Under strong pressure, the ship began to break.


surface cracked, and a plank flew out, torn to shreds in the storm.

Mo Jun scratched his head and muttered, “It seems to be strong.” Jie

nodded, “Yes, it’s stronger than the one just now.”

“When will the boss come out?” With

Lu Shaoqing present, the two of them were not worried.

Mo Jun watched the flying boat gradually break and disintegrate, worried, “I don’t know, it’s not so fast.”

Then, Mo Jun looked at Zhuge Xun and said to Zhuge Xun, “Little chick, go and resist it.”

Zhuge Xun stared at Mo Jun, his face expressionless, “The other party is in the Convergence Period, do you think I can resist it?”

My boss is also in the fit period, afraid of the ball.

Zhuge Xun was almost choked to death, and he couldn’t come up for half a breath.

Like that bastard, the tone is big to death, super nasty.

Zhuge Xun said coldly, “Since it’s a district, you go up!” Mo

Jun crossed his waist and said arrogantly, “If the boss is here, I will kill it with a sword.” ”

Isn’t he here?” Zhuge Xun pointed to the formation and sneered, “Even if he comes out, he won’t be able to escape death.” ”

The Void Wind Spirit Master who is constantly approaching in the distance is full of demeanor, pressing high.

The strength is definitely much stronger than you so-called bastard bosses.

The combined phase is also divided into strong and weak.

The world was strange

, “What are you laughing for?” “We can’t escape death, aren’t you the same?” “Shouldn’t

you think that you are a woman, and the Void Wind Spirit will let you go, right?” Mo

Jun nodded and looked Zhuge Xun up and down

, “Yes, if you want to have no posture, if you want to have no figure, who can see you?” patted his chest and said seriously, “What’s more sad is that you are not big here, and no man likes it.” The

world reminded, “Void wind spirits should be gender-neutral, these are useless to them.


Zhuge Xun couldn’t keep his calm look.

Shameless and indecent spirits.

Zhuge Xun trembled with anger.

“Bastard stuff

!” “See I can’t kill

you!” “Ouch!” “Ouch!” Jie hurriedly rushed out to dissuade, “Don’t be impulsive, now that the enemy is now, what are you going to do?”

Mo Jun didn’t think about the friendship at all, standing on Mo Jun’s sword and facing the boundary, “What nonsense with her, open a door and send her over.” ”


Zhuge Xun wants to shoot the Death Realm, but she is full of jealousy of the Realm.

Although the world is not good at fighting, it is good at space shuttling.

Zhuge Xun let himself float to prevent falling into it like he was caught off guard just now.

Zhuge Xun huffed and stared at the realm, “It’s all death anyway, I’ll kill you first.” ”

Wipe!” Mo Jun was shocked, “This chick really wants to join the enemy, Jie, let’s kill her together.” ”

Save her from seducing the boss here all day!”

Which of your dogs saw me seduce him

, I can’t wait to peel his skin and seduce?

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“Damn things, I’ll kill you!”

If you can’t kill that bastard, kill his sword spirit first.

Such a sword spirit exists in the world, it is simply blind to God.

Today, I will come to eliminate harm to the people.

Zhuge Xun broke out, the flying boat completely collapsed, and she rushed straight to Mojun.

“Depend, are you really?” Mo Jun was startled, and without saying a word, he retracted into Mo Jun’s sword, and then pointed the tip of the sword at Zhuge Xun, as if waiting for Zhuge Xun to pounce.

She was stepped on by Lu Shaoqing several times before and hammered once, so that she knew that before each shot, she must have enough stamina to make it convenient for her to deal with possible situations.


Zhuge Xun turned around coldly, came to Mo Junjian, and grabbed Mo Junjian.


suddenly shouted from the side.

Zhuge Xun’s face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to stop.

But after thinking about it, these two spirit spirits are so despicable that they have no friends, and they are definitely bluffing.

That bastard broke through, I don’t know?

At that moment, Zhuge Xun firmly stretched out his hand again.

Mo Junjian stabbed straight at her with a swoosh.


Zhuge Xun snorted coldly, flashed sideways, and grabbed the hilt of the sword with five claws.

She had used the Mojun Sword once, and that feeling fascinated her.

“What for?”

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came from behind him.

Zhuge Xun’s body suddenly froze.

Mo Junjian ran directly to Lu Shaoqing, “Boss, she bullied me!” Zhuge

Xun gritted his teeth, “Who bullied whom?”

Lu Shaoqing frowned and said to Zhuge Xun, “Little chick, don’t make trouble, what kind of hero is it to bully my instrument spirit while I am away?”

What kind of urine it is, you know it yourself.

Lu Shaoqing nodded and looked at her seriously, “So, you are bullying my broken sword.”

Zhuge Xun roared, “What do you say?” ”

My sword is the same as me, kind to people, humble and courteous, never bullying others, only others bullying it.”


Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth with hatred, “You said yes?” ”

It’s you who bullied me,” Mo Jun stood on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, “I still have witnesses.” ”


The world jumped out to testify, and Zhuge Xun was so angry that he didn’t want to speak.

Gangsters, snakes and rats nest, complicity.

She pointed coldly into the distance, “The trouble you caused by breaking the sword, I’ll see how you solve it.”

Lu Shaoqing turned around and glanced contemptuously, “The Void Wind Spirit, it’s not a concern. ”

The tone is really big.

Zhuge Xun didn’t want to talk even more.

Fish begins to rot from the head.

Zhuge Xun took two deep breaths and sneered, “I’d rather see how you don’t care.” Lu

Shaoqing turned around, smiled, waved his big hand, and countless void storms appeared out of thin air….

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