The coercion of the merging period was like a mountain pressing on Yu Ling and Min Fan.

The two people sprayed blood and knelt on the ground.

Yu Ling and Min Fan were desperate in their hearts.

The third place is the combined phase.

Yu Ling’s heart was like death, he never expected that the strength of the Sanluo people was so strong.

Min Fan’s face was even pale, and his heart was terrified.

I thought that I could wrench my wrist with Wang Ting, but I didn’t expect that Wang Ting hid such a terrifying master, and he was not even qualified to be on an equal footing with others.

After some elderly Sanluo people next to them saw the middle-aged man, they exclaimed in surprise, “It’s Kirkin!” ”

A genius before my clan!”

“Kirkim? Great, haha…”

“I thought he had disappeared long ago, but it turned out to be hiding and cultivating.”

“Haha, Min Fan, who doesn’t measure himself, regrets it, right?”

Many Sanlo people laughed.

The masters on his side are one after another, and the other party is only one master.

What does Min Fan, this traitor, win?

“Min Fan, today is the day of your burial!”

“Traitor, death is not a pity!”

“Haha, we Sanluo people are rising again…”

Anza was also overjoyed and stood up, “Elder!

“Hmph!” Kirkim was very dissatisfied with Luo Wang Anza’s actions, “Are you afraid of her? ”


, I…” “Stupid,” Kirkim taught Anza, “even if it is death, you must not be afraid, and I Sanlo cannot let anyone look down on it!”

“Fear is the most foolish act.”

The king of the dignified Sunroth people was disciplined and nodded repeatedly, and his anger rose in his heart.

He stared at Yu Ling, eager to get rid of Yu Ling quickly.

If it wasn’t for Yu Ling challenging him, would he want to do this?

After thinking about it, he simply said to Kirkim, “Elder, let me deal with her.”

“Hmph!” Kirkin snorted coldly and did not refuse.

A saint clan person, let An Za kill, can save a little face.

An Za suddenly laughed viciously, his expression full of hideousness, exuding a thick murderous aura.

Many Sangluo people couldn’t help but sympathize with Yu Ling in their hearts.

Seeing this, Min Fan couldn’t help but shout, “King Luo, you dare?”

Anza smiled wickedly, “What don’t I dare?”

“There are many Saint Clan people who died at my hands, and I don’t mind how many more one there are today.”

The latter sentence seems to tell others that he is not instigating.

Min Fan shook his head, “King Luo, the person behind her, you can’t afford to mess with it!” ”

Haha…..,” Anza laughed angrily, and his killing intent towards Min Fan also rose, scaring me?

Still trying to scare me?

After he finished laughing, he walked towards the two step by step, “Do you think I will be afraid?” ”

He had just been reprimanded by Kirkin, saying he was afraid.

Now Min Fan actually dared to scare him.

Really think he Anza is a coward?

“You traitor, I will also personally solve you and let you know what the end of betrayal is!”

Then, he came to Yu Ling, looked at Yu Ling condescendingly, and smiled wickedly again, “The person behind her? ”

Let him come, you think I’ll be afraid?”

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After speaking, Anza raised his palm high, and the powerful force was condensing.

Yu Ling slowly closed his eyes and sighed secretly in his heart.

So far!

It’s a pity…….

. Yu Ling was very sorry in his heart that he did not see that person before he died.

When An Za saw Yu Ling’s look of waiting for death, he sneered and slapped his palm fiercely.

Only by killing Yu Ling by the most decisive and straightforward means can he save a little face.

However, when a palm fell, and was about to hit Yu Ling’s head, a figure flashed.

The next moment, another figure flashed in everyone’s eyes and flew out upside down.

With a boom, the throne was smashed.

Seeing Anza smashed to the ground like a sandbag, everyone was shocked.

Even Kirkin was taken aback.

Everyone looked at the center of the hall, and a blue figure appeared here.

A young man had a somewhat nonchalant smile on his face and a lazy look.

When Min Fan saw this person, he was first stunned, and then burst into tears, “Gong, Gongzi? There

was uncertainty in his tone, he hadn’t seen it for so long, and he couldn’t believe for a while whether it was real in front of him.

Yu Ling also opened his eyes and saw a familiar back.

The purple eyes flushed, and tears filled the eye sockets, glowing with crystal.

Lu Shaoqing turned around, saw the two, and pouted, “After not seeing each other for so long, when did you two become so fragile?”

“Still crying, scared to pee?”

Yu Ling confirmed that he was not dreaming.

The guy who makes people love and hate is here.

The pressure on his body disappeared, and Yu Ling stood up.

Her mood was excited, her heart was full of eyes, and all her worries and haze were swept away.

With this guy here, Yu Ling believes that even if there are more Sangluo people, it doesn’t matter how strong the people are.

Everything, he can solve.

“Gongzi, be careful, they have a merging period…” Min Fan hurriedly reminded Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “It’s okay.” ”

It’s not a matter of concern!”

Hearing the familiar tone, Yu Ling almost wanted to laugh.

Still as annoying as ever.

I used to want to beat people when I heard this tone, but now I feel extremely grounded.

The Sanlo people were furious.

Convergence period?

Kirkim’s face also sank, murderous, “What a big breath.” ”

Have the saints become so arrogant now?”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at him and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, what do you think I look like a demon race?” ”

Are the men of the Demon Clan handsome with me?”

“Does a woman of the Demon Clan have my white skin?”

Everyone subconsciously looked at Yu Ling next to them.

Yu Ling’s height is not much shorter than Lu Shaoqing, as for the skin, if you compare it carefully, it is really not as white as Lu Shaoqing.

And Yu Ling can be regarded as the whitest group of people on the cold star.

When Kirkim heard the word demon in Lu Shaoqing’s mouth, he immediately reacted, “Are you human? ”

The Sanluo and the Saint Clan have fought for so long, and they all know each other.

“That’s right, it’s the Terrans!” Lu Shaoqing said with a big grin, “Our Terrans are coming to invade Cold Star, and those of you who are sensible will obediently surrender.”

“Or else…”

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