Xiao Yi was shocked in his heart, the second senior brother actually sold himself?


Xiao Yi was very panicked in her heart, what did the second senior brother do to her?

“Senior Sister Yin Qi, why do you say that?”

After Yin Qi knew that she was so rumored by Lu Shaoqing behind, she didn’t help Lu Shaoqing hide anything.

One Fifty One Ten told Xiao Yi, “It was he who asked me to scold Du Jing, with the character of Gui Yuange, after being scolded by me like this, he will definitely attack you.” Xiao

Yi’s head rushed up with a feeling of dizziness.

Dare to love Du Jing, that bastard brazenly attacked himself, and he has a share of the credit of the second senior brother.

I just said why that bastard would be so cruel to me.

What a good brother.

Xiao Yi burst into tears and was grateful.

Then shouted at Shao Cheng, “Chief, master, second senior brother has run away.” Yu

Chang’s side was spitting bitter water at Shao Cheng.

In the past few days, they have been tossed and broken by Lu Shaoqing.

As for Shao Cheng, he heard Yu Chang complaining to himself like a grudge.

There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

You know that my second apprentice is difficult, right?

You know how I usually live, right?

Yu Chang waved his hand angrily, as if to indicate his attitude, “You must teach him a hard lesson.”

“Junior Brother Shao, you can’t protect him this time.”

Xiong Chuang supported a hundred and firmly supported the decision of the leader, “That’s right, spoiling him too much is equivalent to harming him.”

“It’s necessary to clean him up.”

Shao Cheng was not angry, but asked, “Senior Brother Xiao, how do you plan to clean him up?”

“Hit him or what?”

As soon as Shao Cheng’s words came out, Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang were silent.


If this were useful, Lu Shaoqing would not be like this.

No matter how hard he is pumped, he will go his own way and will not repent.

Shao Cheng coughed and said, “Usually using this to threaten him can make him obey temporarily.” But if you really fight, it is estimated that you will not be able to call him after the boss. ”

Spanking or something, only me, the master, can beat ah.”

Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang looked at each other, and the two found that they seemed to have no way to get Lu Shaoqing.

Knock Door Contribution Points?

Lu Shaoqing has not done a single sect task, and the contribution point is still negative.

Button-down perks?

The sect only has one hundred lower grade spirit stones every month, and the excess spirit stones need to be obtained by doing sect tasks.

A hundred Lower Grade Spirit Stones didn’t seem to threaten Lu Shaoqing.

Didn’t you see that he used the second-grade magic weapon to play self-explosion?

It seems that there is not a shortage of spirit stones.

As for expulsion?

As soon as this thought appeared, he was strangled by Yu Chang.

If you want to be expelled from the sect, you have to do it before, why wait until now to find yourself angry?

What’s more, Yu Chang couldn’t bear it.

This is a disciple who is not inferior to Ji Yan, and expelling from the master’s sect is not cheap for others?

He just didn’t do it.

Yu Chang was very uncomfortable, and he found that he had nothing to do with Lu Shaoqing.

In the end, Yu Chang gritted his teeth and huffed and punished, saying, “Deduct his sect benefits for three years.” ”

Three years, more than three thousand spirit stones, how much makes him feel distressed.

After thinking about it, the punishment of Lu Shaoqing could only be like this.

Shao Cheng saw that Yu Chang’s face was still depressed.

He smiled and decided to give the head a little face, and said, “The boss doesn’t need to be angry, I’ll let him come over, let you scold, and let it be angry.”

Yu Chang nodded, scolded, and breathed out.

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However, at this time, Xiao Yi’s voice came.

“…… The second senior brother ran away.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and sure enough, there were only Xiao Yi and Yin Qi in the position.

Lu Shaoqing had disappeared.

Shao Cheng’s nose was crooked.

Really, on such a solemn occasion, you still ran lazily.


But now is not the time to go to Lu Shaoqing to settle the account.

Ji Yan is still here.

The grand ceremony of the Lingxiao faction is not over yet.

Yu Chang could only suppress the urge to find Lu Shaoqing to settle the account, and refocused on the matter in front of him.

Ji Yan stood on the square and challenged everyone with the power of one person.

No one spoke up, and no one dared to play.

Among the older generation, only Yuan Ying can suppress Ji Yan.

But the older generation came to bully the younger generation, and if they won, they were dishonorable, and they were even more faceless if they lost.

As for the younger generation, even the middle and young generations, no one dares to go up.

The difference in strength between them and Ji Yan is too great.

Zhang Conglong, who was known as the second person in Qizhou, could not catch Ji Yan’s sword.

If the older generation does not make a move, who can suppress Ji Yan?

No one spoke up, and some forces wanted to take the opportunity to let Ling Xiao’s ugly calculation fail.

There are even people who lower their heads and dare not look at Ji Yan, lest they be discovered by Ji Yan and thus find themselves to settle the account.

Whether it was the chaos in Lingxiao City before or the commotion of this ceremony, these people were involved.

Seeing that no one made a sound below, Yu Chang felt very comfortable in his heart.

Sure enough, it has to be a plan.

Which is like that bastard, while making others angry half to death, he also makes himself angry enough.

Yu Chang spoke up and laughed, “Since no one is on the field, forget it.” ”

This time I invite you to come here, mainly to inform you that Ji Yan is the seventh infant of our Lingxiao Sect.”

Isn’t this nonsense you said?

Almost everyone present complained in their hearts.

Ji Yan became a yuan baby, and you still use it to tell us here?

Isn’t the ceremony you opened just to show off?

Pretend to be forced?

Well, now you’re pretending to succeed.

Many people looked at Ji Yan’s gaze full of jealousy.

With such a young Yuan baby, how many can there be in the world?

Perhaps only the disciple lineage of the top major forces in Zhongzhou can suppress the plan.

“Zhang Cheng Chen family, congratulations to Ji Yan Gongzi for stepping into the Yuan Infant Realm!”

With a loud drink, the head of the Chen family, who was in his nineties, stood up and congratulated Ji Yan loudly.

“Lying groove, let the old fox of the Chen family take the lead again.”

“It’s really abominable, let’s hurry up and congratulate …” The

first one to say congratulations, how can it also make Ji Yan leave a little impression.

This is called good karma.

If you encounter it in the future, feel free to help, it is enough to make a family soar.

Other forces also rushed to congratulate them.

“Shuangyue Valley, An Qianyan is ordered by the head to congratulate Ji Yan Xiaoyou on behalf of all of Shuangyue Valley

…” “Gui Yuan Pavilion, Cang Zhengchu is ordered by the head of the family, congratulations to Ji Yan Xiaoyou…” After Cang Zhengchu finished congratulating

, he said lightly, “I hope that Ji Yan Xiaoyou can abide by his heart and not bully others.”

Shao Cheng was furious when he heard this, and he had the urge to split Cang Zhengchu, “What does this old thing mean by this?”

“Want to sow discord?”


The long sword behind Ji Yan was unsheathed, and a majestic sword intent rose up into the sky, the color of heaven and earth changed, and the void was distorted…

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