One by one, black monsters roared and rushed up, terrifying and fierce, fierce and fierce.

They show scarlet eyes, show sharp teeth, and wave their sharp claws, eager to knock Zhuge down and devour her flesh and blood.

However, Zhuge Xun’s full of anger transformed into a murderous intent that was no worse than that of the monsters.

She is more like a monster than a monster.

A humanoid ferocious beast easily tore the monster to pieces with the powerful strength of its body.

Zhuge Xun killed all the way, and everywhere he passed, the monster suffered heavy casualties and wailed continuously.


Zhuge Xun shouted angrily, smashed a monster to the ground, blood splashed, the monster wailed, screamed, and finally struggled to interrupt his breath.

The surrounding monsters were frightened by Zhuge Xun’s ferocity for a while, and they lingered.

“Come on!”

Zhuge Xun’s evil qi has not yet come out, and he took the initiative to kill the monster.


Some monsters just turn around and run.

They were frightened by a human.

“Don’t run!”

Zhuge Xun drank angrily, caught up with a monster, tore his hands, the monster was torn in half from between his legs, blood splashed, and a mournful wail sounded.

The surrounding monsters scattered with their tails between their legs.

Zhuge Xun had already killed the red eye at this time and continued to chase and kill the monster.

Running all the way, like a king in the forest, everywhere he passed, he retreated.

Zhuge Xun killed all the way, another monster died on her hand, she was just taking a breath, and suddenly felt a sharp breath coming.

She turned her head and saw a monster several times her size slowly appear from behind a rock, staring at her coldly.

Around, many monsters surrounded, they were crawling on the ground, lying on stones, hiding in the cracks, already firmly enveloping her.

Zhuge Xun also calmed down at this time, and secretly said that it was not good in his heart, and he was in the middle of the plan.

Not all monsters are irrational, she is calculated by monsters and is surrounded by them.

Zhuge Xun retreated, and after glancing at the big monster, she turned and ran.

There is no spiritual power here, no magic weapon, the larger the body, the greater the power contained in it, and the stronger the strength.

Zhuge Xun did not have the confidence to compete with this monster in strength.

Killed by that bastard.


Sensing that Zhuge Xun was about to escape, the monster roared, and the surrounding monsters surrounded him.

“Get out of here!”

Zhuge Xun shouted angrily and punched a monster.

But at this time, two monsters were already pounced on the left and the right.

Zhuge Xun had no choice but to stop and avoid them.

After stopping like this, it is inevitable to fall into the siege of monsters.

The big monster roared and rushed over with heavy steps.

“Boom…” The

earth shook under its impact, as if an earthquake had occurred.

It rushed over, and its sharp claws grabbed Zhuge Xun fiercely.

Zhuge Xun hurriedly dodged away.


A stone fell apart, and the rubble splashed on Zhuge Xun’s face, making Zhuge Xun’s face change slightly.

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The strength is much stronger than her, come up, she will definitely lie down.

It was such a blow, she was sure that she couldn’t beat it.

Moreover, there are more monsters around, and when the time comes, she will die.

Abominable bastard, I won’t let you go.

Zhuge Xun was still greeting Lu Shaoqing at this time.


The monster’s attack came again, and Zhuge Xun could only retreat again.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that a black shadow flashed, and she was shocked in her heart and hurriedly dodged.

After being stepped on her face several times by Lu Shaoqing, she had developed a habit.

Do everything with a little spare effort, so as not to let yourself completely fall into passivity.


A monster almost left a wound on her body, thanks to her dodging in time

, but if she avoided a blow here, she couldn’t dodge it there.

The monster’s attack struck again, and Zhuge Xun had no way to dodge, so he could only raise his hand to resist.


Zhuge Xun’s mouth sprayed blood, and the whole person flew like a shooting star, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

Zhuge Xun felt as if he had been hit by a fierce beast, and the pain in his internal organs seemed to be displaced.

The surrounding monsters pounced.

However, the big monster shouted angrily, and the surrounding monsters could only retreat unwillingly.

Zhuge Xun got up with difficulty

, looking at the monster that rushed towards her, she was desperate.

How can she resist now?

At the moment when the monster was killed, a cold light flashed.

The monster’s head flew high, black blood spurted straight out, and then the huge body slowly fell.


The surrounding monsters were shocked, and Zhuge Xun was also shocked.

“Hehe, Sister Zhuge why are you here?”

A proud voice sounded from behind the monster, Xiao Yi appeared with a sword, looked at Zhuge Xun and asked with a smile, “What about my second senior brother?”

Zhuge Xun was shocked, looked at Xiao Yi, and suddenly felt that it felt so good to escape from death.

Zhuge Xun wanted to speak, but there was a roar in the distance, and the monsters around who were obviously afraid pounced again.

“I lean,” Xiao Yi was shocked and said to Zhuge Xun, “Sister Zhuge , let’s go back quickly.” Xiao

Yi opened the way in front and took Zhuge Xun all the way back.

What Xiao Yi was holding in his hand was the Wuqiu Sword, extremely sharp, even if the monster with thick scales on his body was cut down with a sword.

Soon, Zhuge Xun followed Xiao Yi back to the broken sword.

Ji Yanpan sat under the broken sword, and the plane tree held Xiao Hei, who had turned into a bird, in his arms.

One tree and one bird are also suppressed, and there is no strength to deal with monsters.

What made Zhuge Xun strange was that there was a blank space around the broken sword, and no monsters broke in.


Several monsters rushed from a distance, and when they approached, they suddenly disintegrated into a blood mist in the air, and were completely strangled.

Zhuge Xun was creepy, and she felt a sharp sword intent.

Only then could she feel the existence of invisible sword intent around her, forming an invisible protection.

Therefore, the monsters that are killed will be strangled.

Seeing Zhuge Xun’s shocked look, Xiao Yi brandished the Wuqiu sword and said, “Don’t worry, there is a senior brother, the monster can’t get close…”

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