that he would not open his mouth to remind him.

Ji Yan smiled slightly, and said lightly, “I would like to see what is the danger of seeing it.”

After speaking, he stepped over, and Xiao Yi and the two hurriedly followed.

Although it looked close, it took them quite a bit of time to arrive.

As it approached, there was indeed a barrier-like film on the surface of the continent.

Ji Yan did not hesitate, stepped over, there was no obstruction in the film, Ji Yan they stepped here easily.

However, as soon as the three stepped here, they quickly fell towards the ground.


Here, the spiritual power in their bodies disappeared, and the cultivation spells could not be used.

Stepping here, they felt as if they had become mortals.

However, they are monks in the end, although they cannot fly, but their physical instincts are still there.

The last three also landed steadily.

“What happened?”

Xiao Yi’s face turned pale, and his heart was about to jump out, plopping down, this was the first time this feeling appeared after cultivation.

Subsequently, she checked her body and found that the aura in her body had long disappeared.

She seemed to have become mortal again.

However, Xiao Yi was not afraid, let alone panicked, because she had a senior brother by her side.

Ji Yan tried to diffuse his divine sense, but soon frowned.

“Here, there is no time, no rules, as if it were a separate world.

Xiao Yi was startled, and the plane tree also widened his eyes.

He felt that, indeed, there was no flow of time here, and there were no rules.

That is, if a person is here, he can do immortality.


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What’s more.

A separate world, a whole new world.

Everything they learned outside is useless here.

There is no spiritual power, no spells, no sword skills, and magic weapons cannot be used.

They became a mortal in this world.

The plane tree couldn’t help but look up, behind the light was darkness, and here was indeed the void.

The rumored desolation is uninhabited, a dead void.

After the plane tree had lived for so long, he suddenly felt like a dirt bun and had never seen anything in the world.

An independent world, a world completely different from the outside world, he also saw it for the first time.

“Want to go out?” the plane tree couldn’t help but ask.

Then he looked behind them, behind them was a cliff, and even if they wanted to get out, they had to climb up to get out.

The plane tree wants to get out of here, it’s too weird.

An independent world, they can be said to be unrestrained here, in case of danger, they really call every day should not be, shout the ground is not working.

“What are you doing out there?”

said Ji Yan and Xiao Yi in unison.

This is a whole new world, and if you come here, if you don’t explore it, even Ji Yan will feel regretful.

What’s more, retreating when you know that there is danger is not the style of Ji Yan.

As for Xiao Yi, he was already trembling with excitement.

A new world, when the time comes, say it, and have a lot of face.

In such a place, how could this be a glance and then retreat?

The plane tree slapped the door of the head, and there was no salvation.

Sure enough, it was a senior brother and sister.

“Aren’t you afraid of danger?” the plane tree’s beard whispered.

He regretted it, regretted running to this kind of place, it was too dangerous.

A hundred plane trees do not support venturing in such a strange place.

He can live so long, it is all cautious and careful, and he definitely does not go to the fun out of curiosity.

The word adventure has disappeared into history along with his youthful roots.

The plane tree can’t wait to leave here immediately.

Xiao Yi said confidently to the plane tree, “Don’t worry, there is a senior brother, it’s okay.” Whether

it was Ji Yan or Lu Shaoqing, they had never disappointed Xiao Yi.

The two of them ranked first side by side in Xiao Yi’s mind, and they were absolute pillars of the sky.

Following the two of them, Xiao Yi never worried about danger.

Sycamore wanted to take a branch out of herself to smoke Xiao Yi so that she could see reality clearly.

Now that everyone is mortal, I can fight with your senior brother, and maybe I can win him.


Shu looked at Ji Yan, thinking of a few more words of persuasion, but Ji Yan took the lead and walked forward, “Let’s go!”

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