Elder Han suspected that something was wrong with his eyes, and he subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

“Gongzi, you, you’re back?”

Elder Handan gradually changed from shock to excitement.

Plopped down in front of Lu Shaoqing, extremely excited, “Gongzi, you have finally returned.” The

Sanluo people took the initiative to kneel down to a human being, and Zhuge Xun felt that his world was impacted.

Sure enough, he is still in an abnormal world.

Lu Shaoqing laughed, and there was also a little emotion in his heart, “It’s me.” ”

What about Min Fan?”

Counting the time, fifty or sixty years have passed, and for mortals, it has been almost a generation.

The tribe grew, giving Lu Shaoqing the feeling that the small saplings he had planted had grown into towering trees.

There is a sense of relief from an old father.

Elder Han stood up and said respectfully, “The patriarch went to the royal court.

After a pause, he added, “It’s with the Spirit City Lord.”

“To the royal court? Do? Lu Shaoqing frowned.

The royal court, naturally the royal court of the Sanluo people, is hidden in the dense deep forest of the southern wilderness.

Elder Handan immediately spoke out about the matter.

Min Fan’s tribe was taught by Lu Shaoqing, and the tribe could follow as long as it could be cultivated.

The Sanlo people are not weak in strength and increase with age.

Coupled with the cultivation exercises of human beings, their strength has greatly increased.

Conflicts began with the surrounding tribes, and with great strength, they began to gradually annex the surrounding tribes.

The alliance of Yuling and Min Fan tribes in Yongning City transformed the resources in the Southern Wilderness into strength, and the strength was further enhanced.

Over the years, the Min Fan tribe has become the most powerful of the Sanluo tribes.

Gradually, the growth of the Min Fan tribe attracted the attention of the royal court.

Cultivating the martial arts of the mortal enemy, this behavior is undoubtedly a great contrarian in the eyes of the royal court.

Wang Ting began to deal with the Min Fan clan, but the Min Fan tribe was backed by Yu Ling, and there was no shortage of masters.

At first, it was in the inferior position, but later it gradually gained the upper hand and defeated the royal court.

After countless battles between the two sides, Wang Ting found that he was not an opponent and began to bow his head, show weakness, and send a peace signal.

“Not long ago,” Elder Handan’s voice echoed around, “Wang Lai ordered the patriarch to go to the royal court for peace talks, hoping to regain peace in the future, and the patriarch was also qualified to compete for the position of king. ”

Does Min Fan have royal blood?” Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but ask.

The Sangluo people pay attention to bloodline, and the purer the bloodline, the stronger the strength.

If Min Fan had a pure bloodline, he would not have become a small patriarch on the outskirts of the Southern Wilderness.

Elder Han shook his head, “Of course the patriarch doesn’t, but the patriarch’s strength is already in the Transformation God Stage, and it is strong enough.

When he spoke of Min Fan, Elder Handan’s tone was full of pride.

It can be seen that over the years, the Eastern Crusade has been fought in the West, and Min Fan’s strength has made the clansmen full of confidence in him.

Xiao Yi muttered, “It looks like a trap no matter how you look at it.”

After hearing this, Elder Han did not deny it, but nodded, “That’s right, both the Patriarch and the Spirit City Lord said so. ”

I am afraid that it will be dangerous for the patriarch to go to the royal court.”

Xiao Yi asked curiously, “Why do you still have to go?”

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Elder Han glanced at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing introduced the people around him, “She is my junior sister, and this is my senior brother.”

“Well, this is my daughter, this is my daughter’s mount.”

Sycamore Tree Spray Lu Shaoqing, “You are the mount, and your whole family is the mount.” ”

I’m a divine tree, not a mount.

They were all their own people, and the smile on Elder Handan’s face was wider and kinder.

He continued, “After discussing with the Spirit City Lord, the Patriarch felt that this was the best opportunity to end the war, so…”

Wang Ting’s side is not malicious, and Min Fan’s side is not a vegetarian.

Everyone has ghosts in mind.

Next, it depends on whoever has the biggest fist and whoever has the biggest fist will win the final victory.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “What is Yu Ling’s strength?” ”

Refining Void Period!”

Zhuge Xun sneered, “Naive!

“Think that during the refining period, you can be invincible to the world and defeat the royal family of the Sanluo people?”

“If it were so easy, our Holy Clan wouldn’t have driven them to the Southern Wilderness.”

“Don’t underestimate the Sanluo people!”

As a local native of Cold Star, he has long been completely wiped out by the demon race without strength.

The master demon race of the refining period is not without it.

Lu Shaoqing asked Elder Handan, “Do they have any hole cards?” ”

Going to someone else’s base camp without a hole card is because you don’t think you died fast enough.

For this, Elder Handan shook his head to indicate that he did not know.

He said, “However, if the patriarch takes most of the masters of the tribe out, it will not be too much of a problem. Elder

Handan’s words made everyone secretly shake their heads in their hearts.

When encountering a real master, no amount of low-level cultivators is enough for others to slap them.

If Min Fan’s hole card is his own clan master, he will definitely be finished.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help it, and asked Elder Handan, “Where is your royal court?” ”

At the critical moment, he still has to be the person behind the scenes to see.

Elder Han was pleasantly surprised, “Gongzi, are you going to help?” In

Elder Handan’s opinion, Lu Shaoqing’s strength was beyond doubt.

The exercises given made these people progress rapidly, and Lu Shaoqing would only be stronger than them.

Lu Shaoqing is willing to make a move, and Min Fan has more certainty.

Therefore, Elder Han did not have the consciousness of being a traitor at all, and immediately said happily, “I will take Gongzi and set off now.” ”

That seems to be eager to leave for the royal court immediately.”

Lu Shaoqing refused, “You better stay here, just show me the direction.” ”

Lu Shaoqing has already probed, and there are few masters here in the clan.

With his current strength, he only needs one direction, even if it is far away, no matter how well he hides, he can find the royal court.

Elder Han was obviously a little disappointed, and he said, “Gongzi, if it is not a specific road, I am afraid that there will be danger.

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

Since he said this, Elder Han didn’t say more and pointed out the direction for Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing and his party did not delay, just took one step and disappeared in front of Elder Handan….

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