Zhang Conglong looked directly at Ji Yan, he was seriously injured inside and outside and wanted to fall down immediately, but there was a belief that supported him, and he didn’t want to fall in front of Ji Yan.

“The so-called third realm of sword intent, that’s it.”

Zhang Conglong’s tone was disdainful, although it was very powerful, but didn’t I fall down yet?

The strength of your words, that’s it.

Ji Yan didn’t make a move, Zhang Conglong’s state, he was already very clear.

Being able to eat his blow and still be able to stand is not bad.

“I, Zhang Conglong, the ninth layer of Jiedan, can block your Yuan Infant’s powerful blow.”

“It means that you are the same as your junior brother, just leaning on one mouth.”

My junior brother?

Ji Yan’s face became strange, and he asked softly, “Do you think he really lost to you just now?”

Zhang Conglong was stunned, and his gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Sensing Zhang Conglong’s gaze, Lu Shaoqing turned around and glared at him angrily, “What to see?” Didn’t you see me injured?

After speaking, he also rubbed the wounds on his body.

After Zhang Conglong saw it, his remaining faith was crushed, and he could no longer control the injuries in his body.

Another mouthful of blood and poured.

This time he completely collapsed and passed out.

Because Zhang Conglong found that his sword qi did not leave the slightest scar on Lu Shaoqing’s body.

The so-called blood was all made by Lu Shaoqing himself.

That’s why he kept feeling strange.

Now he figured it out.

From beginning to end, Lu Shaoqing was still hiding his strength and had been teasing him.

What to win the battle is just a joke of his own self-righteousness.

Lu Shaoqing was even more shameless and terrifying than he had imagined.

What Ji Yan gave him was a physical injury, and what Lu Shaoqing gave him was a mental blow.

He exerted all his strength, but Lu Shaoqing still teased him like a clown.

He was seriously injured physically and mentally, and even if he was Zhang Conglong, he couldn’t bear it.

“Alas, alas,” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Zhang Conglong and shouted, “Grandson of Gui Yuange, don’t you hurry up and take him down?”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words fell, a figure appeared in the square.

It seems to be cooperating with Lu Shaoqing.

Seeing this person, everyone fell silent.

Zang Shao couldn’t help but cover his face and couldn’t bear to look directly.

The person who came was none other than the elder of the Guiyuan Pavilion, Cang Zhengchu.

Cang Zhengchu’s expression was difficult to see the extreme.

Zhang Conglong is very important to Guiyuan Pavilion, and he can’t make the slightest mistake.

Cang Zhengchu came to the Lingxiao faction this time, and his main task was to protect Zhang Conglong from accidents.

Zhang Conglong was defeated in front of Ji Yan and fainted.

Is this worth it?

What if Ji Yan killed Zhang Conglong?

Just in case, Cang Zhengchu rushed up.

However, as soon as he appeared, Lu Shaoqing’s words were just finished.

It couldn’t be more coincidental.

If he could, Cang Zhengchu wanted to tear Lu Shaoqing’s mouth and throw him another hundred big slaps.

Who are the grandchildren?

But at this time, his best thing to do is to pretend that he can’t hear anything.

With a gloomy face, he led Zhang down from the dragon.

From this moment on, on the huge stage, only Ji Yan had one protagonist.

Ji Yan stood on the square, with a tall posture and a slender figure, just standing there and doing nothing, he had become the focus of everyone.

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Everyone was watching Ji Yan.

There was jealousy, resentment, exclamation, worship, and all kinds of different eyes fell on Ji Yan.

The first person in the young generation of Qizhou, a genius of kendo, a great power of the Yuan Infant, a master brother of the Lingxiao Sect, and other titles.

Ji Yan’s eyes were calm and deep, and finally, after a long time, Ji Yan slowly opened his mouth and arched his hand to everyone.

“You all came to participate in the Lingxiao Sect Ceremony, and Ji Yan would like to express my gratitude.”

Many monks stood up one after another and saluted in return.

A fool can know that such a plan has a great future in the future, who dares to offend him?

Having a good relationship with him is of great benefit to yourself.

What’s more, Lu Shaoqing’s words just now gave them a reminder.

Ji Yan is still a single dog, if he can make his daughter, sister and sister become Ji Yan’s Taoist couple, the benefits are unimaginable.

After Ji Yan finished being polite here, he didn’t say any unnecessary nonsense.

His expression became serious, and the aura on his body suddenly changed.

Like a sharp sword out of its sheath, he said to the crowd, “Of course, those who teach can come up.”

“I’ll take the teaching.”

As soon as these words came out, no one spoke.

Only fools will go up.

What strength do you count?

Even those who are in the same realm as you may not be able to win against you.

When the cultivators of the Jiedan period and the foundation building period go up, even if there are many people, they will send people heads and experience, and they will just humiliate themselves.

Both those hostile to the Lingxiao faction and those without hostility were silent.

Even Gui Yuan Pavilion did not dare to speak up.

There is nothing wrong with everyone’s brains, and no one dares to go up.

Before, it was because Ji Yan was not here, so they dared to let the juniors come out, thinking of embarrassing the Lingxiao faction.

Now that Ji Yan has come out, Ji Yan also belongs to the junior, among his peers, who can beat him?

In the event that Ji Yan comes to the door in the name of competition in the future, who can stand it?

After Lu Shaoqing came back, as soon as he sat down, he saw that the people below were silent and did not dare to fight.

Can’t help but scold, “A group of instigators, on ah, what are you afraid of?”

“What about the grandson of Gui Yuange? Keep going. ”

Ma De…”

Lu Shaoqing was angry.

He had defeated Du Jing with a self-detonating magic weapon before, and then half threatened and half persuaded, thinking that the people below would not send people up to fight him.

but was disrupted by Zhang Conglong.

Forced him to fight Zhang Conglong and was forced to show most of his strength.

If Ji Yan hadn’t arrived in time, he would definitely have exposed all his strength.

Once he reveals his full strength, his days as salted fish will be gone forever.

Now the group of guys below, Ji Yan is just a sentence, and no one dares to speak out.

“Bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.”

Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily.

Xiao Yi came over without knowing whether he was dead or alive, and said with a grin, “Second Senior Brother, according to your meaning, you are soft, is Senior Brother hard?” ”

Ji Yan is out of customs, and Senior Brother is back.

I don’t have to be bullied by the second senior brother.

Xiao Yi’s heart was incredibly beautiful.

“You’re tired of living, aren’t you?”

Lu Shaoqing poked Xiao Yi’s head and said viciously, “Don’t think that if you are injured now, I won’t clean you up.”

“Bastard, if you give a little more strength and choke Du Jing’s waist, where will you use me to play?”

“How can I have such a wasteful junior sister as you.”

Xiao Yi held his head and hurriedly changed the topic, “Second Senior Brother, look, is the head suing the master…”

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