Lv Shaoqing is also Alexander.

Sweat continued to break out on his forehead, falling down drop by drop.

He slowly withdrew the kick he was about to take.

Grandma Li!

Lu Shaoqing scolded her mother in her heart.

He felt that the sword intent around him seemed to have grown eyes, staring at him in unison.

Already sharpening his knife, once he took a step, he would rush up and tear him to pieces.

Moreover, the sword intent in Lu Shaoqing’s body also felt threatened, and he was also about to move.

Once this step is taken, there is bound to be a war.

At that time, even if he wins, he will win miserably.

What’s more, Lu Shaoqing did not have the confidence to win.

Lu Shaoqing stood in place, staring at the barrier in front.

The barrier is not far, it is only three miles away.

Lu Shaoqing could even see the conjured sword intent clearly, like snow-white elves dancing on it.

Go back?

Lu Shaoqing muttered in his heart.

Senior brother and junior sister don’t care.

When the time comes, forget about the meal.

Although he thought so, Lu Shaoqing was still thinking of a way.

It’s okay to get closer to see what’s going on, and then go back to tell Master.

Domineering sword intent, who gave you face….

Zhuge Xun watched from behind and saw Lu Shaoqing standing motionless in place.

She subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

If Lu Shaoqing could walk directly to the barrier, she would definitely feel that she would dream.

“Even if it’s you, you can’t walk, right?”

“This sword intent is domineering, no one can challenge it, you dare to move, wait until it is the attack of Thunderball, at that time, even you will suffer.”

However, not long after these words fell, Lu Shaoqing raised his foot again.

When Zhuge Xun saw it, his heart jumped, wouldn’t it.

Lu Shaoqing raised his foot, and at the same time, the aura on his body quickly receded, becoming like an ordinary person.

Then slowly step forward, step by step.

“This, this can’t be!” Zhuge Xun jumped up and looked at this scene in disbelief.


Zhuge Xun held his head, and once again felt unbelievable, this world, too crazy.

I must be dreaming.

This is a terrifying sword that emits sword intent, and ordinary people who dare to approach it easily.

Lu Shaoqing is good, not only can he get close, but he also has to approach without any resistance and without any defense.

The point is, he can still walk through intact.

Are you blind?

Are these sword intents blind?

You can’t see such a big living person, right?

Zhuge Xun did not understand and did not understand.

She could only blame the world for being crazy.

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In an abnormal world, she cannot integrate after all.

Lu Shaoqing walked step by step, and finally came to the barrier.

When he approached, it seemed that the entire barrier had stopped functioning, and the condensed sword intent looked at him in unison.

Ma Yay!

Lu Shaoqing felt the danger.

The sword intent here is further edged, and the power will also go further.

If the outermost sword intent is the weakest, in Zhuge Xun, it is the power plus one, and the power within ten miles of the barrier is increased by ten.

Then the power of the barrier in front of you is increased by a thousand.

Lu Shaoqing felt a strong threat.

I’ll take a look!

Lu Shaoqing muttered in his heart.

Holding his breath and concentrating, he relaxed himself as much as possible, and the sword intent in his body was also pressed by him, dormant in his body like hibernation, without revealing a trace of it.

The whole person has become extremely relaxed, and he even stops breathing lightly, and the whole person is like a feather ascending immortal, beyond the dust.

The sword intent in front of him is domineering, only to make the sword intent feel that it is not against it, and it is not possible to provoke it.

Of course, these also need to be backed by strong strength to do this.

Let Zhuge Xun that chick come, it is estimated that it will be strangled into slag in less than two breaths.

Standing motionless in place, after a long time, Lu Shaoqing felt that the danger was almost the same, and he began to move.

The barrier in front of you is white and opaque, and you can’t see the situation inside.

I don’t know if the senior brother and sister were killed.

In order to find out, Lu Shaoqing slowly stretched out his hand and muttered in a low voice, as if to the sword intent barrier, “I’ll take a look, don’t go in, really.” His

right hand slowly pressed against the barrier.

In an instant, Lu Shaoqing’s heart was stunned, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed greatly.

He seems to have traveled through countless times and spaces, ancient times, the future, the starry sky, the world, and so on.

A long river of time flowed past him, and space changed under his feet.

Lu Shaoqing’s body began to change with the time and space around him, old and young, old and young, old people, children, constantly changing.

Finally, as if with a bang, Lu Shaoqing found himself in a pitch-black space.

This is not the void, nor is it the earth.

In the pitch-black space, a tall figure holding a silver long sword, dancing up and down, fighting with a huge black shadow.

Neither the figure nor the huge black shadow can see the slightest face.

They were all shrouded in a thick black fog, and Lu Shaoqing couldn’t see the slightest bit of his eyes.

Even the silver long sword, he couldn’t see clearly.

The so-called silver is also in the dream.

There is not the slightest sound in the space, nor the slightest aura or air.

Although it is a battle, there is not the slightest energy fluctuation.

Watching TV?

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but muttered in his heart.

He now looks like watching TV, following the screen and watching the people in the TV fight.

Moreover, this TV is still silent.

No matter how hard he fights, he can’t feel the slightest bit here.

If Lu Shaoqing guessed correctly, the tall figure was holding the emperor sword in Shi Ling’s mouth.

“Here, it should be the situation of the emperor sword’s battle in the past,” Lu Shaoqing whispered to himself, saying his guess, “I ran into it, so it brought me here to watch silent TV.” ”

Since you’re here, take a good look.

Lu Shaoqing looked with such a thought, but at this glance, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes seemed to be sucked by something, and he couldn’t take his eyes off again…

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