Divine thoughts rolled, storms roared, and spread throughout the Beginningless Realm.

Heaven and earth shook, and the continent shook again.

Powerful breath, terrifying coercion.

“Lie down!” Lu

Shaoqing and Zhuge Xun couldn’t bear it, and the two of them sprayed blood wildly, and fell from the sky one by one.

Lu Shaoqing was better, but Zhuge Xun was miserable.

Falling into the crack, the heavy impact made her almost pass out.

Zhuge Xun wanted to cry.

It’s embarrassing.

I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.

In this world, like a mortal, he fell several times.

Thanks to the fact that she is a saint family, her physical body is strong enough, otherwise she would have died again and again.

Although she is a monk, she is also a woman.

In this helpless and embarrassing situation, she still couldn’t help but feel sad, and her eyes were red.

“Huh, are you

crying?” Lu Shaoqing found Zhuge Xun, noticed Zhuge Xun’s eyes, and was immediately shocked, “Won’t it, the master of the hermit family, crying?” When Zhuge

Xun heard this, he was even sadder, and tears appeared in his red eyes.

Crystal reflective.

I wipe!

The hidden family is indeed a pill.


Shaoqing despised, “You are too dish, and you dare to say that you are a master.” ”

Parallel refining period!”

Zhuge Xun’s heart suddenly became angry.

I’m crying, and you’re still laughing at me?

Lu Shaoqing’s side continued, “If it’s like you, the hidden family eats jujube pills.”

“Just this little setback, you cry.”

“It’s too weak…” Shaking

his head, with a wave of his hand, Zhuge Xun was thrown to the ground.

With a plop, Zhuge Xun landed in a embarrassed posture.

But at this time, Zhuge Xun couldn’t care about being angry.

Lu Shaoqing’s words were like thunder that shocked her heart.

She seemed to understand something.

She fell into thought, her eyes showed a little confusion, and she didn’t have time to pay attention to what was in front of her.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to continue to pay attention to Zhuge Xun.

Because, at this time, another equally powerful aura appeared.

The same is a Void Wind Spirit.

Although the size is not as large as the first spirit, it is still large enough.

The whole body is black, rolling and wriggling, like a black sun.

Even the wind howling out was a black storm, raging madly in the beginningless realm.

Once again, everything here in the Beginningless Realm is destroyed.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the black Void Wind Spirit, and his heart became nervous.


Listen to the name and know that it is the same level of existence as the sacrificial god and the rampant god.

It can even be said that it is a stronger existence.

After all, this is the existence of the Mahayana period.

Rolling coercion, like heavenly power, Aragami eroded a Void Wind Spirit, allowing the Void Wind Spirit to become his own carrier, exuding terrifying coercion.

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The terrifying coercion caused the continent of the beginningless realm to collapse again.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Primeval Spirit also exuded coercive pressure to block, the Beginningless Realm would completely collapse under this coercion.

Lu Shaoqing also hurriedly took Zhuge Xun all the way back, and they all almost retreated to the edge of the continent before feeling better.

That terrifying coercion made Lu Shaoqing understand what the Mahayana period was.

“If I go up now, I guess I will be directly seconded, right?” Lu

Shaoqing’s heart jumped, it was too terrifying.

“Hurry up, kill it. Lu Shaoqing looked at the slowly rotating Shi Ling and said secretly.

The spirit slowly turned, and a howling storm erupted around it, like anger that had been brewing for thousands of years, erupting at this moment.

In the end, countless wind blades were formed and surged towards Aragami.

“Oblious…” is

full of sinister, cunning, smug laughter that makes people chill throughout.

Even Lu Shaoqing felt a fear seeping out of his soul.

Grandma Li!

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth in his heart, so that he didn’t tremble as much as possible.

But with a laugh, he knew that Aragami was more difficult than sacrificial and rampant.


Perhaps, this is the boss.

Lu Shaoqing secretly guessed in his heart.

Laughing proudly, Aragami’s aura erupted, and a black storm swept through, like two big hands easily destroying the wind blade in the sky.

Moreover, the two storms on the left and right went straight to the Spirit.

“An ant, also dare to run rampant in front of this god?” occupied

the body of the Void Wind Spirit, and the attack method was similar to that of the Void Wind Spirit.

However, the power of the explosion is too strong.

Where the storm passed, cracks appeared in space, like black spider silk crawling all over the sky.

It’s shocking to watch.

The sound of clicking and clicking kept ringing.

It was as if the world had become extremely fragile.


The black storm roared, and suddenly, the color of heaven and earth changed, as if someone had moved it with his hand, and the sky and earth changed color.

A layer of invisible fluctuations rippled in the space.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were dark, and all the sounds of time disappeared.

Zhuge Xun was even more frightened to his senses.


she screamed at first, but quickly remembered something and hurriedly covered her mouth.

“What happened?”

yet she couldn’t help but be terrified because she couldn’t even hear her own voice.

Not only has she become mortal, but now she is blind, deaf and mute.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flashed, and a Tai Chi pattern appeared.

Suddenly, he saw only a light of indescribable color, and it seemed that this light was left in heaven and earth.

That is to say, the other rules of heaven and earth disappear, and there is only this one rule.


, Aragami left only one dark rule except for the other rules of heaven and earth.

Lu Shaoqing’s scalp was numb.

In this kind of rule, only Aragami can exert his strength, and no one else can, unless he can also adapt to this rule.

Just when Lu Shaoqing and Zhuge Xun couldn’t see or hear, a white light lit up.

The light that bursts above the sky cuts through the darkness.

“Boom!” With a loud bang, heaven and earth returned to their original state.

The black light dissipated in the light, and the first spirit began to fight back…

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