If he could, Min Fan didn’t want to become a sang traitor in the eyes of other Sanluo people and be scolded by others.

But at this point, some things are not transferred by his will.

He bowed his head and admitted defeat, what about his men?

For his own sake and for the sake of his clan, he can only go on strongly.

Min Fan’s conditions, Wang Ting’s side will definitely not agree.

Moreover, the conditions proposed by Anza were even harsher.

Give up everything and return to the previous state, and the royal court will not be blamed for the past.

At the same time, Min Fan and they must not continue to want to cultivate the exercises of the Holy Family.

After Min Fan listened, his face instantly became gloomy, and such a condition must not be agreed.

He bowed his head, what about the rest of the tribesmen?

After tasting great power, who would want to give up this great power?

“King Luo, why can’t you practice the exercises of the Holy Family?”

“Hmph!” King Luo snorted coldly, “Their cultivation method is the spiritual energy that conquers heaven and earth.

“It’s a bloodsucking worm that clings to heaven and earth.”

“We Sanluo people respect the nature of heaven and earth, and will never do such a big disobedience.”

Yu Ling listened beside him, and secretly shook his head in his heart.

There’s no way to talk about it.

When it comes to the ideas of both sides, no one can convince anyone.

After a pause, King Luo said to Min Fan, “There is no negotiation, otherwise…”

But the following words did not continue, but the meaning was already self-evident.

The two sides can only divide the two sides and speak with strength.

Min Fan sighed in his heart, but he was mentally prepared.

With an indifferent expression, he said to An Za, “King Luo, leave!” ”

There is no room for manoeuvre between the two sides, and the next step is a complete turnaround, and only the number of one side will stop this war.”

Anza’s face became gloomy, his gaze became cold, and his heart was filled with murderous intent.

“I hope you think about it carefully.”

Someone next to him roared, “What else to consider? Traitors like him should be eliminated.

“King Luo, don’t talk nonsense with him, do it, kill him!”

“Yes, don’t talk nonsense with them, let’s do it together and kill them!”

The naked killing intent made the cold wind here in the hall.

Yu Ling and Min Fan instantly raised their vigilance and were ready to strike.

The big war is about to break out!

Seeing this, Anza was too lazy to talk nonsense, everyone is a smart person, and he also knows that there is no room for maneuver at this moment.

“Since you’re here, don’t think about leaving.” An Za’s gaze flashed with a thick killing intent.

Yu Ling’s frowned, he didn’t expect the Sanluo people to enter the state so quickly, just tearing their faces, and they didn’t even pretend to be the last bit of reserve.

Yu Ling stepped forward, and his purple eyes showed an icy gaze that swept over everyone, like needles.

“King Luo, if you are unreasonable, don’t blame me for being unkind.”

Someone sneered, “Naive, what place do you think this is?” ”

This is a house built by the Xun Demon Stone, and as a Saint Clan, your strength is suppressed to the minimum.”

Yu Ling was not afraid, “The Xun Demon Stone does not have much effect on me, and if I fight, I guarantee that at least half of your people here will die.” ”

As the City Lord of Yongning City, he is in a high position, and the aura of the superior is not much weaker than that of Anza.

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Her words made An Za and the others’ faces change slightly.

Some people did not believe in evil and roared, “Stinky woman, less rampant here, I will meet you.” ”

A strong Sangluo person stood up and burst out a powerful aura, which was also the realm of the refining period.

Seeing that someone took the initiative to kill out, Sang Luo’s expression on his face was much better.

Next to Anza, there was an elder who sneered, “Hmph, stupid Saint Clan, the so-called aura is isolated here, and her advantage is invisibly weakened when fighting.”

“I’ll see how she fends off the warriors of my clan.”

“This is a genius of my clan, a genius who has only recently broken through, see how she resists!”

The powerful aura struck, and Yu Ling did not panic at all.

She did not invoke the spiritual power in her body, but her mind moved, and a long sword appeared in her hand.


A fierce aura rolled in the hall, and the invisible sword intent erupted like a storm.

The Sunlo people who shot. The smile on his face froze, and his body stopped in front of Yu Ling.

With a slight pop, bright red blood spurted out of him.

Then the body slowly fell to the sides.

In one round, the person is split in half.

It is true that Aura will be suppressed here, but for Yu Ling, what she possesses is not only Reiki spells, but also comprehension of sword intent.

The sword intent will not be suppressed by the Xun Demon Stone.

In one round, a Sanluo person of the Refining Void Period realm was split in half.

Such a fierce attack power made many Sanluo people present gasp for air, and the lethality was too terrifying.

Yu Ling spoke again, still the same sentence, “I may lose here, but your people will die at least halfway.” No

one dared to despise Yu Ling’s words at this time.

Yu Ling had already confirmed with her actions that her words were not laughing.

Yu Ling looked at An Za coldly.

The numerous Sanluo people also looked at their king.

Anza is under a lot of pressure.

He didn’t have the confidence to carry Yu Ling’s sword.

He could only bite the table.

The next moment, a deep voice slowly sounded, “After so many years, is the tone of the Holy Family still so arrogant? An

old man appeared in front of Yu Ling and Min Fan as if teleporting.

Then there was a booming sound in the air, and the surrounding space shook.

Yu Ling and Min Fan’s pupils contracted suddenly.

This person does not use spells to break through the void like a monk, he uses the power of a strong physical body to break through the void.

It’s like knocking space through a hole and appearing in front of everyone.

Master, absolute master!

Yu Ling’s strength was stronger than Min Fan, and her heart jumped wildly.

That powerful sense of oppression made a voice sound in her heart.

Fit period!

Only the merging period will give her this strong sense of oppression.

“Who are you?”

The old man had blonde hair, and his beard hair was also blonde.

Like a golden lion, it exudes a forest aura.

He smiled proudly and reported his name, “Jieli…..”

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