Zhuge Xun wanted to bite people and use himself as a bargaining chip, and

the unhappy Zhuge Xun said coldly, “Hmph, you think if you say this, they will believe it?”

They are ancient creatures, but they are also very simple.

No one would have expected that Lu Shaoqing’s kind would be human.

Immediately, a huge storm group passed over Lu Shaoqing, and the howling storm rolled up, forming a huge storm wall.

Several storm clusters behind followed.

Zhuge Xun: !!

Lu Shaoqing smiled, turned around and continued to run.

It wasn’t long before an angry roar came from behind.


!” “Human

!” “Death!”

The pressure also increased.

Zhuge Xun’s heart jumped.

Once the Void Wind Spirit behind caught up, Lu Shaoqing would be torn to pieces in an instant.

At this time, several storm clusters appeared ahead.

Zhuge Xun’s heart clenched, what to do?

Lu Shaoqing told her with actions.

Lu Shaoqing stepped forward, and the Mojun sword appeared in his hand, slashing down fiercely.


!” The Void Wind Inspiration floating in front was in danger, and the Void Storm continued to roll up

, setting off a storm, “Click!” The

sword light fell, and a Void Wind Spirit of the Convergence Period was split in half, and the diffused sword qi strangled several nearby Void Wind Spirits of the Refining Void Period into pieces.

The Void Wind Spirit of this heaven and earth was suddenly in chaos.

One after another divine thoughts came.

“Who is it?” ”

How daring!” anger

filled the void.

“Kill him, you can’t let him break into the Beginningless Realm!”

“Roar…” Lu

Shaoqing’s side had no time to pay attention to it, carrying a long sword and killing all the way.

Under his strong strength, the Void Wind Spirit that blocked in front was either killed or split in half.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t need to fight with them, he just needed to kill them by surprise and give him a chance to rush over.

Rushing all the way over, one by one the Void Wind Spirit collapsed under Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

Lu Shaoqing was like a peerless martial general who entered the enemy position alone, rushing left and right in the midst of thousands of troops, invincible.

Although many of the Void Wind Spirits behind them chased behind, they couldn’t catch up at all.

He could only follow behind angrily, like a wild dog in a hurry, grinning and desperately chasing after him, just wanting to bite Lu Shaoqing to death.

Zhuge Xun followed all the way, and he was shocked to see it, and at the same time, he also had a question in his heart.

“Why, there are so many Void Wind Spirits here?” In

ordinary words, this is three steps, one post, five steps and one post.

It is usually difficult to encounter a Void Wind Spirit in the void, and he has gathered a bunch here.

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It was as if they had broken into the nest of the Void Wind Spirit.

There were Void Wind Spirits everywhere, huge storm swarms everywhere, and whistling Void Storms filled this void.

Lu Shaoqing, who did not look back, replied casually, “Haven’t you heard? ”

Along the way, I kept encountering Void Wind Spirits, and their divine thoughts mentioned a word.

A place without a beginning.

Coupled with so many Void Wind Spirits here, Lu Shaoqing guessed that the Beginningless Realm was the lair of the Void Wind Spirits.

At the same time, it is also a place where there is a possibility of going back at the boundary entrance.

Zhuge Xun was surprised, “Aren’t you afraid of a more powerful existence

?” “I’m afraid,” Lu Shaoqing was a little helpless, “Isn’t this something that can’t be helped?”

Stepping into the merging period, I am a lot more bold.

There might be a way home ahead, and he wanted to see what was calling him.

“Hmph, as long as you don’t touch the Mahayana period, I’m afraid of a ball!” Zhuge

Xun was silent, indeed, this bastard guy is too strong, even in the late stage of the convergence period, he may not be able to beat him.

Moreover, if he can’t fight, he can still run.

If a person wants to escape, who can stop it?

“What if there is a Mahayana period in the Beginningless Realm?”

As soon as these words came out, Lu Shaoqing stopped sharply and almost fell behind.

He turned around and stared at Zhuge Xun viciously, “Can you shut up?

Zhuge Xun was so angry that his teeth itched, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “If you don’t say it, I won’t say

it?” “Who do you think I am?”

I haven’t forgotten the grudge between me and you.

Lu Shaoqing stared directly at Zhuge Xun, Zhuge Xun felt a little hairy in his heart, but thinking that he absolutely could not bow his head in front of

Lu Shaoqing, he immediately straightened his chest and looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, revealing a mighty and unyielding look.

Although you are very strong, it does not mean that I have to obey you, even if I am a prisoner, I have my backbone.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly smiled, and the next moment, Zhuge Xun felt a flower in front of him, and flew out like a cloud.

A Void Wind Spirit appeared in front.

The whistling storm blows, and the storm swirling around it is like a constantly waving tentacle.

Seeing someone flying towards him, the surrounding storm skyrocketed, firmly controlling Zhuge Xun, and then sending it towards him.

Zhuge Xun was terrified, feeling that her body was about to be torn apart, and she struggled to escape.

However, injured, she couldn’t break free from the control of the Void Wind Spirit at all.

I could only watch myself being swallowed by the Void Rift.

Zhuge Xun roared at Lu Shaoqing at the last moment of devouring, his thoughts full of resentment, “Damn bastard, I won’t let you go.”

After speaking, Zhuge Xun fell into darkness.

Then she felt a huge devouring force coming from around her.

The spiritual power of her body was the first to be absorbed, and no matter what method she used, she could not control the spiritual power in her body.

It was as if the spiritual power in her body escaped from every position in her body.

Soon, Zhuge Xun felt that his body was empty, and his spiritual power was about to be absorbed.

Her flesh and blood began to show signs of detachment.


Zhuge Xun was desperate in his heart and was going to die here.

Just when Zhuge Xun was desperate, a red light suddenly lit up in front of her eyes, and a sword light passed by her…

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