The broken sword is more than 10,000 miles high, and it is inserted diagonally on the earth like Optimus Prime.

The hilt of the sword was half submerged into the earth, and the great earthquake was torn apart.

After Ji Yan approached, he saw the black on the hilt of the sword.

The entire hilt had almost turned black, contaminating the hilt of the broken sword like a black fungus.

Harsh and eerie.

Ji Yan’s killing intent suddenly came out.

Needless to say, this place is also found by those monsters, which are polluting and eroding this broken sword.

“Hmph!” Ji

Yan snorted coldly, and the sword intent on his body came out.

Wuqiu sword hummed, out of the sheath!


However, Ji Yan’s sword intent just came out, and the broken sword seemed to react, and a ray of light suddenly erupted on the sword.

“Boom!” The

great earthquake shook, and the light spread dazzlingly, shrouding Ji Yan and Xiao Yi in a few of them.

From a distance, the sword light spread and formed a white barrier that enveloped the radius for thousands of miles.

Then, the entire continent trembled slightly.

An ancient and old aura spread, and all the Void Wind Spirits on the continent roared.

Farther away, some sleeping Void Wind Spirits suddenly woke up.

“A being has broken into the realm of beginninglessness!” ”

Who dares to disturb…”


Lu Shaoqing yawned and stretched.

The flying boat was still moving at full speed, leaving a faint white trail in the darkness.

There is still a void all around, and the endless black darkness is terrifying.

Lu Shaoqing glanced back at Zhuge Xun, more than two months had passed, and Zhuge Xun’s breath had improved a lot.

However, Zhuge Xun’s injury will be completely improved, and it will not be possible in a few years.

Lu Shaoqing thought about it, now is a good opportunity to take the opportunity to cultivate.

Zhuge Xun was immersed in the retreat to heal his injuries, and did not encounter any danger along the way.

The Void Wind Spirit couldn’t touch one for half a day.

The flying boat is unmanned and directly rushes all the way.

Lu Shaoqing set up several formations, just in case, and then took out the Mojun Sword and the Piercing Disk, staring at the two instrument spirits, “Give me a good boat to see the road.”

After speaking, he entered the time house and patted the coffin, “Dead ghost, I’m here for the appointment.” ”

One hundred years!” ”

Lu Shaoqing’s longest cultivation time here is only twenty years.

For the first time in a hundred years.

“Try it, if it doesn’t work, sleep here for decades, and then continue!”

muttered Lu Shaoqing, wrenching his fingers to calculate how much he could improve in a hundred years.

“It’s a period of merging, a hundred years, how can you improve one or two small realms, right?”

One hundred years, cultivate for ten or twenty years, and then rest for ten or twenty years and then cultivate, don’t drive yourself crazy. ”

Happy cultivation…”

a divine thought came, “Two hundred million spirit stones!” Lu

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Shaoqing’s smile froze, and his fingers did not wrench.

He slapped the coffin fiercely, and saliva flew down three thousand feet, “Do you think I’m not good at math, or do you think I can’t have a good memory

?” “Grandma Li’s dead ghost king bastard, fool me, right?” ”

Come and come, you climb out for me, I’ll settle accounts with you, you can’t do math I’ll teach you for free.”

“One hundred thousand spirit stones a month, a hundred years is only 120 million, and before calculating the double flight, it was only 240 million.

“Now I’m alone, you dare to shout 200 million spirit stones, and your whole body has only one guts left, that’s why you dare to shout like this, right?”

Bu Shuangfei also dared to call him 200 million, really treat the spirit stone as a snack?

After a while, the divine thought came, “You were in the refining period before!” The

meaning was obvious, Lu Shaoqing upgraded, and the spirit stone had to be upgraded with it.

As soon as Lu Shaoqing wanted to spray, his thoughts rose again, “If you don’t want to, just do it.” After

a pause, “Remind you, it’s one million spirit stones a month, because you’re in the merging period!” “I’ll

go!” Lu

Shaoqing almost hit the coffin headlong and wanted to die with the coffin.

One million spirit stones a month, ten years will get 120 million.

It used to be 200,000 a month, now it’s 1 million a month.


Shaoqing felt that he still underestimated the shamelessness of the dead ghost little brother.

He thought that after he reached the merging period, the dead ghost little brother would shamelessly collect him 500,000 spirit stones a month.

I never expected that I would dare to collect a million spirit stones from him in a month.

Is this something that people can do?

“Come out, you give me out!”

Lu Shaoqing roared, “You give me a clear explanation!” Lu Shaoqing

patted the coffin, but the coffin did not react.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing stretched out his claws towards the spirit card.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flickered, and he was kicked out.

“Lying groove!”

Lu Shaoqing was crazy and disappeared again in the astonished gazes of Mo Jun and Jie.

“Shameless!” After Lu Shaoqing came in, he sprayed angrily at the coffin, “Stinky and shameless!”


Lu Shaoqing scolded and disappeared again.

The next moment, it appeared again, repeatedly.

After watching Lu Shaoqing burst into foul language and disappear again, Jie couldn’t help but ask Mo Jun, “What is the boss doing?”

Mo Jun frowned, and then shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“But what I’m sure of is that the boss is in a bad mood!” ”

Be careful, don’t offend him, otherwise you will suffer.” Jie

Shen thought so, immediately straightened his expression, and looked ahead, “That’s right, you have to be careful!” Suddenly Jie

stared and looked into the distance, “There is a Void Wind Spirit over there, do you want to detour?” A

huge storm mass straddled in front of them, and the endless Void Storm roared and raged.

Mo Jun spread his hands, “How to detour?” ”

The boss just let us see the road.”

“Forget it, just rush over…”

And in the time house, Lu Shaoqing was dumbfounded, “You, you really climbed out?”

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