Lu Shaoqing really wanted to kill Ji Yan.

He yelled at Ji Yan, “I have a fart solution.”

“My method has been said before, hurry up, run as far as you want.”

“You kind of don’t dodge, let me hit you to death, it’s all death anyway, it’s better to let me kill you, so that you can still be reincarnated.”

Ji Yan flashed to the side and said calmly, “In the whole world, only you can easily deal with these monsters.

“You’re their nemesis.”

This is the reason why Ji Yan brought Lu Shaoqing here together.

Whether it was the monster that had plagued the sect for thousands of years before, or the later sacrifice god, the rampant god, it was all solved by Lu Shaoqing.

Without Lu Shaoqing, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn’t completely solve the matter.

Only Lu Shaoqing is not only not afraid of the erosion of darkness, but also able to eliminate it.

A natural nemesis.

Lu Shaoqing slammed his head again, “You are my nemesis.”


Suddenly, the void shook, and there was a monstrous roar.

The wind is fierce, like a cold winter wind, whistling.

The cold and strange aura spread, as if there were evil spirits hidden in a storm.

A chill grew from Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s hearts.

The two felt a tingling sensation in their souls.

It seems that there are countless needles pricking, desperately piercing their souls.

The two of them were awe-inspiring in their hearts, and hurriedly guarded their hearts, protected their souls, and isolated this gloomy and cold breath.

Ji Yan’s gaze was cold, and the sword intent spread, forming a sword intent shield around him.

Countless storms rushed up, and finally dissipated under the stranglehold of sword intent.

The two felt great pressure.

It has to be the two of them, if others are in this storm, they will definitely be scattered and die no more.

Aragami reappeared, but it was in a somewhat bad state.

After all, the power of that move just now was comparable to a blow in the Mahayana period, and Aragami ate it all solidly.

Black wounds appeared on the surface of Aragami’s body, and the sword intent on it raged wildly, making its wounds unable to heal for a long time.

At the same time, the black mist on the surface of the wound rolled, constantly gushing out, as if blood could not be stopped.

The state drops by at least one-third.


Aragami stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, his scarlet eyes revealing monstrous killing intent.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Misunderstanding, there is something to say.” ”


Aragami is so angry.

You give me such a moment, and then shout misunderstanding?

I’ll shoot you to death!

Aragami stretched out his claws at Lu Shaoqing and grabbed them fiercely.


The surrounding space suddenly collapsed, and countless forces surged out, like the end of the world.


Lu Shaoqing and Eji changed their tones, and the two shot at the same time.

Two sword rays of light shot up into the sky, violently colliding with the invisible power of Aragami.


The violent explosion made it seem to burst into a dazzling light, like daylight.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan sprayed blood from their mouths, and both flew out upside down.

“It hurts!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who was shouting, Aragami was even more angry, and it was actually unable to kill these two ants with one blow.

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Shame on you!

Aragami was furious, and struck again, “Die! Shooting

at the two again, with a wave of sharp claws, countless storms rolled up.

This time it was a black storm, like the wind of hell.

The rules of heaven and earth are quietly changing.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan suddenly felt that the surrounding space had become a copper wall and iron wall, and the two of them were trapped in a small cell, with nowhere to escape.

Even, the spiritual power in both of them was imprisoned, and the two turned into mortals again.


A golden light flashed in Ji Yan’s body, and his aura changed, as if he recovered instantly.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned and looked at Ji Yan in disbelief.

This feeling, he is familiar with.

Grandma Li’s, this is the power of time.

When did you comprehend it?

Ji Yan swung out his sword again, resisting the urge to vomit blood, and used that sword again.


Countless sword lights lit up in the void, striking in all directions.

“Poof…” The

black storm continued to dissipate in the sword light, but it was still surging.

Ji Yan dragged Lu Shaoqing and left from the gap.

Shaking the sword light, it was making way for the two of them.

The two are in the void, shuttling through the storm.

“I want to escape!”

Aragami’s icy voice sounded.

The surrounding storm suddenly increased in force, like mountains pressing down.

The surrounding rupture and constantly produce various forces to fall on the two of them, and the continuous conflict and pull, the bodies of the two began to be covered with cracks.

Ji Yan soon became breathing heavily.

The main pressure fell on him, and the sword light dimmed.

The plan gradually became overwhelmed.

Lu Shaoqing pouted here, he made a move at the right time.

As soon as his mind moved, the golden ball of light began to operate in his body.

A suction force spread out from Lu Shaoqing’s body, and the surrounding black storm suddenly accelerated and surged in.

Ji Yan was shocked, and just when he was about to resist, Lu Shaoqing drank, “Don’t worry about them.” ”

The black storm blows, and in the midst of the storm is a constantly churning black mist, full of strangeness.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about them, the suction power in his body continued to operate, and they were all absorbed by Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan glanced back at Lu Shaoqing, very speechless.

Sure enough, the whole life depends on his junior brother.

As Lu Shaoqing continued to absorb and devour, the surrounding storms gradually weakened.

Finally, Ji Yan’s long sword shook, and the last black storm completely dissipated, and the two of them once again blocked Aragami’s attack.

Ji Yan said to Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t continue?

Lu Shaoqing patted his stomach and burped, “Keep going, I’m about to explode.”

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, and a stream of energy gushed out from his body and gathered on the palm of his hand.

A wisp of black storm exuded a gloomy and cold aura.

Ji Yan realized that the realm that Lu Shaoqing had comprehended before could beat back the attacks of others in another way.

Now go one step further, can store the energy and find the right time to fight back.

Lu Shaoqing stared at the black storm and frowned, “So weak? It is far worse than the emperor sword. ”

The sword intent of the emperor sword was swallowed by him, and the sword intent gathered after it was devoured was comparable to a blow in the Mahayana period.

And now, the storm in front of you is similar to a blow in the merging period.

Lu Shaoqing deeply despised it, “The parallel goods Mahayana period…”

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