An endless void storm swept over, surrounding Lu Shaoqing in the middle.

Lu Shaoqing’s body exuded a gloomy and cold, aura like the surrounding dark void.

Zhuge Xun was stunned, at this moment, she felt that Lu Shaoqing had become a void wind spirit.

Is this the reason why he can control

the Void Storm? This bastard guy’s real identity is the Void Wind Spirit

? Is it a mysterious creature that exists here?

So he really is not human

! Abominable!


A huge storm surged and shrouded this place.

and the storm group formed with Lu Shaoqing.

The surrounding void storm was blowing violently, and Zhuge Xun’s heart jumped.

These storms converged together, and now that she goes out, it is estimated that she will be torn to pieces in an instant.

“Who?” came

a divine thought, although it was silent, it made Zhuge Xun feel that the void was shaking.

“Own people!”

responded Lu Shaoqing.

The same divine thought, but Zhuge Xun felt that it was Lu Shaoqing who was grinning, full of care, and did not put the other party in his eyes.


the huge ancient void wind spirit was stunned, and the howling storm also stopped for a moment.

“Yes, the same kind!” ”

Whew…” The

surrounding storm stopped, and then a planet-like Jelly Void Wind Spirit revealed its essence in front of Lu Shaoqing and them.

The surface creeps, layer after layer like a wave.

There were no eyes, but both Lu Shaoqing and Zhuge Xun felt that the other party was staring at them.

The breeze blew, and the huge Void Wind Spirit seemed surprised again, “Human, kind?” ”

Are you human?”

Lu Shaoqing responded with a big grin, “Yes, I devoured a human being, I can go outside.” ”

Really?” the

Void Wind Spirit was even more surprised, “Can humans withstand it?”

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, and showed his breath again.

He devoured the Void Wind Spirit, and although it was not a true Void Wind Spirit, it could emit the same aura.

“Sure enough!” the

Void Wind Spirit confirmed that Lu Shaoqing was its own kind, and then it noticed Zhuge Xun next to it, “She is a human?” Lu Shaoqing

did not deny, “Yes, human, how is it?

Zhuge Xun was horrified and felt that he was being targeted.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t expect the Void Wind Spirit to be so direct, “What benefits do you give me?”


Void Wind Spirit has very little contact with the outside world, even if it is an ancient existence, his thinking is very simple, and his speech is very straightforward, “If I want you, give it to me.”

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Lu Shaoqing felt that he had met a bear child, and he had to give it when he saw something, and immediately replied, “Don’t give it! Unless…”

However, before he finished speaking, the wind was raging around him.

“Whew…” The

already calm Void Storm became furious, and the storm rose again.

The powerful pressure shrouded down, and although he was standing beside Lu Shaoqing, Zhuge Xun felt as if the sky was falling.

The heavy pressure made her feel breathless, chest tightness, and discomfort.

The invisible pressure fell on her, making her soul tremble, and every inch of flesh and blood in her body was wailing.

She clenched her teeth, blood did not know when it oozed from the corners of her mouth, and exhausted the strength of her whole body to keep herself from falling.

Is this the strength of the merging period?

Zhuge Xun’s heart was full of fear and despair.

It’s just that the breath is so powerful, how can you beat the other party?

Zhuge Xun had no hope.

“What kind of thing?” At this moment, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over, with unhappiness, “You don’t listen to people, do you?” ”

Give me to the bowl!” With

a loud drink, the Mojun sword appeared in his hand, buzzing, and the sword light lit up.

Zhuge Xun saw the terrifying sword light again.

The hot, furious sword intent spread, like the sun that appeared in the darkness.

“Boom!” A

sword slashed, and countless void storms annihilated and dissipated in the sword light.

Calm was restored in the void, and Lu Shaoqing stood with a sword, dressed in blue, in the void, like a sword fairy.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Zhuge Xun had to admit it in his heart.

The serious Lu Shaoqing is not only not annoying, but has a fascinating temperament.

Zhuge Xun quickly came back to his senses and secretly slapped himself.

Subsequently, Zhuge Xun continued to worry.

The Void Wind Spirit in front of him is very strong, ancient vicissitudes.

Human cultivators of the same realm may not be able to fight when they come.

Lu Shaoqing is just a pink and tender body, will it be an opponent?

The shocking sword is just a storm that breaks through the periphery, and it is difficult to truly defeat the other party.

The divine thought of the Void Wind Spirit came, calm, but said chilling words, “I will swallow you.” ”

The Void Storm rose again, countless Void Storms struck, and this time, the Void Wind Spirit seemed to have become a tentacle monster, and every storm was its tentacles.

Moreover, this is also the most common attack method of the Void Wind Spirit.

“Huhhu…” One

after another void storms struck, each of them wrapped in the power of destroying the heavens and the earth.

Even a star, a sun can be torn to shreds.

Lu Shaoqing stood in the void and the Mo Jun sword waved lightly, very lightly, and also burst out with terrifying power.

Often a single sword can clear a large void, and countless void storms are completely dissipated and annihilated.

However, for the Void Wind Spirit, just a thought can summon a steady stream of Void Storms, vast and endless.

Endless storm tentacles were wave after wave, enough to make any Terran cultivator despair.

There is no void of spiritual energy here, and any Terran cultivator will be consumed to death.

Zhuge Xun trembled in his heart, is this the strength of the merging period?

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