All people change color.

This sword intent is too terrifying.

The long sword suspended in the air turned into a divine dragon soaring in the nine heavens in the eyes of everyone at this moment, crisscrossing the heavens and the earth, staring at all living beings.

People below the Yuan Infancy stage trembled in the face of this sword intent.

They had the illusion that in the face of this sword intent, they were like ants, desperately struggling to survive.

Even the Yuan Infant Cultivator faced this terrifying sword intent.

Their faces also became extremely solemn.

As Yuan Infants, they could feel the horror of this sword intent more than ordinary cultivators.

Sharp, sharp and unstoppable.

“It’s terrifying!”

Some Yuan Infant cultivators were amazed.

And Cang Zhengchu, who was facing the sword intent, was even more difficult to see the extreme.

He didn’t expect Ji Yan to be so faceless.

Isn’t it just a kind word, do you need this?

“Ji Yan Xiaoyou, what do you mean by this?”

Cang Zhengchu’s tone couldn’t help but slow down, this sword intent was too terrifying.

Compared to that night, it seems to be a step further.

Cang Zhengchu was sure that now he didn’t have the confidence to suppress Ji Yan in terms of sword intent.

Even if his realm is higher than Ji Yan’s realm.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Xiao Yi’s ears.

Xiao Yi stood up and shouted loudly, “My senior brother never bullies the weak, even if he finds someone to talk to, he will only find someone who is better than him.”

“I don’t want some people to bully the small.”

It’s this smelly girl again.

Cang Zheng first wanted to slash Xiao Yi with a sword.

Can you shut up?

To bully the small, is this saying that we return to the Yuan Pavilion?

You are slandering and slandering us for Guiyuan Pavilion.

A hint of softness flashed on Ji Yan’s cold face, and then he became solemn and said to Cang Zhengchu, “Elder Cang, please enlighten!” ”

What the am I?

Cang Zhengchu was about to scold his mother.

So careful with the eyes?

I was taught a lesson by your master and head that night, what else are you going to do?

Cang Zhengchu smiled, “The afterlife is terrible, Ji Yan Xiaoyou, do you really want to fight?” ”

Cang Zhengchu didn’t want to fight a hundred in his heart.

With his current realm, it is normal to win the plan, and it is dishonorable to win. Bully the small with the big.

In case the horse loses its front hoof and suffers a loss, it will immediately become a big joke in Qizhou.

Ji Yan did not speak, and the long sword slashed out at Cang Zhengchu’s sword.

A dragon groan sounded in everyone’s ears, the divine dragon swung its tail, and heaven and earth were shaken for it.

Cang Zhengchu’s face changed drastically, and his figure disappeared in place and appeared in the sky.

If he didn’t leave, the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion behind him would be affected by this sword.

Even if the disciples had the existence of the Jiedan period, they could not bear the sword of Ji Yan.

Ji Yan raised his head, the long sword swept across the sky, and he also flew up.

The white clothes are as flowing as an immortal, the sword intent is sharp, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

How handsome!

Even the male cultivators had to admit that Ji Yan was so handsome at this time that he had no friends.


What’s more, some people fainted with excitement.

The plan came first, before the person arrived, the sword arrived first, and with a terrifying and majestic sword intent, it once again slashed towards Cang Zhengchu.

When a sword fell, the air was like a calm lake, with countless ripples.

The sword qi was furious, and the sword intent was stirring.

The calm sky boiled and it was dark.

Countless spiritual powers rushed towards Cangzhengchu with this sword.

Cang Zhengchu’s face was solemn, and he did not dare to be careless.

He immediately took out his Origin Sword, and a water attribute sword intent permeated out.

A huge blue bird appears.

Sword intent incarnated.

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However, as soon as the blue bird appeared, it was fixed as soon as it wanted to flutter its wings.

It’s like being cast.

It’s like time standing still, unable to move.

The next moment it disappeared.

“Damn it, damn it!”

Cang Zhengchu’s face was difficult to see, and he knew why.

He has already comprehended the third realm plan of sword intent, and using sword intent in front of him is like a tiger in the banmen and playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

Unless the realm is much beyond Ji Yan, or the sword intent is more deeply comprehended, the sword intent is useless to Ji Yan.

Can’t resist him.

Cang Zhengchu is experienced and knows that competing with Jiyan is just self-inflicted humiliation.

He simply didn’t use sword intent.

The long sword was swung out again.

With the laws of his own realm comprehension, the simple realm to deal with Ji Yan.

As the middle of the Yuan Infant, the beginning of the four-layer realm.

Strength is deep.

Without using sword intent, Cang Zhengchu’s sword looked even more terrifying.

The power of terror gushes out, the power of law is entangled, and the wind and clouds change abruptly.

The monk below felt an aura of death.

This sword slashes down, and all the cultivators below will be destroyed.

Facing Cang Zhengchu’s attack, the expression on Ji Yan’s face did not change at all.

Not even half a step back.

His eyes were full of fighting intent.

Facing a formidable opponent, he has only one word.


The long sword did not know when it was already in his hand.

With the long sword in hand, Ji Yan swung a sword towards Cang Zhengchu again.

This sword, the sword intent frantically pervaded.

The heavens and the earth seemed to be filled with the words of the plan.

Some cultivators with unstable Dao hearts have collapsed.

It was too terrifying, in their feelings, only the sword intent of Ji Yan remained in this world.

At this moment, Ji Yan is a sword.

A sword capable of destroying gods and demons.


The two long swords collided in the air.

The two furious forces collided, causing a violent explosion.

The explosion shocked heaven and earth, and the terrifying explosion swept through the nine

heavens and ten earths, and the heavens and the earth seemed to set off a ten-level spiritual energy storm

, countless spiritual forces swept and scattered, the earth shook, the mountains around the Lingxiao Sect continued to collapse, and countless birds and beasts fled madly.

The end of the world, heaven and earth fall.

The cultivators below the Lingxiao Sect turned even pale.

The battle between Ji Yan and Cang Zhengchu was the first to affect them.

The furious power descended from the sky, enveloping everyone in it.

At this moment, the power of the Yuan Infant swept away, and everyone’s faces changed wildly, and they could not give birth to any resistance in front of this force.

“Are you going to die?”

Many people have despair in their hearts.

In the face of this furious force, they could not escape, let alone resist.

But just when everyone was desperate.

A figure appeared.

It’s Yu Chang.

Face the furious force.

Yu Chang waved his big hand, and the power of the incoming attack was easily resolved.

After seeing this scene, many people couldn’t help but feel awe.

This is the power of the late Yuan baby.

The strength is unfathomable, the power is terrifying.

Yu Chang looked at Ji Yan and Cang Zhengchu, who were still going to continue fighting in the sky.

He opened his mouth to stop, “Ji Yan, come back.” ”

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