However, Lu Shaoqing soon had a bitter face.

Although it is the parallel Mahayana period, it is far worse than the emperor sword, but it is also the Mahayana period.

He and Ji Yan are in the period of integration, and it is difficult to engage.

In the distance, Aragami saw that he couldn’t help the other party twice, on the contrary, Lu Shaoqing could actually eat its attack.

Aragami was surprised and angry at the same time, and shouted angrily, “Ant, you dare?” The

sound reverberated in the void, and the invisible sound wave was no worse than any attack.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing immediately shot out the black storm in his hand.


The black storm raged on, blocking some of its power.

But even so, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan still vomited blood and turned their heads in the air.

Lu Shaoqing is angry, bullying people, right?

The eruption in Lu Shaoqing’s body seemed to deliberately show himself to Aragami, and he drank angrily at Aragami, “Parallel goods, don’t be arrogant!”

“There is a kind of depression realm and fight with me, I don’t hammer out your and urine, my surname is written backwards.”

Aragami suddenly quieted down, far away, but Ji Yan could feel the red light in Aragami’s eyes skyrocketing, as if he had seen something incredible.

After a few breaths, Aragami’s breathing seemed to become rapid, and his voice was full of uncertainty, “Ant, you…”

Lu Shaoqing’s heart was beating wildly, and he drank angrily, “Do you dare?”

Aragami burst out laughing, “Good, good, great.”

“Missing the Emperor Sword, it’s good to still meet an existence like you, good, great.”

Aragami’s surprised voice resounded through the void, “Get you, I will become a real existence!” ”

Ants, come here!”

Aragami stretched out his hand to Lu Shaoqing, and a coercive pressure enveloped this world.

All the space was locked, and there was a strong resistance around them, making Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan unable to move.

Even, the two of them couldn’t even move their fingers.

This is the power of the Mahayana period.

In a world, the Mahayana period can apply the rules and change the rules at will.

In this world, the Mahayana period is God, and below the Mahayana period, all are mortals.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan are both the proud sons of heaven, geniuses among geniuses.

But at this moment, neither of them could help.

At this moment, a whistling sound sounded.

Countless storms struck from the distant void, instantly drowning Aragami like a fierce rain of arrows.

“Aragami, die!”

The divine thought sounded, and the first spirit reappeared from afar.

It was also a Mahayana period, and it was caught off guard by Aragami just now, but it quickly adjusted and killed it again.

Aragami had to turn his head to deal with the first spirit.

The pressure on Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan was greatly reduced.

Lu Shaoqing wiped a handful of sweat from his forehead, “It’s scared to death.”

Ji Yan stared at him, full of suspicion, “What is your method?” ”

It is no accident that Aragami suddenly became interested in Lu Shao just now.

To say that Lu Shaoqing did not mean it, he didn’t believe it.

Lu Shaoqing did not hide it, staring at the Aragami who fought with the First Spirit, gritting his teeth, “If you want to defeat it, you can only take risks.” Ji

Yan nodded, it is true, Aragami is very strong, and if you want to defeat it, you really have to find another way, and the sword goes sideways.

Ji Yan asked again, “What can I do?” ”

Perhaps the only one who can defeat Aragami is his junior brother.

Lu Shaoqing gave him a roll of his eyes, “What can you do?”

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“Seriously hurt it, hurt it as much as possible, and I’ll figure out the rest.”

“Good!” Ji Yan nodded.

Ji Yan secretly decided in his heart that even if he paid with his life, he would not hesitate.

He knew that Aragami was dangerous, but the death of the emperor sword made it impossible for him to leave easily.

The death of the emperor sword filled his heart with killing intent.

For the first time, such a strong killing intent was born.

So, Aragami must die.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “It’s really terrible.

“It’s all to blame Kinaga on Dog Day.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at the Aragami in the distance, and helplessness arose in his heart.

As Ji Yan said, even if they secretly left in the beginningless realm, they could not escape the Five Finger Mountain of Aragami.

A Mahayana period wanted to hunt them down, even if they went to heaven and earth to hide, it was useless.

The two sides met here, and only one side could stand.


It was the first time that Lu Shaoqing saw Ji Yan with such a strong killing intent.

Ji Yan wants to kill, and he can’t do it idly by.

Being a junior brother is really hard work.

Lu Shaoqing sighed again in his heart.

In the distance, Shi Ling and Aragami continued their great battle.

The humanoid Aragami transforms into a humanoid and becomes stronger like some anime villain.

Before that, Shi Ling could still fight with Aragami on a par with the Aragami, and he was in the downwind, but he was only a little against the wind.

Now it’s against the wind.

The current Spirit has been suppressed and beaten by Aragami.

Lu Shaoqing was speechless and died.

Before that, he also asked him to help, saying that he could defeat Aragami.

As a result, they are now almost beaten into dog spirits by Aragami.

Lu Shaoqing sighed again in his heart, they were all unreliable goods.

But if you think about it, the first spirit is also a void wind spirit in the end, even in the Mahayana period, it has experienced too few battles.

Lack of combat experience.

The biggest advantage of the Void Wind Spirit is devouring, but it has encountered an opponent with a stronger devouring ability than it.

The biggest hole cards don’t do much.

So, against the wind, it’s not surprising at all.

Lu Shaoqing thought for a while, and transmitted a voice to Shi Ling, “Senior, can you hurt it?”

“Just let it hurt badly, and I can help you defeat it.”

Shi Ling’s heart was shocked, and he almost suspected that he had heard it wrong.

As a result, an oversight on this side was beaten by Aragami like a ball and rolled out of the distance.

Aragami’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing, if it were someone else, it might be suspicious.

But this is Lu Shaoqing, and he believes a little more in his heart.

It asked, “My child, what can you do?”

Lu Shaoqing jumped up and wanted to curse, “I’m not your child.

“Anyway, just find a way to hurt it.”

The divine thought of the first spirit continued to come, “How to defeat it? ”

Lu Shaoqing almost hit Ji Yan, your sister.”

It is also said that it is the first spirit, why is it so unreliable?

“Bite it, what are you afraid of? Show your housekeeping skills and fight it for both defeats…”

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