A huge shadow shrouded the earth, covering the sky and falling with a rumble.

The light flickered, and the powerful pressure made the Beginningless Realm shake again, the dust and sand on the ground swept through, and the heavens and the earth cracked.

Everyone was stunned.

The Beginningless Realm is about to be destroyed?

Even Aragami was stunned for a long time.

Or Zhuge Xun reacted quickly, she had been in close contact with Shi Ling, so she felt what this huge black shadow was for the first time.

“Beginning, Beginning?”

“It’s the First Spirit!”

Zhuge Xun shouted loudly.

Sycamore and Aragami were also stunned.


But before they could think more, they all panicked.

Even Aragami wanted to get out of here.

Because, the place where the first spirit fell is exactly where they are.

They don’t run, wait to be crushed into meatloaf.


The pressure was shrouded in pressure, like a fishing net that enveloped them firmly, and even Aragami could not escape.

He could only watch as Shi Ling’s huge body fell, and then pressed all of them underneath.

Zhuge Xun and Sycamore Tree were dark in front of them, and their huge bodies were pressed on their bodies, and they couldn’t move.

The mood of the two was like the light in front of them, full of endless darkness.

They now had time to think about why the first spirit fell like a shooting star.

The appearance of the first spirit seemed to be thrown from the sky.

And who else can smash the first spirit down like a ball, except for the Aragami of the same realm?

What does this mean?

It shows that Aragami has the upper hand, and Shi Ling is not Aragami’s opponent.


Zhuge Xun and Sycamore Tree were full of despair in their hearts.

No one can save them.


the darkness, Aragami’s voice came, “It seems that the victory is decided!”

“After all, I’m better!”

This little bird has an extraordinary origin, just as a sustenance for my avatar, Jiao…”

When the plane tree heard this, he couldn’t help but greet Aragami.

“Wang Baegg, you kind of let her go, dare you lower the realm and fight with me?”

“In the same realm, I will definitely be able to kill you.”

“What kind of good man is a thing that doesn’t grow a thing, it will only bully children?”

After following Lu Shaoqing for a long time, he will also become polite.

Anyway, in the current situation, the plane tree feels that it is finished, and he will not be let go if he begs for mercy, but it is better to be tough.

Even if you die, you have to die with a backbone.

So as not to be laughed at by that bastard kid that I am a mother tree.

But that bastard boy must have died before me.

Go to provoke the Mahayana period, and die too much to die again.


smiled even more happily, “Ant, do you find it useful?”

“I am invincible, who can kill me?”

These words made Zhuge Xun and the plane tree even more desperate, yes, how can the existence of the Mahayana period be killed?

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The only Aragami spirit that could be killed was now smashed to the ground like a ball.

When Zhuge Xun and Sycamore were desperate, a voice suddenly sounded.

As if coming from a distance, “Hey, is there really no way to connect between your avatar and the entity?”

“Or is the signal bad and you can’t get in touch?”

This voice made Zhuge Xun and Sycamore Tree stunned.

This familiar voice killed them and could not forget it.

If it wasn’t Lu Shaoqing’s voice, who else could it be?

Zhuge Xun and the plane tree are very happy.

Although I sometimes hate Lu Shaoqing, at this time, Lu Shaoqing’s appearance made the two of them want to cry.

For the first time, I felt that Lu Shaoqing was so cute, and he didn’t hate it at all.

The voice of the first spirit sounded, and at the same time the pressure gradually decreased, and the first spirit floated.

“My child, here in the Beginningless Realm, it is difficult to communicate with the outside unless it is the Mahayana period.”

Lu Shaoqing’s annoyed voice sounded, “Bastard, I’m not your child, you scream again, do you believe I smash you again?” Zhuge

Xun and Sycamore Tree were a little dizzy when they heard this.

It turned out that it was not Aragami who smashed the first spirit as a ball, but Lu Shaoqing?

“No, it can’t be!”


When the avatar of Aragami heard this, he was angry and panicked.

It roared, and the black mist rushed into the sky.

But the next moment, its black mist dissipated, and it was strongly suppressed on the ground.

Although Shi Ling was seriously injured and his combat effectiveness plummeted, this is the beginningless realm and its territory.

In addition, Aragami has resisted between it and Aragami for countless years, and it is more than enough to imprison the Aragami at the beginning of a merging period.

The first spirit floated above the sky, and the figures of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan reappeared.

Zhuge Xun and Wu were more happy at the same time, and sure enough, it was the two of them.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan jumped back here, is the battle over?

Did they win?

The first time this thought appeared, Zhuge Xun and the plane tree were a little scared.

It was the Mahayana period.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and beckoned Xiao Hei, who was still confused, into his hand and shook it.

“Strange, what’s wrong with my girl?”

Then stared at Aragami viciously, “Damn, what did you do to my good daughter?”

“Ants! Damn it! Aragami glared angrily at Lu Shaoqing.

There was a crazy killing intent flashing in his eyes.

“Release me!”

“Snap!” Lu Shaoqing pumped on its face without saying a word.

The current Aragami is also Aragami, just a merging period, and he is still a imprisoned Aragami, he is afraid of a ball.

“Answering the question, say, are you bullying my daughter? If you don’t talk well, I’ll beat you up. The

voice of the first spirit sounded again, “My child, not it, but me.” ”

It’s a special origin, so I gave it some benefits.”

Shi Ling explained that when Xiao Hei devoured the Void Wind Spirit, Shi Ling was inspired by Xiao Hei’s difference.

The future achievements are limitless, so it is fed from a distance.

Sell personal favors and make friends with a future master.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, “Do I have a father?”

“She’s your granddaughter, can’t be separated from generation.”

There are benefits, don’t mind recognizing a relative.

Shi Ling said no, “My child, you are strong enough to not need my help.

“I’m not your child, don’t bark, call you like a ball again.” Lu Shaoqing immediately changed his face and slapped Aragami again, “What kind of thing…”

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