The divine dragon that was shouted by Lu Shaoqing as a color dragon was transformed by the sword intent that permeated before the emperor sword.

In order to hunt down and kill Lu Shaoqing, even the sword intent barrier joined in.

Lu Shaoqing finally found an opportunity to get rid of.

Now I didn’t expect it to turn back and go straight to Aragami.

“Ants!” Although Aragami was a little surprised, he was not flustered.

The backhand is a sword against the colored dragon.

But at this time, Ji Yan once again struck with a sword.

Aragami instantly fell into the left and right outflanking.

Aragami is still not panicked, whether it is Ji Yan or the divine dragon transformed by the sword intent before the emperor sword, it does not put it in his eyes.

In its eyes, everything is an ant.

“I hold the emperor sword, I am invincible in the world!”

However, as soon as its words fell, a white light suddenly erupted from the surface of the emperor sword.

It was like a white light piercing black, deeply stinging Aragami’s eyes, and also causing black smoke to come out of his body.

At the same time, there was a tingling pain in his hand, and it had to let go.


Aragami screamed.

Ji Yan and Seron took the opportunity to attack.

Two rays of light submerged into Aragami’s body, and two different sword intents burst out in Aragami’s body.


Aragami screamed, his body collapsed and dissipated, and finally a black mist remained in the emperor sword.

The sword intent that Lu Shaoqing called the color dragon also did not enter the emperor sword.

The next moment, the emperor sword once again appeared in two colors.

White and black.

But it was still black that had the upper hand.

The emperor sword was suspended in the sky, and Ji Yan slowly came to the emperor sword with the Mojun sword in his hand.

The emperor sword flipped and floated in front of Ji Yan, the hilt of the sword facing him.

After Ji Yan pondered for a few breaths, he stretched out his hand and held the emperor sword.

The next moment, Ji Yan’s body shook suddenly.

A sense of déjà vu welled up in my heart.


The emperor sword let out a soft sound, and a pleasant emotion spread throughout the beginningless realm.

It seems that something particularly happy has been encountered.

As a woman, Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but whisper, “It’s crying.” In

fact, there is no need for Zhuge Xun to say, an indescribable sadness appeared in the hearts of everyone.

Even Lu Shaoqing felt sad.

He rubbed his nose fiercely and cursed, “Serong, no, what does Sejian want to do?” Ji

Yan whispered, “I’ll help you!”


Di Jian once again emitted a happy mood.

“Very happy…” A

faint thought came from the Emperor Sword into Ji Yan’s heart.

The next moment, the aura of the emperor sword changed, giving birth to a sense of determination.

Ji Yan was stunned, and subconsciously shouted, “Don’t! The

emperor sword shook suddenly, as if an explosion had occurred in the body.

“Damn, damn it!”

Aragami roared, and a black mist wanted to rush out from inside the Emperor Sword, but then it seemed to be pulled back by a big hand, firmly entangled it, and prevented it from leaving the Emperor Sword’s body.

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The emperor sword continued to vibrate, and the plan holding it in his hand could clearly feel what was happening inside.

The emperor sword was interrupted, and the remaining sword spirit in his body could not wake up.

Aragami took advantage of the void and thought of devouring the sword spirit to control the imperial sword.

He came here to help the Emperor Sword deal with Aragami within the Emperor Sword.

However, the emperor sword’s strength suddenly weakened at that time, and it was gained the upper hand by Aragami.

Now, the emperor sword relied on external forces to awaken the sleeping sword spirit in his body.

After the sword spirit woke up, he decisively self-detonated, pulling the Aragami in his body to die.

Ji Yan wanted to stop it, but he couldn’t do anything but watch the sword spirit of the emperor sword explode itself.


Finally, the light on the surface of the emperor sword dissipated, lost its divinity, and became like a mortal iron broken sword.


A breeze blew, and the emperor sword gradually dissipated in Ji Yan’s hands, completely extinguished.

The pain in the cone made Ji Yan feel that it was difficult to breathe.

Unspeakable sadness struck the whole body.

Two lines of clear tears flowed, and the unstoppable sadness made Ji Yan cry for the first time.

Ji Yan felt that he had lost something precious, and his heart became empty.

Although he didn’t know the origin of the emperor sword, Ji Yan knew that the broken sword fragments he encountered in the demon world and the demon world came from the emperor sword.

The fragments of the Emperor Sword gave him a lot of help and had a great relationship with him.


Ji Yan felt warmth coming from his hand, and he looked down.

A fist-sized light floated in the palm of his hand.

Ji Yan looked at the light mass in his hand and realized in his heart that this was the origin left over after the self-destruction of the emperor sword.

Inexplicably, Ji Yan was in a good mood, not that nothing was left.

The light mass floated in front of Ji Yan, and the next moment, it swooped into two parts, submerged into Ji Yan and Wuqiu Jian’s body respectively.

The cracks above the Wuqiu Sword closed and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the aura was significantly enhanced.

In just a short time, Ji Yan felt that the Wuqiu Sword had gone further and reached the seventh-level realm.

Ji Yan’s aura skyrocketed, and his realm climbed step by step.

In the blink of an eye, he stepped into the five-layer realm of the middle stage of the body.

However, the origin energy left by the Emperor Sword was too great, and the Wuqiu Sword could not withstand all of it.

In the end, a part of the origin was sent out by Wuqiu, and then submerged into the Mojun Sword and the Lanshui Sword respectively.

The two swords were also upgraded almost successively.


Lu Shaoqing rushed up with the Mo Jun sword and asked with a roar, “What was it just now?” ”

Not poisonous, right?”

“And? Give me some, I want to try the taste too.

Lu Shaoqing wiped his saliva, he was excited to think about it.

Ji Yan glanced at him, and Lu Shaoqing immediately noticed that something was wrong, and turned to Ji Yan with a swoop, staring at Ji Yan carefully.

“Are you crying?”

“Isn’t it?” Lu Shaoqing was even more shocked, he had never seen Ji Yan cry when he was so old, and he was groundbreaking.

He hadn’t seen it, and neither had Master.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly took out the photo stone, not taking a picture, his conscience was uneasy.

Take it and sell it to dead fat people, it will definitely make headlines.

Definitely take a photo to commemorate and pass it on for centuries to come.

Ji Yan quietly evaporated the tear tracks on his face, and said coldly, “You dare to shoot, I will kill you.”

Lu Shaoqing stopped regretfully, “Oh, it’s not interesting.

After speaking, he returned to the ground bored, and Ji Yan followed, and the first sentence was, “I will kill Aragami…”

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