Lu Shaoqing stood on the head of the divine bird, majestic and murderous, like a heavenly god.

The Void Wind Spirit is constantly twisting, squirming, and the body is healing rapidly.

But its breath is weak, and its realm is constantly falling.

Just now, he also gave Zhuge Xun the pressure like the sky falling, and now Zhuge Xun feels no pressure.

You don’t have to deliberately probe to know how bad the state of the Void Wind Spirit is.

Zhuge Xun was already sluggish.

Her worldview was once again undermined.

She felt that it was difficult for her to survive in this abnormal world.

I thought that Lu Shaoqing would not be able to do anything during the newly promoted Fusion Period, and the Void Wind Spirit that had lived here for countless years.

As a result, Lu Shaoqing pressed the Void Wind Spirit from beginning to end.

“Quickly surrender and obediently, or I will hack you to death.” Lu Shaoqing’s divine thoughts were like heavenly sounds, reverberating in the void.

When Zhuge Xun heard this, he was immediately terrified in his heart.

It turned out that Lu Shaoqing could have defeated the Void Wind Spirit a long time ago

, and he had been fighting with the Void Wind Spirit unhurriedly, originally thinking of subduing the Void Wind Spirit?

“Surrender?” the Void Wind Spirit’s divine thoughts were full of pain and anger, “You dream!” ”

Oh, cut you for so long, you still have a hard mouth?” Lu Shaoqing was angry, “What do you think I have been playing here with you for so long?”

The majestic wind is majestic, and the divine bird covered in flames chirps birdsong, flutters its wings and flies high, straight to the void wind spirit.

“Whew…” The

Void Storm blocked in front of the Void Wind Spirit, forming a thick barrier.

“Huh!” However

, everywhere the divine bird passed, everything burned.

The fire fought in the wind, the fire spread, and it burned continuously, and the entire void seemed to burn.

The terrible temperature made Zhuge Xun’s face change slightly.

Zhuge Xun’s scalp was numb, and he felt threatened from so far away.


divine bird pounced and collided with the body of the Void Wind Spirit.

The Void Wind Spirit instantly turned into a fireball.


came the divine thought, and the Void Wind Spirit let out a scream again, and its pain could be felt from the miserable sound.

“Whew…” The

struggling Void Wind Spirit constantly summoned the Void Storm.

One by one, the storm clusters scattered and spread into the distance, scattering flowers like a goddess, and finally disappeared into the void.

Silently disappeared, as if the Void Wind Spirit was about to face the end.

Lu Shaoqing asked again, “Surrender?” “Dreaming

!” the Void Wind Spirit roared angrily.

Lu Shaoqing praised, “There are no bones, but they are hard bones, admire


With a swing of the sword, thousands of starlight in the sky fell, falling on the Void Wind Spirit like a heavy cannonball.

The rumbling explosion caused the void to shake violently again.

In the end, the huge planet-like Void Wind Spirit screamed and fell apart under Lu Shaoqing’s attack.

“Whew…” The

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sound of the wind gradually disappeared, and the void storm gradually calmed down.

Zhuge Xun’s mouth opened slightly, is it over

, a Void Wind Spirit of the Convergence Period was wiped out like this?

Lu Shaoqing floated back, relaxed and dashing, indescribably comfortable.

Watching Lu Shaoqing strolling leisurely, the atmosphere did not breathe, and Zhuge Xun subconsciously awe in his heart.

At this moment, a thought appeared in her mind.

Lu Shaoqing attacked her before, not because he couldn’t beat her, but simply to save trouble.

Abominable bastards.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Zhuge Xun and blinked his eyes, “What are you looking at me for

?” “Don’t be obsessed with brother

!” “Bah!” Zhuge Xun’s face turned red, took a sip fiercely, and asked, “It’s dead?”

Ran?” Zhuge Xun was stunned.

Lu Shaoqing’s performance made her think that Lu Shaoqing could completely slaughter the Void Wind Spirit.

“Nonsense, the other party is also a merging period, you think it’s your kind of refining period?”

In the end, it is the period of merging, if nothing else, the vitality is at least leveraged.

This is its home turf again, and Lu Shaoqing doesn’t know how it escaped.

However, Lu Shaoqing also guessed that it should be those small storm groups that disappeared.

Zhuge Xun was grinding his teeth again.

That’s true, but it’s hard to hear.

An existence in the Convergence Period wanted to escape, and Lu Shaoqing had no way to stop it.

Lu Shaoqing scanned the surroundings and sighed, “Another ship is gone.”

Lu Shaoqing said to Zhuge Xun, “Little chick, remember, you owe me a ship.” ”

Why?” Zhuge Xun was angry, he owed a debt for no reason, who could stand it?

Lu Shaoqing said reasonably, “My ship was destroyed, you can’t stand it, don’t look for who you are looking for

?” Zhuge Xu was angry, pointing to Mo Jun and Jie Dao floating beside Lu Shaoqing, “You ask them, who caused the trouble?”


Xun was so angry that his blood pressure soared and he almost vomited blood.

A shameless master has a shameless spirit.

“Didn’t you provoke the previous Void Wind Spirit, what will happen later?”

Oh,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t like to hear it, “how can you scold people? ”

Okay, let’s talk about things by fact,” Zhuge Xun took a deep breath, today I will come to reason with you, “If it weren’t for them, how could they provoke the Void Wind Spirit?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Not detouring is just a small problem, the fundamental problem is still you.” ”

In me?” Zhuge

Xun was furious, opening his eyes and saying nonsense.


said it didn’t matter?” Lu Shaoqing hesitated, “If it weren’t for you, would we need to take a boat?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about her, she would really die here in the void.

“Look, you know the loss yourself, right?”

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly another divine thought came from a distance, “Who is it…”

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