At the moment of holding Mo Jun’s sword, Zhuge Xun felt that he was a sword god.

A sense of pride in the world is born in the body.

It was as if no one in this world, in this world, was her opponent, and no one dared to speak loudly in front of her.

She is the sword god of this world, an invincible existence.

Although the Void Wind Spirit in front of him revealed a powerful aura, in Zhuge Xun’s opinion, it was just a chicken and a dog, vulnerable to attack.

Indifference flashed in his eyes, and a sword swung out.

“Buzz!” A

sword light shot up into the sky, shining into the void.

The violent breath spreads, like the sun erupting.

“Huhu…” The

sword light fell, and the Void Wind Spirit seemed to sense the danger.

The originally exposed body directly retracted, and the surrounding storms converged, forming a barrier.

It turned into a huge storm again, and the whistling storm outside was its barrier.


, in front of this sword, it was as if any barrier was in vain.

“Poof!” The

sword light fell, and the huge storm group was split in half.

A rumbling explosion sounded, and countless energies and sword intent burst out.

The storm in a radius of tens of thousands of miles was swept away.

The whirring wind stopped, and the Void Wind Spirit revealed its essence again.

It is split in half, constantly squirming, wanting to heal.

Seeing that the Void Wind Spirit, whose strength was stronger than himself, was actually split in half by a sword, Zhuge Xun was stunned.

A sword, she is still a wounded soldier, can actually exert such a powerful

strength? Is she dreaming

? Or is this world not normal?

Zhuge Xun knows her strength, and she has only a thirty percent chance of winning against the Void Wind Spirit in front of her in her heyday.

And just holding the Mo Jun sword can defeat the other party with one

sword? Zhuge Xun deeply suspected that she was dreaming, and she subconsciously clenched her hand, wanting to hold the Mo Jun sword in her hand.

“Go on!” Mo

Jun was reminding Zhuge Xun, who was lost in his mind, and Zhuge Xun subconsciously raised his sword.

Once again, the Void Wind Spirit was severely damaged.

The huge mass was divided by five horses, divided into pieces, and scattered and floated down in the void.

The Void Wind Spirit, which was still majestic just now, was now embarrassed and dying.

Mo Junjian struggled away from Zhuge Xun’s hand, and Mo Jun controlled Mo Junjian to rush towards the Void Wind Spirit that was split into pieces.

“Come to the bowl!”

the Mo Jun sword was directly inserted into a part of the Void Wind Spirit’s body.

The next moment, Zhuge Xun sensed that the aura of the Void Wind Spirit was weakening.

The Mo Jun Sword was devouring the energy of the Void Wind Spirit.

Sure enough,

Zhuge Xun covered his head and couldn’t help but groan.

The abnormal master, the sword spirit is also abnormal.

Mo Jun gulped down the energy of the Void Wind Spirit, and the strength of the Void Wind Spirit decreased rapidly.

Under the suppression of the sword intent, the scattered parts could not even be gathered together.

“Huhu…” The

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surrounding void storm continued to blow, like powerless struggling hands, unable to get rid of it.

The aura was constantly weakening, and as its aura weakened, the Void Storm also weakened.

There was a dead air in the void.

Zhuge Xun looked at Mo Jun’s sword body glowing and did not speak for a long time.

Because she doesn’t know what to say.

Very quirky sword.

When Mo Jun was eating happily here, suddenly, an old divine thought descended.


is it?” “Who is devouring my kind?” The

next moment, a powerful aura struck, and the surrounding void storm blew even harder.

Zhuge Xun was horrified, looked up, and an even larger void storm appeared in the distant void behind him.

The scope of the storm spanned hundreds of millions of miles, and just the outermost void storm had already made Zhuge Xun have the urge to vomit blood.

Zhuge Xun’s mind was blank, and three words gradually emerged.


Void Wind Spirit that suddenly appeared was the realm of the Convergence Period.

And this terrifying breath is definitely not the breath of the initial merging period.

It is definitely thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even farther into the merging period.

Two other words appeared in Zhuge Xun’s mind.

Even if Lu Shaoqing has entered the merging period, it is only a newly promoted pink and tender merging period.

The time from the breakthrough to the present may not be enough for him to consolidate the realm.

Otherwise, why has it not appeared until now.

It’s really.

Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but sigh softly, and his heart was surprisingly calm.

She lightly lifted her feet back to the flying boat, stood at the stern of the ship, and looked at the huge storm that was approaching in the distance.

She appeared very calm, and her heart did not fluctuate.

Even though she knew that she was about to die, she didn’t panic at all.

She also did not intend to resist, in the face of absolute strength, any resistance is futile, it is better to calmly meet death.

“Huhu…” The

wind around him was louder, and the flying boat under his feet swayed eastward and westward, becoming a flat boat in the storm, dragging in the wind.

Mo Jun wiped his mouth and ran back, looking at the huge storm group in the distance, muttering, “I don’t know if it’s delicious!”

“What about that Void Wind Spirit?” ”

Saved by that big guy.”

Mo Jun wiped his mouth and expressed regret, “I haven’t eaten a few bites.”

Jie pointed to the storm group in front of him, “Eat it!” Mo

Jun nodded, “Of course, such a big one, it must be delicious.”

“I don’t have a big appetite, I can’t eat like you, just give me a few mouthfuls of the essence when the time comes.”

“Yes, but you have to beat it first.” Mo Jun was generous, “At that time, I will have to pack it for Wuqiu and my sister.” Zhuge

Xun’s originally calm state of mind couldn’t help but fluctuate, and rolled his eyes at the two instrument spirits next to him.

A void wind spirit in the refining period can’t be done, and now he still wants to mess with a Void Wind Spirit of the Fit Realm?

Zhuge Xun didn’t want to speak, but in the end he couldn’t help but give it to these two nasty instrument spirits, “Innocence!” ”

Whew…” The

wind around is stronger and the pressure is greater.

“Click!” The

flying boat appeared cracked, and the crack gradually expanded…

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