Shi Ling was in pain and couldn’t help but shout.

Divine thoughts echoed in the void, and the pain was unbearable.

The energy in its body is partially lost, disappearing and being devoured.


Aragami drank coldly again, as if his words followed, and endless storms around him slammed into Shi Ling’s body.

Countless rules were stirring, and explosions continued to sound on the surface of Shi Ling’s body.

Shi Ling was beaten in a hurry for a while, and kept retreating.

After temporarily repelling the Shi Ling, Aragami’s gaze moved to the side and looked at the location where Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan instantly felt the pressure of the entire void.

It was as if all the pressure here in the void was pressing on them.

The surrounding space seemed to make a clicking cracking sound.

Just one look plunged the space around them into chaos.

This is the Mahayana period!

So terrifying and invincible.

Lu Shaoqing scolded his mother in his heart, and he didn’t give it to watch the play.

Without seeing any movement from Aragami, as if time and space shifted, Aragami appeared in front of the two.

Scarlet eyes stared at the two deadly, putting great pressure on the two.

Aragami’s divine thoughts sounded in the ears of the two, “Ant, did you spoil my good deeds?” ”


The powerful power made Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan directly vomit blood, and a word injured the two of them.

Lu Shaoqing spoke, “Big guy…”

Ji Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly drew his sword and chopped.

Whatever Mahayana period you have, just cut it.

The Wuqiu sword lit up with light, like a brilliant torch in the darkness, cutting through the darkness.

Seeing that Ji Yan dared to strike a sword at himself, Aragami was happy, “Gang, naïve!” ”

Courage is commendable, but you ants know….

The sword intent is sharp, like a king descending.

At this moment, Ji Yan seemed to have become a true king of swords.

Where the long sword goes, it is invincible to the world.

“Poof!” There seemed to be a soft sound between heaven and earth, a faint ripple rippled, and then spread around.

Ji Yan’s sword fell, and the sharp sword intent easily broke through Aragami’s defenses, leaving a deep sword on its shoulder.

The black mist splashed like blood.

Aragami was stunned.

The ants it despised could actually hurt it.

The injury was not serious, but it was humiliating enough.

Its scarlet eyes widened, its gaze turned into a red light, and it stared at Ji Yan deadly.

A human being in the merging period actually comprehended this sword intent, not to mention, and was able to break the rules of heaven and earth.

The sword that Ji Yan had just cut off the rules on its body, easily leaving a wound on its body.

However, this also angered Aragami, who snorted coldly, just as it was about to strike.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Run!” Without

saying a word, Ji Yan turned around and ran.

Aragami smiled, ant, can you run?

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It slowly raised its hand, and suddenly a terrifying feeling came.

It turned its head and saw that white sword intent surged towards it and swallowed it up.

And Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had already run far away as soon as possible.


A heaven-shaking loud noise sounded in the void, and the domineering sword intent completely erupted, engulfing Aragami in it.

In the darkness, a dazzling light was formed, like a sun exploding, bursting out with unparalleled power.

The terrifying power even caused the void to collapse, and cracks appeared like scars, like wounds in the void.

The rules within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles were in turmoil and chaos.

It also makes this space a disorderly place.

The light sometimes disappears, and sometimes it soars.

Various elements such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning alternately appeared, as if when the heavens and the earth first opened, everything did not stabilize.

Lu Shaoqing gasped, looking at the scene in front of him, extremely distressed.

“I’m special, this is for the dog Hiki Naga, and I use it here.”

Such a powerful move, if it falls on Mu Yong of the dog day, he will have no scum.

Lu Shaoqing was extremely distressed, even more distressed than losing a million spirit stones.

But at that time just now, he couldn’t help but make a move.

If he doesn’t make a move, he won’t even go back to the meal.

Ji Yan was killed, and he was no better.

Ji Yan felt the terrifying aura coming from afar, and the domineering sword intent made him clench his fist again, as if the emperor sword was still in his hand.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing with doubts, “This trick? ”

The power of this move is comparable to the Mahayana period, when did Lu Shaoqing become so powerful?

“I didn’t understand what I told you, and I was almost killed by the Broken Emperor Sword.” Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to say more, but urged Ji Yan, “Can you run right away?” ”

Lu Shaoqing now just wants to run as far as possible.

Although the transformed sword intent was very powerful, he believed that he would never be able to kill Aragami.

It’s better to take this opportunity to run.

Ji Yan was holding the Wuqiu sword, staring at the violent explosion in the distance, and he asked rhetorically, “The other party is in the Mahayana period, can you and I run away?”

Lu Shaoqing instantly froze, like an eggplant beaten with frost.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry a little.

Yes, Aragami is a Mahayana period, even if they run far, they can’t run away from each other’s palms.

Ji Yan saw Lu Shaoqing’s crying face and continued, “Moreover, now that you have caused damage to it, do you think it will find you first or me first?” ”

I wipe!” Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry even more.

Anyway, the senior brother is crying, and it is not a shame for him to cry again.

He snorted, “You say, I went to tell it that it was a misunderstanding just now, will it believe it?” Ji

Yan laughed and pointed into the distance, “You go and talk to it, see if it agrees or not?”

Lu Shaoqing was angry, “You laugh.”

Then he murderously pulled out the Mo Jun sword and gritted his teeth, “Then kill it, what can you do without?” ”

At this point, I can only bite the bullet.

“Nope!” Ji Yan’s answer was crisp.

“None?” Lu Shaoqing was angry, his head bumped against Ji Yan, and he spat saliva, “Bastard, you have no way, you dare to shout to kill Aragami?”

“Who gave you the courage? Breaking the color sword of the emperor sword? ”

You!” Ji Yan looked at him and looked at Lu Shaoqing with confidence, “I believe you have a way.” ”

I’m going to hack you to death now…”

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