The young man in white had a grim expression, and the ancient long sword was behind him, revealing his figure in the sky, flowing and handsome, like an immortal under the ordinary, staring at the world.

As soon as he appeared, a piercing aura swept the entire square.

Everyone had the feeling of being pointed directly at a long sword with a sharp edge.

If there is a slight change, it will be pierced, and ten thousand swords will penetrate the heart.

“Ji Yan!”

“It’s Ji Yan!”

The people below exclaimed.

“Ji Yan is out of customs.”

“He, he’s coming

…” “Ji Yan Gongzi, wow, really handsome, ahhh…” Yu

Chang and the others’ faces showed joy, and the protagonist of this ceremony finally came.

If you don’t come, another person will become the protagonist.

At that time, the face of the Lingxiao faction will be lost.

The other Lingxiao Sect disciples were also determined.

Their master brother is here, and no one below is afraid to challenge.

Not like someone.

Ji Yan fell on the square.

Seeing Ji Yan coming, Zhang Conglong stopped attacking, and he stared at Ji Yan with great vigilance, extremely jealous.

Ji Yan fell, glanced at the square that had been beaten into potholes, and frowned slightly.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, “What do you want to do?” ”

For his junior brother, Ji Yan knows better than anyone.

Don’t look at Zhang Conglong is very powerful, in fact, Zhang Conglong is not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent.

Lu Shaoqing was relieved in his heart and finally came.

When Ji Yan appeared, he had already felt it, otherwise he would not easily say that he would not admit defeat or fight.

If he fights again, his strength cannot be hidden.

There were quite a few old foxes present, and he couldn’t hide it for long.

Lu Shaoqing scolded and cursed, not giving Ji Yan a good face, “Shut up, make me and my junior sister suffer for you.” ”

It’s up to you.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t talk nonsense, turned around and left.

“Don’t go, we haven’t decided the winner yet.”

Zhang Conglong spoke, “You can’t leave without my permission.” ”


He always had a premonition in his heart that Lu Shaoqing was still hiding his strength.

He hoped to continue fighting and force Lu Shaoqing’s true strength out.

Look how strong this nasty guy really is.

However, Lu Shaoqing looked back at him like an idiot.

Finally, he gently patted his butt and said defiantly, “Come on, hit me.”

Thinking of Zhang Conglong’s hatefulness just now, he pointed at Zhang Conglong and cursed, “Idiot!

“You can touch a hair of mine now, my senior brother has no Dao in his life.”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words came out, some people below were immediately dissatisfied.

He instantly became the public enemy of many female friars.

“Why are you kidding about the happiness of Jiyan Gongzi?”

“You bastard.”

“It’s really a shame on the sect!”

“Ah, bastard, don’t joke about the happiness of my son-in-law.”

Many female monks were protesting, accusing Lu Shaoqing of such shameless behavior.

Ji Yan has not had a Taoist couple in his life, doesn’t this mean that these female cultivators have no chance?

“Zhang Conglong Gongzi, help, slash that bastard to death with a sword.”

“You are stupid, Zhang Conglong, don’t interfere, don’t mess around.”

“Yes, yes, don’t mess around…”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan with a bad smile and teased, “Ha, it’s really popular.”

Facing the enthusiasm of the female cultivator below, Ji Yan was expressionless and spat out a word at Lu Shaoqing, “Get out!”

Lu Shaoqing was still smiling, “Fancy which, I’ll help you pick up a kiss.” ”


The quaint long sword is unsheathed.

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Lu Shaoqing decisively turned around and left.

He patted his ass as he walked.

Zhang Conglong’s eyes spewed fire, and Lu Shaoqing was deliberately provoking him.

“Find death!”

Zhang Conglong was furious, even if the plan was in front of him, he had to make a move.


He angrily slashed out a sharp sword qi, making a crackling sound in the air, and rushed straight towards Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing did not turn his head and left the square slowly.

He didn’t put the sword qi behind him in his eyes.

Just when the sword qi was about to touch Lu Shaoqing, the long sword behind Ji Yan was sheathed and made a crisp sound.

The fierce sword qi was as if it had been attacked by a natural enemy, killing it with one blow, and instantly dissipating invisible.

Zhang Conglong was shocked in his heart, and he stared at Ji Yan deadly, his eyes showing unwillingness.

Just the sound of the long sword entering the sheath alone defused his strongest blow.

Looking at the light wind and handsome words in front of him, Zhang Conglong had an idea in his heart.

The plan is stronger.

yes, can it not be strong?

Ji Yan, who had already comprehended the realm of the third sword intent, was many times stronger than he Zhang Conglong didn’t know.

Not to mention, Ji Yan’s current realm is the Yuan Infancy period.

The realm of strength alone had already crushed him.

Ji Yan glanced at Zhang Conglong and said lightly, “Go down, you are not my opponent.”

Zhang Conglong’s heart was bitter, of course he knew that he was not Ji Yan’s opponent.

He was unwilling.

He was able to compete with Ji Yan before, but now he was far behind by Ji Yan.

“I, not convinced.”

Zhang Conglong stared at Ji Yan deadly, “I want to challenge you.”

“I want you to know that I Zhang Conglong is not weaker than you.”

Ji Yan was still as calm as water, and did not speak, but looked at the others.

Seeing that Ji Yan ignored himself again like before, Zhang Conglong became even more angry.

He pointed his long sword at Ji Yan and shouted angrily, “You don’t put on a high-ranking appearance, your junior brother has also been defeated in my hands, and it will be your turn immediately.” Ji

Yan’s gaze fell on Zhang Conglong and frowned.

Pointed at Zhang Conglong.

A powerful spiritual force struck, Zhang Conglong’s face changed suddenly, and he shouted.

His face was flushed, and the spiritual power in his body was running wildly, desperately resisting.

Blood oozed out from the corners of his mouth, and almost half of the spiritual power in his body was consumed before he dissolved Ji Yan’s attack.

“Come again!”

Zhang Conglong simply took the initiative to sword Ji Yan.

Even if he knows that he is not Ji Yan’s opponent, he must let Ji Yan know.

He Zhang Conglong will not easily admit defeat and will not bow to him.

The sharp edge of the long sword, the brilliant sword qi condensed, containing an incomparably terrifying power towards Ji Yan.

Ji Yan stood and didn’t move, but for Zhang Conglong’s sword, he also took out the sword.


The long sword was unsheathed, the cold light was radiant, and the sword intent was compelling.

The ancient long sword buzzed in the air, like a hidden dragon ascending to the sky, a dragon groan, and heaven and earth trembled.

An invincible sword intent fell, as if it wanted to split the void, cut off the world, and the heaven and earth collapsed.

Zhang Conglong didn’t have time to react, so he sprayed blood wildly and flew back upside down.

In front of this invincible sword intent, the long sword in Zhang Conglong’s hand buzzed, and like the master, it was under great pressure.


In the end, the long sword could not withstand the pressure, and it shattered in response to the sound, breaking the knots.

The original sword was destroyed, and Zhang Conglong was hit hard again.


When the terrifying sword intent dissipated, many cultivators exclaimed.

“Zhang Conglong, he, he can actually stand.”


“It is worthy of being the second person in Qi Prefecture.”

Zhang Conglong was scarred, covered in blood, holding the hilt of the broken sword, his figure was still strong, standing in front of Ji Yan…

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