Seeing Lu Shaoqing threw himself on the ground without hesitation, the hazy figure was dumb, and he was silent again for a while.

This time, it was silent for Lu Shaoqing’s shamelessness.

Staring at Lu Shaoqing who was ploding on the ground, the hazy figure disappeared, and the divine thought came, “Eighty spirit stones a month, you can’t be less, otherwise, roll!” ”

Two hundred thousand spirit stones less a month, two million less in a year, and twenty-four million less in ten years.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are also meat.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he was in a good mood immediately, and he rolled over and lay on the ground, his face was much better.

The dead ghost little brother has become a dead ghost boss, and it is already as difficult as before.

But at least it would be a rare victory for her to make a little concession.

Lu Shaoqing lay down for a long time before standing up, staring at the coffin for a long time, and muttered, “It’s not kind.” Then

he took out 200 million spirit stones and threw them into the incense burner with distress.

Lu Shaoqing watched the white flower spirit stone disappear, and his heart was so distressed that he wanted to cry.

The big guy is amazing, and when I become the big guy, I must find the field.

Grandma has a leg.

The blood was vomited for three liters before he gave in a little bit of concession, and the days ahead would be even more difficult.

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth and threw the last spirit stone into the incense burner, and made a decision in his heart, “It’s all spirit stones, they can’t be wasted, and they cultivate with a bang.” ”

Two hundred million spirit stones were thrown, and the surrounding spiritual energy began to become rich.

Lu Shaoqing ran into the corner, most likely to keep himself away from the dead ghost boss.

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and stared at the coffin for a while.

Finally, several formations were laid around him, and then he entered his cultivation under the thick white fog.

Time passes year by year, and ten years pass by in a flash.

The figure in the coffin slowly appeared, staring at Lu Shaoqing in the corner, and suddenly laughed.

“Interesting boy, not bad, not to make a move on me. In

the face of her strong pressure, Lu Shaoqing did not directly attack her, but chose to carry her strength.

He never shot her from beginning to end, and did not cross the slightest thunder pool.

This character is very satisfying to her.

This is one of the reasons she made a step back.

Of course, the bigger reason is….

“If I hadn’t had much energy to control, I would have cleaned you up.”


“Dead ghost

?” “Wang Ba

?” “Little brother?” Her

indignant eyes sharpened, and she looked at Lu Shaoqing in the corner.

Although there was a formation to cover it, it could not hide her gaze.

Through the thick white fog, she saw a sign.

Bastard!” The figure in the coffin trembled slightly, and he was very impulsive to rush over and grab Lu Shaoqing out and clean up fiercely.

“Damn, you wait for me!” she

finally disappeared, leaving behind a monstrous resentment.

After more than forty years, Lu Shaoqing’s breath suddenly shook and broke through a small realm.

More than half of a hundred years have passed, and the figure in the coffin quietly appeared again, she looked at the corner filled with white mist, she could feel Lu Shaoqing’s state without looking directly at Lu Shaoqing.

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Lu Shaoqing’s breath was like a dragon, hot as the sun.

Now Lu Shaoqing is like the sun at noon, reaching the strongest moment.


outside, her brows furrowed slightly, and she whispered to herself, “It’s not a good thing to flourish and decline.” ”

The sun at noon, after that time, moves westward, and finally sets in the west.

Sure enough, in the past few years, Lu Shaoqing’s aura began to weaken.

Lu Shaoqing’s breathing became sometimes rapid, sometimes slow.

He passed that powerful moment.

Watching the time gradually pass, she whispered again, “Don’t stop yet

?” “Bastard boy, do you really plan to cultivate for the sake of the spirit stone?”

“You can’t!”

Lu Shaoqing often practiced in front of her, and she knew Lu Shaoqing’s style well.

Lu Shaoqing has talent and knows how to temper his state of mind.

However, he was lively by nature and did not like to practice for a long time, so the longest period of Lu Shaoqing’s retreat was only twenty years.

Once this time passes, he will stop the retreat and allow himself to rest.

This is due to his personality, and it is the most suitable cultivation method for him.

After cultivating for a period of time, he would use a period of time to hone his state of mind and keep up with his state of mind.

Over time, Lu Shaoqing has become accustomed to this model.

This model is also of great benefit to him.

The realm and state of mind progress together, and no one will drag anyone back.

Now, Lu Shaoqing intends to directly retreat for a hundred years.

A cultivator who has been in retreat for a hundred years may not be a matter for others.

But for Lu Shaoqing, especially his state of mind, it is easy to go wrong.

Although now Lu Shaoqing’s state of mind is infinitely close to the Mahayana period.

But that’s only infinitely close, and he’s still in the fit stage.

After being cleaned up by her, she felt sorry for the spirit stone and decided not to waste a hundred years.

At once, he was in retreat for more than 60 years, and at this time he had reached his limit.

Not for the realm, but for the spirit stone.

This is an obsession, and if the obsession is too deep, it will eventually go to extremes.

If this continues, there will be problems with his state of mind.

For people in Lu Shaoqing’s realm, even a little problem in his state of mind is a big problem, and it will even directly ruin Lu Shaoqing.

She saw at a glance the problem that Lu Shaoqing was about to face, and she was so angry that she wanted to hit someone again.


!” “I’ve never seen such a nasty human!”

In a flash, the time has come to ninety years, and there are ten years left.

And Lu Shaoqing seemed to have reached the limit, and his body was trembling.

The aura in his body was extremely unstable, and from time to time a roar came out of his body.

Like a trapped dragon, struggling, roaring, ready to get out of trouble at any time.

Once out of control, Lu Shaoqing will die without a place to be buried.

She couldn’t wait, gritted her teeth, and planned to stop Lu Shaoqing’s behavior.

She stepped over, her figure floated into Lu Shaoqing’s formation, and with a wave of her hand, the vertical sign instantly disappeared.

Just as she was about to make a move, her eyes suddenly froze, and her body trembled slightly….

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