The sword intent spread throughout the sky, and the domineering aura suppressed down.

The continent of the Beginningless Realm shook, and all the trees bowed their heads again at this moment.

The branches bent, and they surrendered to this domineering.

Sycamore and Zhuge Xun once again lay on the ground.

The matchless domineering aura made it impossible for them to stand up straight.

The hearts of the two were beating violently, and fear grew from the bottom of their hearts and continued to spread throughout their bodies.

Every cell in his body was trembling.

They didn’t have the slightest breath of resistance, they just wanted to surrender to this domineering.

Lu Shaoqing dissipated his breath at the first time, making himself feel like he was out of this world.

Overbearing or something, he has already felt it.

When the colored dragon pointed at him and bit him, he was yin several times.

Lu Shaoqing was not the slightest worried about himself, he was more worried about Ji Yan.

He stood in front of Xiao Yi and helped Xiao Yi dissolve the pressure while his gaze fell on Ji Yan in the distance.

“Ants, kneel, die!”

The cold and merciless divine thoughts crossed the sky, like a cold wind howling by.

Aragami’s hand emitted a black light, like a demon light falling on Ji Yan.

The goal of the Aragami who controlled the emperor sword was very clear, and Ji Yan dared to show his sword intent in front of it, and it used the sword intent of the emperor sword to make Ji Yan submit.

With its strength, it is easy to kill Ji Yan, but how can it endure such arrogance of an ant?

First let the ants submit, and then step on them to death.

Ji Yan stood in place with his eyes closed, and a faint white light appeared from his body, which was condensed by countless sword intent, turning into a white barrier to resist the black light.

However, the black light became more and more intense, like a swamp abyss slowly devouring Ji Yan.

In the end, the black light completely enveloped Ji Yan, deeply wrapping Ji Yan.


Seeing this, Aragami snorted coldly with disdain.

Do you dare to be arrogant in front of it?

Ji Yan’s breath disappeared, and the plane tree was in a hurry, “Boy, you still don’t make a move?”

Lu Shaoqing was also uncertain in his heart, but just when he was about to test it.


A sword clang, like a low sound in the night, was the first sound to break through the darkness.

The next moment, a ray of light shot up into the sky.

The black light shrouded in Ji Yan was pierced, and one after another burst out.

Finally, a strong glow is formed.

The light that rushed straight into the sky gradually dissipated, and a divine dragon appeared in the sky.

The divine dragon transformed by the sword intent hovered above the nine skies, looking down on all living beings.

A sharp breath swept the world.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression moved, and Ji Yan’s sword intent was a little different.

If the sword intent of the previous plan is fierce and powerful, it is extremely sharp.

Then now Ji Yan’s sword intent is not reduced, and it also gives people a feeling of invincibility.

Compared with the sword intent of the emperor sword, there is an additional convincing and domineering aura.

As if this is the invincible sword intent, it is the existence worthy of surrender.

In front of this sword intent, all sword intent was eclipsed.

The plane tree stammered, “This, outrageous.

“The emperor sword is domineering, and he comprehends the king’s way.”

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The plane tree is an old tree spirit, and it tells the difference between the two in one bite.

Domineering, full of invincibility, but there are many people who are unhappy and unconvinced by this invincibility.

Wang Dao, the same invincibility, this invincibility has been recognized, and the heart is pleased and sincere.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, Wang Bazhi.

The mysterious aura flashed, and there was an illusion of going back in time, and Ji Yan’s aura skyrocketed again, as if he had returned to the time when he was not injured before.

“Damn it!”

Aragami didn’t expect Ji Yan’s sword intent to go further.

Although surprised, it did not have any worries and still disdained.

“An ant is an ant, and no amount of means is in vain.”

“Die!” It drew its sword again, this time it didn’t plan to play, and it planned to kill Ji Yan with a sword.

The monstrous and domineering sword intent gathered together, and a black dragon roared into the sky.

Ji Yan opened his eyes, his gaze flashed coldly, and the same fierce sword swung out.

A ray of sword light rushed towards the black dragon, without any Huli fancy, it was a simple sword.

Avenue to simplicity.


The black dragon that rushed down listened violently in mid-air, and the next moment, it slowly split into two halves.

The sound of thumping collisions was endless, the domineering sword intent continued to dissipate, and the pressure between heaven and earth was greatly reduced.

“No, it can’t be!”

Aragami was shocked, and it lowered its head and looked at the imperial sword in his hand in disbelief.

The emperor sword is invincible, why can’t it beat an ant?

“I don’t believe it!” Aragami roared, and the emperor sword was also trembling, filled with endless anger.

“Give me death!”

A sword slashed down again, and it was still a domineering sword intent that fell.


Or a fluttering sword swing, Ji Yan didn’t even use a sword move, just simply wielded the long sword.

A sword light streaked through, and the overwhelming sword intent disappeared without a trace.

Aragami was shocked again.

That’s outrageous.

Aragami couldn’t believe it, suspecting that he was dreaming, “Impossible! It

struck again, again and again, and after several times, it was horrified to find that it was not dreaming.

The sword intent that the emperor sword burst out was not Ji Yan’s opponent.

The plane tree and Zhuge Xun below were also stunned, and they were also suspecting that they were dreaming.

“Why?” Zhuge Xun was very puzzled, obviously the difference in realm was so big, now he was actually able to suppress the other party.

Dreaming is not dreaming.

Ji Yan’s voice sounded, as if to tell Aragami, “You don’t understand swords!

“You eroded the Emperor Sword, but you are not the Emperor Sword, it is not yours.”

“Speak loudly!” Aragami was furious, and the little ant dared to accuse it, “The emperor sword is already in my palm, and I will let you see what is called the true power of the emperor sword.” ”

Divine consciousness is pervasive, rolling like heavenly thunder, with the monstrous anger of Aragami.


Aragami once again swung his imperial sword and slammed it at Ji Yan.


However, at this time, with a dragon groan, an almost transparent divine dragon struck from a distance, fiercely killing Aragami.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Serong…”

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