
The sword light came from the distant void.

The terrifying sword intent was even Aragami was surprised.

“Damn it!”

Aragami snorted angrily.

The invincible sword intent, even it felt great pressure.

“Whew…” The

surrounding void storm was raging, turning into countless barriers in front of Aragami.

Poof, poof….

The sound of shattering continued in the void, and all the barriers were easily broken.


Aragami also calmed down, looked at Ji Yan coldly, and drank coldly, and his thoughts were like thunder.

Ji Yan was instantly struck by lightning, and the invisible power fell on him, and the whole person flew upside down hundreds of millions of miles in the void.

Countless blood flowed from the surface of the body, like a piece of broken porcelain.

With just a light drink, Ji Yan disappeared from Aragami’s sight.

Aragami withdrew his gaze and returned his gaze to Shi Ling.

As for Lu Shaoqing, it didn’t even look at it.

As if a god, he didn’t look at the ants under his feet.

In its eyes, stepping on an ant like Lu Shaoqing to death is not only difficult, but also may dirty its hands.


Lu Shaoqing’s scalp is troublesome.

Is this the Mahayana period?


Just a light drink knocked the words of the consummation period away.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly ran to find Ji Yan.

It won’t be killed in seconds, right?

Lu Shaoqing found Ji Yan worriedly, and finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, it was not killed in seconds, and there was still some gas left.

Lu Shaoqing came to Ji Yan’s side, looked at Ji Yan, and when he saw Ji Yan’s appearance, his heart jumped.

The Mahayana period is terrible.

Ji Yan was scarred, and for the first time in his life, he was injured so badly.

The spiritual power in the body was almost swept away, and there were few places inside and outside the body that were good.

As for the bones, they have long been broken, I don’t know how much.

If you are still alive, it can be regarded as the green smoke from the ancestral tomb of the Heavenly Imperial Peak.

Ji Yan floated in the air, and seemed to be a little unable to come back to his senses.

Seeing Ji Yan’s appearance, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help sighing, being a caring junior disciple, comforting Ji Yan, “Alas, forget it, it’s good to be alive.”

“If you lose, you lose, and there is no shame in losing to the Mahayana period.”

“Come, let’s go back, let Master slaughter the spirit chicken soup every day to replenish your body, heal your injuries, cultivate hard, and come back to take revenge in the future.”

Ji Yan got up slowly, although he was seriously injured, he was not yet down.

He took out a pill, full of spiritual energy and fragrant, and swallowed it in one gulp.

At the entrance of the elixir, Ji Yan’s body was like a spiritual vein explosion, and countless spiritual powers traveled throughout the body.

The sound of clicking sounded, and Ji Yan’s injury instantly improved.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, what kind of panacea is this?


“Where are you from?”

Ji Yan clenched his fists, feeling good, he replied casually, “Master Yao gave it.” ”

Wipe,” Lu Shaoqing wanted to curse, “Why didn’t she give it to me?”

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Lu Shaoqing guessed the origin of the elixir.

“Master Yao said, you have your own Danfang, you should have refined a lot, give me some.” Ji Yan also stretched out his hand to Lu Shaoqing.


Lu Shaoqing slapped it angrily and pumped Ji Yan’s hand away.

“Master Yao is biased, the Danfang is mine, I haven’t even seen the medicine slag.”

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry, he had a fart pill, if he could refine pills, would he give the pill to Si Yao?

Isn’t it just thinking that after Si Yao refined the elixir, he and Si Yao were divided into fifty-fifty, and he took the elixir to sell it to earn some spirit stones?

As a result, he forgot about it.

But Si Yao gave the pill to Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand to Ji Yan, “How much do you have, give it to me.”

“Not much, that’s three, and now there are two left.”

Lu Shaoqing’s mouth opened, “Give it all to me!” Ji

Yan smiled, took a step, and disappeared directly.

Ji Yan would not give this elixir to Lu Shaoqing.

In terms of lethality, he may be stronger than Lu Shaoqing.

But when it comes to saving his life, Ji Yan feels that he can’t catch up with Lu Shaoqing by shooting horses.

“Bastard!” Lu Shaoqing was so angry that he jumped to his feet on the spot, “Not kind, eccentric…”

Aragami just drank lightly, and the plan disappeared.

Aragami did not pay attention to it, no matter how many ants there were, it was useless.

It once again set its sights on the first spirit.

The black round body rotated and turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed straight at the Primeval Spirit.

“You are also an ant, obediently become a part of me.”

The rampant and proud divine thoughts echoed in the void, and they were extremely cold.

As soon as the spirit moved, the roaring void storm swept out, turning into tentacles in the sky to intercept Aragami.

At the same time, he responded coldly, “I’m going to kill you.” ”

Aragami broke through the defenses of the first spirit, but the first spirit had already dodged it.

As if plucking the strings, the rules of heaven and earth were changed again.

In an instant, the void light shone brightly, countless darkness receded, and this became a world of light.

The light shone down, and Aragami was very painful, countless black mist appeared on the surface, and then dissipated in the strong light.


Aragami was furious, changing the rules as well.


Countless storms blew up, the intense dazzling light seemed to be blown away by the wind, and the darkness was restored again.

Not only that, the invisible weathering turned into the sharpest weapon and slashed through the body of the first spirit.

Caught off guard, Shi Ling suffered a little loss again.


Aragami rushed over again, with the momentum to fight hand-to-hand with Shi Ling.

The first spirit changed the rules again, and the roaring Void Storm erupted, and its speed increased sharply in the Void Storm, swimming in water.

Dodging easily in the void, and taking advantage of Aragami’s eagerness, the void storm was like a big hand pulling and tearing on Aragami’s body, leaving Dao scars on the surface of Aragami.

“Damn it!”

Aragami was furious, thunderous, and he shouted angrily, “Do you think you won?”

Shi Ling’s voice was faint, with a little confidence, “You are not as good as me.”

“What do you think I’m luring you out for?” Aragami laughed angrily and had a showdown with Shi Ling, “My avatar is snatching the Emperor Sword, and when the Emperor Sword arrives, you will die.” Shi

Ling’s body trembled, and Aragami’s words made it terrified.

“I don’t believe it!”

After speaking, he took the initiative to attack Aragami.

“Jiao, it’s almost time now, I’ll let you see the power of the imperial sword…”

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