In the dense southern wilderness forest, a large river several miles wide shuttles through the forest, and the yellow river rushes and roars, like a yellow ribbon on the earth.

The river roared, constantly crashing against the shore.

On the shore, there are tributaries that run along the forest and stick out into the forest like claws.

Along the tributary, it continued into the deep forest, and gradually houses appeared next to the tributary.

The Sunlo with blonde, brown hair and blue, blond eyes appeared.

The further into the forest, the more the Sunlo people become.

Deep in the forest, a city appears.

Countless Sanlo people live in it.

The houses of the Sanlo people here are either wooden houses or straw huts.

Only in the middle there is a palace made of brick and stone, a gray-white palace.

From a distance, it looks like a round plate clasped to the ground.

This is the royal court of the Sanlo people.

The palace is where the royal court is located.

Yu Ling and Min Fan came to the main hall.

The decoration inside is similar to the outside, and it is not as delicate and exquisite as humans.

Every place here is rugged, and the stones that have been built seem to be pasted with mud at will, and there is no beauty in it.

Yu Ling looked at the gray walls around him and felt the suppression coming from around him.

The spiritual power in the body was like a pool of stagnant water, without the slightest wave.

The strength of one body will be weakened by at least three percent here.

Despite this, Yu Ling was not only not afraid in his heart, but had some strange expressions.

Looking at the gray Xun Demon Stones around her, a blue figure appeared in her mind.

That guy is here, I’m afraid it’s not to be dizzy.

Min Fan beside Yu Ling also had a similar expression.

“You two are so daring!”

The Sanluo people on both sides of the hall were sitting or standing, their eyes full of anger, staring at Yu Ling and Min Fan.

Especially Min Fan, the eyes of the Sangluo people can’t wait to swallow it alive.

Min Fan is used to this kind of gaze.

For him, he has become a traitor in the eyes of his people.

His face was expressionless, and he calmly accepted the gaze of the clansmen who wanted to swallow him alive.

Everything is for their own people.

The Sanlo people are also hierarchical, not the same tribe, annexed by others, will be inferior, and even become slaves.

As for the royal family, they have always been high above and have never cared about the lives of the people below.

With their royal status, they constantly demand that the following give, pay, and give again.

After Min Fan arrived, he bowed to a tall man above.

“King Luo!”

Anza, now king of the Sunlo people.

Sitting on it, several steps high allowed him to look down and full of coercion.

“Min Fan, you are so daring!!”

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Someone next to him suddenly shouted angrily.

Everyone’s eyes widened and they stared at Min Fan angrily, “Min Fan, have you forgotten your own identity?” ”

On your knees!”

Bowing is an ugly act of claiming to be a holy human being in the eyes of the Sanlo people, and the real Sanluo people are to kneel down and salute.

In the face of his duties, Min Fan was calm, he had already stood on the opposite side of the royal court, and the faces of both sides were almost torn.

I came here just for a one-and-done solution.

Min Fan’s attitude is very tough, and he kneels down and doesn’t think about it.

Yu Ling spoke coldly, “A group of you defeated generals also dare to shout, kneel, are you worthy?” The

cold words deeply stung the self-esteem of many Sanluo people.

Someone roared, “Arrogant, do you think this is still your place?

“This is the royal court, a place that you holy people can never conquer.”

Sang Luo showed his killing intent nakedly, as if he was about to rush up and kill them at any time.

Someone stood up and challenged, “Come on, let me learn how good you are.”

“Min Fan, if you are a man, fight with me!”

“Talk to me about the first battle in the way of the Sanluo people, don’t use the means of the saints.”

The Sangluo people are not stupid, if they really fight spiritual power spells, they have little chance of winning.

If there were no spiritual power spells, even the Saint Clan would not necessarily be their opponents.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more tense, King Luo, who had not spoken, An Za slowly spoke.

With a cold snort, the powerful majesty spread.

His gaze fell on Yu Ling and Min Fan, and the powerful pressure fell.

Many Sanluo people in the hall trembled in their hearts, but at the same time they were excited.

Anza’s strength is at its peak, exuding strength from the inside out.

Yu Ling also felt the pressure, and at the same time secretly confirmed An Za’s strength, at least during the refining period.

An Za slowly spoke, “I didn’t expect that you with impure bloodlines could also get to this point.”

“Many people in the clan are inferior to you.”

An Za’s words are a fact, according to the way the Sanluo people improve their strength, Min Fan can reach the infancy stage similar to the Terran race in this life.

Now Min Fan’s strength has reached the stage of transformation god, and there are even faint signs of breakthrough.

For Luo Wang Anza’s words, Min Fan felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

He was able to get to this point thanks to the exercises given by Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing taught him the exercises of the Heavenly Palace Gate, coupled with the great changes in heaven and earth, it was easy to cultivate, and he obtained the extreme of a master, and his strength increased by leaps and bounds.

The strong strength made him more confident, did not have to run around, defeated countless tribes, annexed them, and the strength was already able to wrench the wrist with the royal court.

In the past, I didn’t dare to think about it.

Wang Ting also felt great pressure, so he tried to solve it by negotiation.

Facing King Luo, Min Fan suppressed the tension in his heart and said his conditions.

The royal court recognized his present territory and his rule over the tribe, and Min Fan recognized the authority of the royal court.

In the end, Min Fan didn’t want to completely tear his face with Wang Ting.

This war was not provoked by his tribe first at the beginning, it was provoked by others first, and his tribe had to fight back.

The last out of control development of the current situation.

Min Fan’s gaze was calm, and his voice was low, “King Luo, what do you think…”

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