Lu Shaoqing’s feet were soft, and he almost knelt.

He looked at Ji Yan in surprise, “What did you say?” You say it again? ”

No, needless to say,” Lu Shaoqing raised his hand again to stop Ji Yan, “I know you’re going back, it’s okay, I’m ready to open the door now.” Ji

Yan’s voice was indifferent, and his tone was resolute, “I’m going to kill Aragami!” For

the first time, Ji Yan had a strong killing intent against an enemy.

All because of the Emperor Sword.

“Don’t,” Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “don’t think about being impulsive. Don’t think about it.

“Do you think the real Aragami will be like his incarnation?”

Ji Yan glanced down at his hand, and the imperial sword had been completely destroyed in his hand.

Ji Yan clenched his fists, “Aragami, damn it! ”

Damn it,” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xiao Yi and said, “Look, Junior Sister is still breaking through, and I don’t know if the Heavenly Tribulation will come or not, and I have to protect the Dharma.”

“Also, do you know what realm Aragami is?”

“The Mahayana period, do you know that it is called the Mahayana period? It is the kind of existence that can kill you and me with a single breath.

“You haven’t passed my 100th birthday yet, don’t think about it.”

Lu Shaoqing persuaded bitterly.

Thinking all day about provoking powerful enemies.

Zhuge Xun looked at Ji Yan, Ji Yan’s performance made her a fangirl, and she couldn’t help but persuade, “Ji Gongzi, Aragami is a Mahayana period, powerful and invincible, not so easy to deal with.” Zhuge

Xun followed Lu Shaoqing to see the Aragami, and that kind of power was deeply imprinted in her heart, and she knew the strength and terrifying of the Aragami.

Lu Shaoqing agreed very much, “That is, you see that people have passed the age of 100, and the birthday of 200 years old is like this, you learn a little.”

“You have to know how to advance and retreat in order to live longer.”

Zhuge Xun is angry.

I don’t know if a woman’s age can’t be said casually?

Zhuge Xun subconsciously grinded his teeth, eager to pounce and bite Lu Shaoqing to death.

How old am I to shut up your.

Ji Yan looked up at the sky, which was isolated, but he seemed to feel the Aragami in the depths of the void.

Lu Shaoqing continued to persuade, “Isn’t it Aragami?

“Now go first, go back and cultivate for a thousand hundreds of years and then clean it up.”

“A gentleman takes revenge, a thousand years is not too late. Leave the green mountains without worrying about firewood.

“You and I are geniuses, when the time comes, when we are invincible, we will come out to clean up a Aragami or not?”

These words made Zhuge Xun and Sycamore Tree next to them roll their eyes.

Although you two are geniuses, can you not say this kind of thing?

Listen to it.

Ji Yan was impatient, “Verbose.”

Lu Shaoqing’s head was big, “No, what grudge do you have with it?” ”

To provoke the Mahayana period, think about it.

Ji Yan clenched his fists again, “The Emperor Sword helped me.”

Lu Shaoqing was even more big-headed, and even dissatisfied, “I helped you, I didn’t help me, and the benefits are not my points.” ”

I also want to upgrade without cultivation.

I still have to dig out the spirit stones myself to cultivate, and my life is miserable.”

Fandom is not the same life.

Ji Yan glanced at him and pointed to the Mojun Sword in his hand.

Lu Shaoqing was angry and reached out to bounce on Mojun’s sword.

“Foodies, just know to eat!”

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More importantly, if there is food, give me the boss.


Lu Shaoqing let out a helpless sigh.

Ji Yan glanced at this, and then soared into the sky, “Let’s go!” Without

Lu Shaoqing following, Ji Yan had no bottom in his heart.


Lu Shaoqing covered his head, very helpless, “A guy who doesn’t make people worry.” Then he

arranged several formations for Xiao Yi and left with him.

Only Zhuge and plane trees were left to look at each other on the ground.

The two looked at each other and saw each other’s confusion.

For a long time, the plane tree did not dare to speak, “They, are they really going to deal with the Mahayana period?”

Zhuge Xun nodded dumbly, “It seems to be.”

Zhuge Xun, who reacted, covered his head and felt unbelievable.

It’s outrageous.

To deal with the Mahayana period is to really deal with the Mahayana period, as if to deal with the refining period.

Both division brothers are not normal.

This world is not a normal world.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan shuttled through the void, and there was a faint terrifying coercion in the distant void.

The surrounding Void Wind Spirit had already disappeared, and I didn’t know whether to escape or how.

Even the Void Storm disappeared with it, so the pitch-black void appeared incomparably silent.

Lu Shaoqing followed Ji Yan and nagged, “Mahayana period, the existence of terror, do you really think about it?” Ji

Yan could only not hear it, and rushed towards the battle space of Shi Ling and Aragami.

After the two approached, they did not move forward.

It was tens of thousands of miles away from the battle between the two, but the fluctuations of the battle were still full of terrifying power when they reached here.

The two were under pressure and did not rush forward, but here they could also feel the battle on both sides.

Through the observation of divine sense, the two found that the state of the first spirit was a bit bad and was in the downwind.

The first spirit and the Aragami are like two white and black suns violently colliding.

Countless void storms are colliding madly.

Although the aura of the first spirit is a little stronger than Aragami, he is not good at fighting.

Aragami is different, and he is very fierce and fierce.

The Void Storm that was urged often found flaws and caused damage to the First Spirit.

Even sometimes directly collided with the Shi Ling, forcing the Shi Ling to dodge in embarrassment.

After Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan looked at each other for a while, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but frown, “Shiling has a little dish.” Ji

Yan agreed, pointing out the shortcomings of Shi Ling, “I don’t have enough combat experience and am not good at fighting.

“Trouble, what are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing looked a little helpless.

If Shi Ling can beat Aragami, it won’t be the turn of the two of them to strike.

Lu Shaoqing is willing to be a spectator next to him.

But now that Shi Ling is in the inferior position, continuing to fight will only become more and more bad.

It is not impossible to be defeated by Aragami at that time.

To personally fight with the existence of the Mahayana period, Lu Shaoqing still had no bottom in his heart.

After Ji Yan looked at it for a while, he pulled out the Wuqiu sword, “I can’t see anything when I look at it, let’s shoot.” ”

Wipe, you give me…”

However, Ji Yan had disappeared in place, appeared behind Aragami, and swung his sword fiercely…

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