Aragami was stunned.

What are you pumping me for?

You’re pumping the spirit.

“Roar, damn ants…”

Aragami now just wants to die with Lu Shaoqing.

Zhuge Xun and the plane tree looked silent.

This bastard guy, turning his face faster than turning a book.

“What a roar,” Lu Shaoqing roared back unpleasantly, “Kill you!” Ji

Yan spoke, “I’ll come!” ”

Aragami is now imprisoned and unable to move.

If it was before, Ji Yan would definitely be lazy.

But this time is different, it’s Aragami.

The murderer who killed the Emperor Sword.

“What’s the hurry,” Lu Shaoqing knocked Ji Yan aside with his head, and he asked Aragami with a smile, “Little parallel goods, can you tell me what kind of existence you are?” This

question made everyone prick up their ears, and even the first spirit moved slightly.

Aragami’s origin is too mysterious.

Strange, cold, terrifying, as if it had turned to destruction.

Moreover, it is not only Aragami who seem to be everywhere.

It is the darkness behind the sun, looking for an opportunity to destroy the world.

What’s even scarier is that they’re too powerful.

Such an existence has not been recorded in countless classical books.

Aragami smiled coldly, “Ants, you just need to know that if you don’t die now, you will die in the future.”

“You guys, after all, you can’t escape death, you…”

A slap fell, fanning Aragami’s words back.

Lu Shaoqing said dissatisfied, “Can you talk properly?”

“Your main body has been killed by me, and you dare to be arrogant in one avatar?”

“Ants!” Aragami’s eyes were even redder, and he was full of hatred and struggle.

Shi Ling’s side felt a little pressure, “My child, don’t provoke it.” ”

Lean!” Lu Shaoqing despised, “Parallel goods! ”

It is also said that the Mahayana period, even a merging period, can not be controlled, play.”

However, seeing that he couldn’t ask anything from Aragami, Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to ask, and said to Ji Yan, “Oh, forget it, kill it.” When

Ji Yan heard this, without saying a word, the Wuqiu sword fell.

The sharp sword intent swept through, Aragami’s body was torn apart, and countless black mist dissipated in the sword intent strangle.

Finally, Aragami screamed, Shinen with great resentment, “Ants, wait, you will regret it…”

After Aragami completely dissipated, everyone felt a relief.

Shi Ling was even more excited and emotional.

“Finally settled, my child, thank you.”

Lu Shaoqing was full of black lines, and he only hated that he was not in the Mahayana period, otherwise he would definitely kill the first spirit.

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, “I’m not your child…”

Zhuge Xun and Wutong Shu’s eyes lit up, and their hearts were inexplicably happy.

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Can anyone cure him?

That’s great!

“Boom!” A dull voice sounded, and the next moment, Xiao Yi’s breath rushed straight to the sky.

She stepped into the refining period.

Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but raise his head and look at the sky above him.

There is no trace of the Heavenly Tribulation.

The first time I saw that there was no heavenly tribulation, Zhuge Xun was no longer able to complain.

Sure enough, the three senior brothers and sisters are not normal people.

“Senior brother, second senior brother!” Xiao Yi jumped in front of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, his face full of joy.

Ji Yan stared at Xiao Yi and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Why is there no Heavenly Tribulation?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “How do I know, maybe the heavens gave up this fool.”

Xiao Yi’s smile disappeared immediately.

It was really difficult to hear a good word from the mouth of the second senior brother.

Shi Ling continued, “My child, the beginningless realm transcends everything, and there will be no heavenly calamity here.

Lu Shaoqing covered his head, feeling more pain, he wanted to kowtow a few to Shi Ling, “Your sister, can you stop shouting, I beg you…” ”

Hurry, let’s get out of here, this broken place, I don’t want to stay longer for a quarter of an hour.”

Xiao Yi raised his hand, “Second Senior Brother, don’t, aren’t there still some things you haven’t asked?” The

surrounding wind gently blew, like the tentacles of the first spirit, making everyone feel comfortable, except for Lu Shaoqing.

The first spirit squirmed on the surface, as if he was speaking, “You have grace to the beginningless realm, and you can ask what you want to know.” ”

The mind is gentle, like an elder, full of a sense of vicissitudes.

Lu Shaoqing threw Xiao Hei to the plane tree, and then sat on the ground with his ass, “What can you know?”

“How did Aragami come about, you don’t know how the emperor sword came from, what else can I ask you?”

The plane tree was the first to ask, “Senior Shiling, do you know that the outside world will die?” ”

Although the plane tree has lived for a long time, it is still far from the first spirit.

Moreover, in order to survive, he paid a great price, and he could not even save his memory.

Shi Ling was silent for a while, and slowly spoke.

“I don’t know anything about the outside world, but I know that every once in a while, many people will pour into the void and then gradually disappear into the void.”

“Every once in a while?” Curious baby Xiao Yi hurriedly asked, “How long?”

“According to your human time, between 10,000 and 20,000 years.”

“At that time, the rules of heaven and earth were strong, the aura faded, and it was difficult to increase human strength.”

“After they entered the void, few were able to hold on.”

“It’s not so much that they are pouring in, but that they are fleeing in…” With

the words of the first spirit, there seemed to be a scene of heaven and earth turmoil, reduced spiritual energy, and countless cultivators struggling in front of everyone.

Unfortunately, the first spirit is haunted by Aragami, and it has no time to pay too much attention to the outside world.

And Shi Ling’s words made the plane tree seem to remember something.

He nodded to indicate that Shi Ling was right, “Senior Shi Ling said it well, I also have this impression.

“Heaven and earth have changed greatly, spiritual energy is insufficient, and countless cultivators cannot go further, dying in wailing despair.”

“Why is that?” Xiao Yi subconsciously said, she suddenly felt a little cold.

Zhuge Xun asked a more pointed question, “Senior, when will the next time come?”

Shi Ling was silent for a moment, as if calculating the time, “It has been more than thirteen thousand years since the last time, it should be soon…”

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