There was a wave of anger in his thoughts, “Colluding with humans to mutilate their own race?

The escaped Void Wind Spirit went to move the soldiers.

Lu Shaoqing was aggrieved, “It is unreasonable first, and it wants people without planning to give me benefits.” ”

Good?” came the divine thought, and a storm group appeared in the distant void.

Far away, but already feeling a great sense of oppression.

In the dark void, clearly visible.

“I’m going to devour you!”

is menacing, directly indicating the purpose.


Lu Shaoqing sighed, pretending to be helpless, “I’ll hack you to death first!” and

then said to Zhuge Xun, “Look, you caused trouble.” ”

Zhuge Xun is angry and cares about me.

It’s not your bastard spirit fooling around, there will be all these troubles?”

“Bastard!” Zhuge Xun glared angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Shao is wronged here.”

“If I get numb, I hope that all the Void Wind Spirits here in the Void will come after you.” ”

By that time, I would have died without regrets.

“Gee!” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “The most poisonous woman’s heart.”

Then he smiled, “But how is that possible? ”

If that dead fat man had said this, I would have killed him.”


this moment, however, another divine thought came.

The second divine thought, “I want to devour it, I want to see how the human body feels?” The third divine thought, ”

Is it a new breakthrough of the same race?

The divine thoughts of the three merging stages collided in the void, and the roar was endless.

The powerful aura collided, making the void shake endlessly.

Every breath carries an ancient and desolate breath, shrouded in this void.

The whistling void storm blew, and Zhuge Xun had a feeling that he dreamed back to ancient times and the heavens and the earth had just opened.

It seemed to feel the birth of the void, and that desolate and lonely aura made her cry.

The state of mind then began to collapse, and she exuded an aura of decay.

“Wake up!”

Lu Shaoqing let out a loud voice, like a thunder exploding in Zhuge Xun’s ears on a sunny day.

Zhuge Xun’s thoughts came back to his senses, and when he noticed his state just now, he was immediately scared into a cold sweat.

If Lu Shaoqing hadn’t woken her up, she would have disappeared into this void and disappeared completely, even if her hometown had a doppelganger, she wouldn’t be able to live.

“This, this… I…”

Zhuge Xun wanted to say something, but Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and fled here with her.

“Ma De, you won’t be a crow’s mouth, will you?” Lu Shaoqing cursed, and took Zhuge Xun across the distance of hundreds of millions of miles in a blink of an eye.

However, behind them, several huge storm clusters followed far behind, and the surrounding Void Storm seemed to form mud, slowing down their speed as much as possible and hindering their escape.

Zhuge Xun felt desperate again.

In the three merging periods, even if Lu Shaoqing is invincible, it is useless.

The combination of the three Void Wind Spirits of the Combined Body Period was enough to tear Lu Shaoqing to pieces.

Lu Shaoqing took Zhuge Xun all the way, although the Void Wind Spirit followed far behind, there was still a long distance.

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But if it went on like this, Zhuge Xun felt dead.

This is the home of others, and the Void Wind Spirit does not need the support of spiritual power.

Lu Shaoqing is a cultivator, he needs spiritual power, for a long time, spiritual power can not keep up, sooner or later he will be caught up.

“What to do?”

Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but ask happily.

“Or, you go and help me block it, I’ll run first?” said Lu Shaoqing without looking back.

One sentence made the evil seekers feel stuffy in his chest.

It’s too hard to communicate with this bastard.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was easily angry, his blood pressure soared, and Shouyuan was less angry for hundreds of years.

After a long time, Zhuge Xun eased his breath and gritted his teeth, “If this continues, you will not be able to do it sooner or later.”

“Who said that?” Lu Shaoqing was not convinced, “I’m a real man.”

Damn rascals, bastards.

Zhuge Xun huffed, and at the same time felt Lu Shaoqing, but she was shocked by such a feeling.

Lu Shaoqing’s aura showed no signs of weakening, thick and complete, he had not consumed half a point, and he couldn’t see that he had run for so long.

At the same time, Zhuge Xun remembered that Lu Shaoqing cleaned up the state of the first Void Wind Spirit, and Lu Shaoqing, who ended the battle, was not tired in the slightest, and looked relaxed like a vacation.

This guy, so unfathomable?

Zhuge Xun was horrified in his heart.

At this moment, Zhuge Xun felt that he had a little more understanding of Lu Shaoqing’s strength.

At the same time, Zhuge Xun’s heart became more and more certain.

Lu Shaoqing is not a person, at least not a normal person.

Normal people, even if they are in the void during the merging period, they can’t do it like Lu Shaoqing, and they can still maintain a relaxed state after the war.

Not to mention the ease of performance under the pursuit of the local indigenous Void Wind Spirit in the three merging periods.

This bastard, strange has to be afraid to drift in the void for a hundred years.

If it weren’t for Mu Yong’s detonation of the Shifting God Bag and his disorientation, the Void was really a holy place for him to vacation.

Zhuge Xun was silent in his heart.

Mu Yong miscalculated.

Even if they are disoriented, people are still alive and jumping here in the void, and they are very comfortable.

“Is there anything you can do to escape like this?” Zhuge Xun finally couldn’t help but ask.

“No, it’s all said, if you are willing to help me resist them, I will have the confidence to get rid of them.”

Zhuge Xun rolled his eyes, not wanting to speak.


Lu Shaoqing stopped.

Zhuge Xun was just about to ask something, when suddenly several divine thoughts came from the front.


?” “Kindred

?” “No, there are humans!”

“Want to break into the Beginningless Realm?”

Zhuge Xun was horrified, and several storm groups appeared in front of him.

There are big and small, there is a merging period and a refining period, and they joined forces to appear in front, becoming a roadblock in front of Lu Shaoqing.

“Own people, own people,” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly transmitted his divine thoughts, “I am my own person, I captured a human being, and the guy behind me wants to rob it.” ”

Help me block them first, whoever has the most strength, I’ll give this human to you later…”

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