Lu Shaoqing looked up.

Master Shao Cheng also came.

This will be the head of the door and say something to Shao Cheng.

From time to time, they still looked at him, gritting their teeth and resentful.

You don’t need to guess to know that the head is suing him about Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart jumped, waved his hand, and said dissatisfiedly, “What is the head of this for?”

“I have sweated and shed blood for the sect, and I am a great hero.”

“What is he doing? Cross the river and tear down the bridge?

Yin Qi couldn’t stand it anymore, and said loudly, “You still mean to say that you are a great hero? ”

The face of the Lingxiao faction was lost by you, just you alone shouted in public and admitted defeat, do you want face?”

Lu Shaoqing did not have the slightest shame on his face, “Face? How many spirit stones are they worth? ”

If I expose all my strength, how will I live my salted fish life in the future?

What’s more, I exposed my full strength, what about my plan?


Yin Qi despised it even more, and wanted to take out the giant sword and chop this guy without any shame.

“Junior Sister Xiaoyi has done better than you.”

Xiao Yi raised his head proudly, and Lu Shaoqing glared at her.

Obediently lower his head.

Lu Shaoqing poked Xiao Yi’s head twice, “She is stupid, she can’t beat it, it’s normal to admit defeat.”

“What a shame to be afraid of.”

Xiao Yi was stunned.

He raised his head and looked at Lu Shaoqing, “You didn’t say this before, you said that I would be expelled from the division if I lost.” ”

Can’t you scare you, otherwise you will do your best?”

Xiao Yi burst into tears, the second senior brother was too bad.

Lu Shaoqing saw that not only Yu Chang confessed to Shao, but even Xiao Chuang joined.

Point to him here, chatter.

Master Shao Cheng’s face was not very good-looking.

He was upset and said to Xiao Yi, “I’m leaving.” ”

Don’t go again, wait here to die.”

“Go?” Xiao Yi was stunned, “Second Senior Brother, where are you going?”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Yu Chang and them vigilantly, while slowly moving his body back, and said, “Go back, I’m injured, I’m going back to recuperate.”

Xiao Yi wanted to spray two mouthfuls of blood to Lu Shaoqing to see who was the one who was injured the most.

I’m injured so badly, I didn’t shout to recuperate, you have to find a better excuse.”

“Second Senior Brother, don’t you watch it next?”

Xiao Yi looked at the square below, Ji Yan stood tall, standing on the square, a husband and wife, no one dared to respond.

Handsome to a comparison.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t even look at it, “Still look at Mao, no one dares to fight with your senior brother.”

“Next, you see, I’m not interested, I’m going to recuperate, I’m going to cultivate.”

Xiao Yi was very uncomfortable.

I felt my injuries increase again.

He was hurt by the shamelessness of the second senior brother.

If it weren’t for the fear of being cleaned up by the second senior brother, Xiao Yi would have to complain twice.

Yin Qi was not afraid of Lu Shaoqing, and he despised it unceremoniously, “You go and raise a fart wound and repair a fart refining.” ”

Not familiar with this girl of yours, Lu Shaoqing said, “What do you understand?

“Stop talking nonsense, help me block the point, don’t let them watch.”

Yin Qi snorted and turned his head in the direction of the palm.

I intend to expose Lu Shaoqing’s shameless behavior.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly blocked Yin Qi with a sentence, “If you dare to shout, our agreement will be nullified.”

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Yin Qi suddenly closed her mouth, her face was red, and she was very uncomfortable.

Xiao Yi blinked his eyes here, and curiosity came.

What is the agreement between the second senior brother and senior sister Yin Qi?

Or is it adultery?

Lu Shaoqing looked at Yu Chang here, they didn’t notice themselves, quickly turned around and slipped away, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared here.

After Lu Shaoqing disappeared, Xiao Yi asked Yin Qi curiously.

“Senior Sister Yin Qi, what agreement do you have with the second senior brother?”

There was nothing to hide about this, Yin Qi said generously, “Oh, didn’t I want to chop him at that time?”

“He was afraid, so he said he would take me into Senior Brother’s wooden house.”

I’ll go!

Xiao Yi was shocked.

The second senior brother actually sold the senior brother like this.

The senior brother is really miserable, and he was sold by the second senior brother in various ways.

“Master, master, senior sister,” Xiao Yi stammered and asked, “You, what are you going to do in Senior Brother’s wooden house?” ”

Ji Yan’s wooden house is not accessible to ordinary people.

Surrounded by countless sword intent, without Ji Yan’s permission, if you break in without permission, you will be strangled into slag by sword intent.

“Mo Fei, you still want to carry Senior Brother to bed?”

Yin Qi frowned, her little face was displeased, “This is really ugly, don’t talk nonsense.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that you were injured, I would have to beat you up based on your words.”

Yin Qi’s temper is like this, annoying her, no matter who you are, beating you is not negotiable.

Xiao Yi hurriedly cleared up, learned a sample, and sold the second senior brother, “This is what the second senior brother said.” ”


Yin Qi was angry and slapped the desk apart with one palm, attracting the attention of many people.

Yin Qi ignored the eyes of others, grabbed Xiao Yi, kept shaking, and roared angrily, “Did he really say that?

Xiao Yi was so shaken that he was about to vomit blood again, and hurriedly shouted, “Dizzy, faint…” Only

then did Yin Qi let go of his hand, and Xiao Yi fell into Yin Qi’s arms.

The broad bosom made her feel like her mother’s arms.

No, my mother’s arms are not so comfortable.

“Hurry up and make it clear to me.” Yin Qi patted Xiao Yi’s head.

Xiao Yi hugged Yin Qi, rubbed his head, and said what Lu Shaoqing had told her.

“The second senior brother said, when you confessed to the senior brother, the senior brother refused, you have to make a move, saying that you want to stun the senior brother and carry the senior brother back.”

“He farts.” Yin Qi cursed, his voice was very loud, and he attracted everyone’s attention again.

Even her master Ji Pengyue’s gaze came over.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes, sat up straight and looked at Yin Qi in amazement, “Isn’t it?”

Yin Qi had to lower her voice and said, “Of course not,” Yin Qi

gritted her teeth and told the truth word by word, “I did express my affection to Senior Brother, but I was rejected by Senior Brother.

“At that time, I plucked up courage, and after being rejected, I wanted to commit suicide, and I felt faceless.”

“Seeing this, Senior Brother offered to guide me, in fact, to resolve my embarrassment.”

Xiao Yi was amazed, but he didn’t expect that the senior brother still had a tender side to others.

The more Yin Qi spoke, the more angry he became, and he would storm away at any time, “This bastard, actually spread rumors and slander, nonsense, I will chop him.” ”

There is a confession, but it definitely does not say that he will stun Ji Yan and carry him to bed.

Xiao Yi covered his face and was speechless.

Simply she, she was once again deceived by the second senior brother.

After Xiao Yi was speechless for a while, he asked Yin Qi, “What are you going to do in Senior Brother’s wooden house?”

“Of course it’s another confession, I’m ready.”

Xiao Yi was speechless again, “Aren’t you afraid of rejection?”

“What that bastard said, as long as you continue to persevere, Senior Brother will be touched by me sooner or later.”

“But that bastard is so hateful, I helped him calculate you.”

Xiao Yi blinked…

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