A hazy figure appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing, suspended above the coffin.

The figure was hazy, and the surface seemed to be shrouded in a layer of white mist, so that Lu Shaoqing could not see his true face.

The strong sense of oppression makes the space here in the Time House seem to stop.

This figure appeared, and all the stars above his head shone.

The bright moon in the endless starry sky also cast a light and fell on her body, gathering the focus of the world, as if it had become the only one in the world.

The stars are shining, the sun and the moon are shining, the holy light is shining, and it is sacred and inviolable.

Lu Shaoqing’s scalp suddenly felt numb, haunted, this is.

“Die, snap,” Lu Shaoqing slapped himself, and hurriedly sneered, “Senior, why did you run out?”

It’s a corpse, it’s scary to death.”

Grandma Li’s, I’m just joking, you really came out?

The hazy figure glanced at Lu Shaoqing coldly and snorted softly.

The sound is pleasant, like the sound of the Upper Realm Immortal, reverberating faintly.

Lu Shaoqing intuited that his body and mind were happy, and the unhappiness in his heart instantly dissipated.

However, the next moment, a powerful force surged in.

“Plop!” Lu

Shaoqing threw himself directly on the ground, as if he was directly pressed by a big hand.

Marde, it’s a female ghost!”

“Senior, it hurts, count.”

Lu Shaoqing struggled to get up, “I have something to say.”

“Hmph!” Another

cold snort, Lu Shaoqing pounced again, shaking his internal organs like he was displaced.

Lu Shaoqing gasped and died of pain.

“Enough!” Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but shout, “Don’t think that if you are a female ghost, I am afraid of you.” Lu

Shaoqing suddenly felt a little cold, and when he looked up, his hazy figure reflected a sharp gaze.


The starry sky above seemed to vibrate, and a moonlight fell.

Like a hundred million catties of mountains, Lu Shaoqing was firmly pressed below.

“Depend, female ghost, don’t treat me like a monkey. Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Is it okay to let go?”

The hazy figure slowly spoke, “My rules are rules. Although

the voice is beautiful, it reveals an unquestionable tone, full of domineering.

It was as if what she said was a divine decree that no one could object.


Shaoqing was angry, “You and I are a bully, right?” Lu

Shaoqing drank angrily, the spiritual power in his body operated, and the strength of the merging period instantly exploded.

He was like the eye of a storm, instantly setting off endless storms.

“Boom…” Lu

Shaoqing slowly struggled to get up, even if the light falling from the starry sky above his head soared, he could not stop Lu Shaoqing from slowly getting up.

Lu Shaoqing straightened his waist little by little, and the infinite power pressed on him made his expression become hideous.

Every part of the body is trembling, as if it will not be able to withstand this force at any time.

But Lu Shaoqing ignored it, he glared angrily at the hazy figure, “Impossible, what shit rules?”

The surrounding light darkened, and time seemed to go backwards, and Lu Shaoqing threw himself on the ground again.

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The powerful force pressed on the body, and the severe pain was exactly the same as before.

But the injuries have increased.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked in his heart, just now he seemed to have gone back in time and returned to the moment when he just threw himself on the ground.


Shaoqing stood up again as before, glaring angrily at the hazy figure, “I don’t have shit rules here.”

“There must be rules, and it is also my rules, you are a dead ghost, I am not afraid…” Before

the words were finished, time turned back again, and Lu Shaoqing threw himself on the ground again.

This time, Lu Shaoqing vomited blood.

“Anything else is fine, but don’t try to take advantage of my spirit stone. Lu Shaoqing roared, staring at the powerful pressure again and standing up, glaring angrily at the hazy figure, “Dead ghost little brother

!” “Hmph!”

“Whoosh!” Lu Shaoqing threw himself on the ground.

He wanted to give up, the other party was obviously a peerless boss, even if it was a dead ghost, it was also a dead ghost boss.

Strength is not something that he can compete with in this realm.

The coercion exuded alone made his heart tremble, and his soul felt like he had seen a ghost.


, when I think of it, one million spirit stones a month, I can’t earn so many spirit stones in nine nine six, seven seven one.

Not to mention wanting to lie down on the spirit stone and sleep.

Lu Shaoqing roared angrily, got up again, stood up while spitting blood, and glared angrily at the hazy figure, “Come on!”

“A million spirit stones a month?” ”

You think you’re a big guy and I’ll agree?” ”

Who gave you the illusion?


hazy figure snorted again, the surrounding light flashed, and time turned back again.

However, this time, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes suddenly appeared a yin and yang pattern.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes became colorful and full of various colors.

Only black and white can not be found on it.

Lu Shaoqing roared, and finally found a gray light among the thousands of colors.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and grabbed towards the gray light.

“Poof!” blood

spurted wildly.

The hazy figure was shocked and showed a shocked gaze for the first time.

She revealed her true face, but it was quickly covered by the fog, and Lu Shaoqing did not see it.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t have time to pay attention to anything else, he was mobilizing all his strength to make himself half-kneeling, and he didn’t throw himself on the ground like before.

There was silence in the air, and there was complexity in the silence.

The hazy figure looked at Lu Shaoqing, and his gaze became complicated.

Quietly, she dissipated her power, and in fact, she couldn’t use any power.


For a long time, Lu Shaoqing finally breathed a sigh of relief, laughed proudly, raised his head and looked at the hazy figure, “How is it?”

“The same move, it doesn’t work for me.”

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth and said fiercely, “I won’t be a pouncer in front of you again, otherwise my surname will be written backwards.”

The hazy figure looked at Lu Shaoqing, and suddenly laughed, and the surrounding light was brilliant because of this.

“Now you are kneeling towards me like a captive…”

“Plop!” Without speaking, Lu Shaoqing directly took the initiative to pounce on the ground….

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