Zhuge Xun then understood.

Although Ji Yan was settled, the sharp sword intent around him protected this place.

Xiao Yi attracted the attention of the monster in front, killed the monster, and did not let the monster disturb Ji Yan too much.

Xiao Yi said to Zhuge Xun, “Sister Zhuge is injured, you can rest in the back.” I’ll clean up these disgusting monsters. ”

It may be a future sister-in-law, so be nice to her.”

In the future, the second senior brother bullied me, and there are people who can help me out.


The triumphant Xiao Yi brandished his long sword and took the initiative to kill it.

“Disgusting thing, I’ll hack you to death!”

Although there is no way to use spiritual power, the mortal sword is easy to swing, and a random wave is a peerless school in the mortal martial arts.


The monsters roared again and again, they had speed and strength, but in the face of Xiao Yi, who was holding a hillless sword, they seemed to be restrained.

Wearing scale armor, it could not resist the sharpness of the Wuqiu sword.

Xiao Yi could easily understand them with a single sword.

Many monsters faced Xiao Yi and had no other way but to roar.

Zhuge Xun did not choose to heal the injury, the spiritual power could not operate, the storage ring could not be used, the pill could not be taken out, and the wound was healed.

Thinking that he had fallen into such a realm thanks to Lu Shaoqing, Zhuge Xun’s heart burst into anger.

She rushed out and fought side by side with Xiao Yi.

Seeing that Zhuge Xun dropped a thin dog monster directly to death, Xiao Yi blinked.

In the future, if you pass the door, will it be the second senior brother of domestic violence?

But her eyes are brighter, so fierce, it is best to cure the second senior brother.

Xiao Yi hurriedly leaned over, “Sister Zhuge is really powerful, what about my second senior brother?” As

soon as the three words of the second senior brother came out, Zhuge Xun’s combat effectiveness soared several times again.

One punch knocked a monster apart, gritting his teeth, “He’s dead.”

After Xiao Yi listened, not only was he not worried, but he smiled even more happily, and his eyes narrowed.

There is adultery, there is definitely adultery.

The second senior brother should not put on his pants and not recognize people, right?

Otherwise, why is Sister Zhuge so angry?

Hmph, the second senior brother of the scumbag.

However, Xiao Yi still said good things for Lu Shaoqing, “Sister Zhuge don’t be angry, the second senior brother has his intentions in doing anything.” ”

His intentions?

Zhuge Xun was even more angry, yes, the bastard guy’s intention is to use himself as a stepping stone.

In case of danger, I will go to you.

“Damn it!” Zhuge Xun shouted angrily, grabbed a monster that pounced, and smashed it to the ground, “Bastard guy, give me death!”

Xiao Yi was shocked to see it, what did the second senior brother do to make Sister Zhuge so angry.

“Sister Zhuge , what did the second senior brother do to you?” Xiao Yi’s eyes flashed, it was the light of gossip.

Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth, “I will never forget it in my life.” ”

The lineage of the hidden family of the Holy Family was actually used as a stepping stone.

It’s a shame.

If you don’t bite that bastard, this shame can’t be washed away.


Xiao Yi gave himself a thumbs up in his heart, and he really guessed correctly.

The second senior brother really did something indescribable to Sister Zhuge .

Xiao Yi continued to comfort Zhuge Xun, “Sister Zhuge don’t worry, when the time comes, go to my master and let the master clean up the second senior brother.”

“It’s really not okay, let the senior brother make a move.”

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Zhuge Xun huffed, “Hmph, maybe he will be killed by the Mahayana period outside.” ”

Mahayana period?”

Xiao Yi was shocked, did not dare to gossip, and continued to ask, “What’s going on?” Zhuge

Xun probably said something.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but glance back at the Emperor Sword worriedly, and Ji Yanpan sat under the Emperor Sword, shining slightly.

And there are two kinds of light on the emperor sword, one white and one black.

Zhuge Xun said again, “In the face of the Mahayana period, I see how arrogant he is.

Xiao Yi smiled and had full confidence in Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t worry, the second senior brother will be fine.”

“Maybe you’re trying to deal with the Mahayana period.”

Dealing with the Mahayana period?

You dare to say it.

Sure enough, it was the junior sister of that bastard, with an arrogant tone.

Zhuge Xun sneered, with a mocking tone, “Deal with the Mahayana period?

“What did he deal with?” Head iron? ”

Even if it is the merging period, you will have to die during the Mahayana period.

Still trying to deal with the Mahayana period?

The best way to deal with the Mahayana period is to hide as far as possible.

In this plane during the Mahayana period, the true God, an invincible being.

There is only the Mahayana realm to deal with the Mahayana period, and nothing else.

Xiao Yi smiled, “Even if the second senior brother is no match for the Mahayana period, isn’t there still my senior brother?” ”

My two senior brothers join forces, and the world is invincible.

Zhuge Xun shook his head.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, this little girl was too deeply poisoned.

Really think that your senior brother is invincible in the world?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Xun secretly despised Lu Shaoqing in his heart, a bastard guy who specifically deceived the little girl.

The two talked while dealing with the monster.

Because of the Wuqiu Sword in Xiao Yi’s hand, there was no pressure on the two of them to deal with the monster.

With the divine weapon in hand, killing monsters is like chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

Zhuge Xun looked envious, if she had such a weapon in her hand, she could kill seven in and seven out of the monster.

She suddenly missed the time when she held the Mo Jun sword.

The feeling that Mo Junjian gave her was something she couldn’t forget in her life.

Xiao Yi and Zhuge Xun were killing here, and when the monsters were wailing, suddenly a roar came out from the crack.

Another huge monster appeared.

It was even bigger than the monster that Zhuge Xun faced just now.

Ten meters tall, covered in scale armor, full of explosive power.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi sneered, “Still dare to come out and send it?”

“Look at me…”

Before he finished speaking, there were a few more roars, and three equally huge monsters appeared.

Four huge monsters instantly increased the pressure here.

Xiao Yi was stunned, and then scolded, “Don’t talk about martial virtue!” ”

Do you dare to single it out?”

Zhuge Xun was speechless, with the demeanor of that bastard.

Zhuge Xun said, “Let’s retreat.” ”

Four monsters, the two of them are not easy to deal with, especially she Zhuge Xun, who has no weapons in her hands.

Zhuge Xun hoped that he could return to the scope of Ji Yan’s protection and let Ji Yan’s sword intent kill them…

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