Ji Yan led the way in front, his body was straight, his eyes were sharply patrolling the four directions, and the whole person exuded a sharp aura.

Xiao Yi walked in the middle, looking around with a grin, like a lively elf in a mountain stream.

The plane tree walked behind with a sad face, and a sleeping little black was still held around his neck.

The plane trees were full of grudges and looked around, lest a beast jump out halfway and swallow them all.

The distance is far away, and it is no longer possible to see the void outside through the membrane barrier.

Above the sky overhead, the faint light is rippling, like the ripples on the surface of the water, which is very spectacular.

In fact, it’s a little whirlpool circling.

The plane tree looked at those whirlpools fluttering in the wind, and couldn’t help but guess in his heart, could it be that this is the birthplace of the Void Wind Spirit?

He looked at Ji Yan and Xiao Yi in front of him, and sighed in his heart, no one discussed him.

The plane trees continued to observe the surroundings, the plants here were not dense or tall, the

branches and leaves were sparse and scattered.

Whether it is trees or flowers, plane trees have never been seen.

Growing here, it is not dense, whether the surface of the trees or weeds is gray, not emerald green, so it is not vibrant.

The ground is also gray, giving it an oppressive feeling.

The plane tree is also a plant, and it is also a tree with dense annual rings and countless clear counts.

He also tried to put down roots, but found that the land was not suitable for him.

He had a feeling that if he dared to take root here, he would eventually become the nourishment of the world.

A thought came to the mind of the plane tree.

This world is very weird.


there was a wind blowing around.

The previous Ji Yan stopped.

The plane tree was stunned, and before he could ask anything, suddenly a dangerous aura came, and the plane tree was terrified.

“Yes, there is danger!”

the plane tree subconsciously reminded loudly, and as his words fell, a presence they had seen appeared in front of them.

There are no facial features, no limbs, and the Void Wind Spirit that is squirming on the surface appears.

And unlike what they had seen before, the Void Wind Spirit in front of them was not transparent, but slightly gray, like a gray ball of jelly.

The wind blowing around them was gloomy and cold.

Sycamore felt a chill in his body, and in this world, he felt the cold.

A divine tree that had lived for an unknown amount of time felt the cold.

The Void Wind Spirit squirmed, floating in the air like a ball of jelly, although it had no eyes, it made the plane tree feel like it was being stared at deadly.

He felt like a little white rabbit being targeted by a tiger.

The world is weird, with different rules, and very unfriendly to outsiders.

And the Void Wind Spirit is obviously a local native here, and the danger is self-evident.

However, the Void Wind Spirit also seemed to be wondering what the few people in front of him were.

The two sides stood opposite each other in this way, maintaining a delicate balance for the time being.

After seeing it, the plane tree couldn’t help but whisper, “We, we can try to slowly retreat and don’t provoke it.” ”

They don’t know much about the Void Wind Spirit, and it’s definitely not a wise choice to have a conflict with the Void Wind Spirit here.


, as soon as the plane tree finished speaking, he heard a loud sound.

Ji Yan had already pulled out the Wuqiu sword on his back.


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The plane tree struggled to resist the urge to burst.

What kind of shit Lingxiao Sect Tianyu Peak disciples, they can’t understand people’s words, right?

Nobody listened to what I said, right?

Blame the bastard boy for everything.

It must have been the bad head he brought.

“Confused!” the plane tree couldn’t help but cover his forehead and moan softly.

Isn’t this proper to provoke the other party?

Xiao Yi said, “Che, my senior brother has his own reason for doing things.” ”

The plane tree does not dare to spray Ji Yan, but it dares to spray Xiao Yi.

“Are you stupid, in this situation, you still draw your sword, do you think you are not dying fast enough?”

Sure enough, Ji Yan’s action of drawing his sword angered the Void Wind Spirit.

The yin wind blowing around them whistled, and they gathered together to form a storm that rushed straight away.

Ji Yan couldn’t use either spiritual power spells or sword intent sword moves.

Even the Wuqiu sword lost its edge, and in his hands it could only be said to be like a wooden stick.

When the storm hit, Ji Yan could only raise his long sword to resist.

“Boom!” The

powerful force directly swept Ji Yan away and fell heavily into the distant woods.

Through the sparse trees, Ji Yan’s embarrassment could be seen, but after Ji Yan fell to the ground, he quickly got up.

Although he was a little injured, his eyes were still bright, and the sharp aura on his body was undiminished.

The fighting spirit in the body is constantly rising.

“Come again!”

Ji Yan snorted and rushed over from a distance.

Like a mortal soldier, he killed thousands of troops alone.

He was like a mortal, but the fighting intent exuding from his body was so hot and intense.

Let the wind blowing around you pause for a moment.


the plane tree couldn’t help but sigh when he saw Ji Yan like this, “A genius unparalleled in the world.

“However, I don’t know how to be flexible. ”

In people’s territory, can’t you keep a low profile?

Genius, only a living person can call it a genius.

Xiao Yi was not happy, “Can you old guy not spread negative energy here

?” “Can’t you say a good word about my senior brother?”

The plane tree seemed to raise his head a little, but with Xiao Hei there, it was difficult for him to curl his neck, but the tone was still the same, “We are all in this state, how can we beat each other?” As

soon as he finished speaking, Ji Yan was once again blown away by the storm, he had been shot off several times, and the wounds on his body were more and more than one time.

“Look,” Sycamore pointed at Ji Yan, “isn’t he reckless?” ”

To deal with the enemy, you can not win by relying on a passion for blood, you have to be flexible.” ”

If you continue like this, you will be killed.”

The Void Wind Spirit saw that he hadn’t killed Ji Yan several times, and he seemed to be angry, and the wind around him howled even louder.

It spun and flew straight away.

As it pounced, a storm mass quickly formed around it.

Everywhere he passed, the stones, flowers and trees on the ground were all shattered, and the power was amazing.

“It’s over. The

plane tree’s face turned pale, and he wanted to turn around and run, but at this moment, a sword intent rushed into the sky…

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