With the same counterattack, the invisible storm transformed into a tentacle and gently flicked.

The wind of heaven and earth is raging, becoming a world of wind.

Hidden in the storm, everything was torn to shreds in its path.

The space around Aragami is collapsing, and disorderly forces are destroying everything.


Aragami snorted coldly, and the storm dissipated, and the black mist once again surged through.

The battle between the First Spirit and the Aragami caused the Beginningless Realm to suffer wave after wave of destruction.

Aragami’s voice echoed, “Go outside and fight!” ”

This proposal was undesirable.

After all, the Beginningless Realm is the home of the Void Wind Spirit, and if it is gone, it will have to cry to death.

Soon, calm returned to the Beginningless Realm.

And in the depths of the distant void, there was a terrifying vibration.

The first spirit and Aragami disappeared here, and there was a mess and a dead silence here.

There was not the slightest sound, not even a trace of wind, as if the world was dead.

“Can you win?” Zhuge Xun approached, his face hesitant.

It’s not that she can’t do it, but the enemy is too terrifying.

The existence of the Mahayana period, even the breath emitted, is enough to destroy heaven and earth.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing protecting her, with her strength, she would have been wiped out long ago.

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “Who knows? Hope it wins. To

be honest, Lu Shaoqing didn’t have a bottom in his heart.

The aura exposed by Aragami is very strong, even if it is weaker than the First Spirit, but Lu Shaoqing does not think that Aragami has a low chance of winning.

Aragami has a strange and terrifying origin, and the first spirit is also an ancient creature.

However, the Void Wind Spirit is not good at fighting, otherwise it would not be suppressed by Aragami and needs his help.

Lu Shaoqing clasped his hands together and prayed seriously to the heavens, “The first spirit must be able to win, and if you can’t win, you must lose both, and it’s best to die with the Aragami.”

“Now, what do we do?” Zhuge Xun asked again.

In the current situation, Zhuge Xun did not have any ideas in his heart, and he could only subconsciously rely on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, waved his hand, took her into the air, and rushed straight into the distance.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s relaxed and dashing appearance, Zhuge Xun was envious in his heart.

In this suppressed world, Lu Shaoqing can still act as before.

Walking in the sky, there were no words all the way, plus the beginningless realm seemed lifeless here, and Zhuge Xun felt a little depressed.

Zhuge Xun subconsciously opened his mouth to find a topic, “Don’t you think it’s strange?

“What’s so strange?”

Zhuge Xun looked at the sky above his head, and he could no longer see the two Mahayana periods, “Aragami offered to leave here to fight, if it was the first spirit who proposed it, there would be no problem.” ”

It seems too strange to be proposed by Aragami.”

“I suspect Aragami has a conspiracy.”

Lu Shaoqing replied, “If you think like this, it also shows that you have a bit of brains.

Zhuge Xun took a deep breath, “Can you talk properly?” ”

What do you mean to be a little brainy?

I’ve always been smart, right?

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“Do you guess what Aragami’s conspiracy is?”

Zhuge Xun shook his head, “No.

“I take back my previous words.”

Zhuge Xun understood what Lu Shaoqing meant, and immediately grinded his teeth, and had the urge to bite.

She snorted, “You know what? ”

There!” Lu Shaoqing pointed to the distance and said, “That’s Aragami’s conspiracy.”

Zhuge Xun’s gaze looked away, and in the distance, she vaguely saw a white cover.

Before he got closer, Zhuge Xun felt a sharp sword intent.

Sword intent filled the heavens and earth, as if even the air was full of sharp sword intent, everywhere.

Zhuge Xun felt this sword intent, and her heart was shocked, as if she saw a matchless divine sword sweeping across the heavens and earth, and the heavens and realms were crawling in front of this divine sword.

The sharp sword intent formed a white hood that enveloped Fang Yuan for thousands of miles.

Lu Shaoqing took Zhuge Xun and stopped dozens of miles away, and the sharp sword intent was something that even Lu Shaoqing couldn’t bear.

The sharp sword intent has occupied the surrounding place, sharp and sharp, making people feel like they are in a forest of thorns, and every skin of the body feels tingling.

Here is already the limit that Zhuge Xun can bear, and no matter how close, Zhuge Xun will be torn to pieces by the surrounding sword intent.

Zhuge Xun’s face turned pale, and the sharp sword intent around him was like a greedy evil wolf, wanting to pounce on her all the time and bite off a piece of meat from her.

The sharp intention went straight to her soul, and the irrepressible fear made her body tremble slightly.

“This, is this Ji Yan Gongzi’s sword intent?”

Zhuge Xun had felt Ji Yan’s sword intent, which was unmatched, similar to the sword intent in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No, it’s another sword intent.” ”

Ji Yan’s sword intent is sharp, but it is still a little worse than the sword intent in front of him.

The sword intent in front of him contained a domineering aura in the edge.

It seems that there is no other force in the world that can compare with it.

In a word, except for it, everyone here is rubbish.

Zhuge Xun reacted, “Is it the Emperor Sword?”

Lu Shaoqing was silent for a moment, “It’s not clear, I’ll take a look.” ”

You go?” Zhuge Xun was shocked.

Although she couldn’t see it, the sword intent in front of her covered the heavens and the earth, full of the aura of destroying the heavens and the earth, and every step forward was a hundred times more difficult, and this was already her limit.

She didn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing could get closer.

What about strong strength?

She couldn’t help but remind, “Beware of being stabbed into a hornet’s nest.” ”

Throw in a cultivator of the Transformation God Stage realm, and you will be strangled into slag by these sword intents in an instant.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “You are weak, it does not mean that I am ruo, after all, I am handsome.” ”

Handsome chicken feathers!

Lu Shaoqing soared into the air again, not very fast, and flew towards the barrier formed by the sword intent.

At first, the speed is normal, but later, the speed gradually slows down.

When he was still about ten miles away, Lu Shaoqing had to fall to the ground and walk over step by step.

One step, one step, ten miles, five miles, Zhuge Xun’s eyes straightened.

Is this guy actually so strong?

Being able to go there, the comprehension of sword intent is definitely more than ninety percent of people in the world.

But in the last three miles, Lu Shaoqing stopped….

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