“How about otherwise?” Kirkheim sneered.

It doesn’t matter what kind of Terran Saint Race or Demon Race you are, you are all a bird in his eyes.

“Or I’ll kill you!”

When Lu Shaoqing said this, he narrowed his smile and was a little serious.

Although it was a faint tone, it made Kirkim’s heart jump, and he subconsciously gave birth to a wave of fear.

But soon, he was furious, “Okay, good, I’ll meet you and see what you can do.” ”

You?” Lu Shaoqing glanced at him up and down and shook his head, “You kind of parallel goods, it’s too weak, let your family come out.” ”

Kirkin’s strength is roughly equivalent to the realm of the human merging period.

Although he did not practice human exercises, he could not feel his spiritual power.

However, from his breath, Lu Shaoqing could feel the void.

Lu Shaoqing can easily guess that Kirkin has only grown to this point in recent years.

Kirkin, the so-called genius, is just that the heavens and the earth have changed, become easy to cultivate, and easy to break through, so he is called a genius.

Such a genius Lu Shaoqing has a unified title.

Parallel imports!

Moreover, even if Kirkin is a real genius, he is only in the early realm now.

This kind of goods, Lu Shaoqing is not interested.


Kirkim has been named a genius since he was a child, and now he has reached the realm of the merging period in the mouth of human beings.

Powerful, invincible.

It made him burst with confidence and pride in his heart.

He was never the only one who looked down on, not others.

Now, Lu Shaoqing, a guy who is whiter and more handsome than him, laughs at him and says that he is weak.

How not to make him explode in anger?

“Find death!”

Kirkim’s eyes turned red, anger surged up, and he shouted angrily and punched Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

A dull explosion sounded, and the surrounding air seemed to be compressed, turning into a cloud of energy towards Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing saw the attack methods of the Sanluo masters for the first time.

Although they did not practice the exercises of the Terrans, when they reached this realm, they had the same path.

They mobilized the energy of heaven and earth in their own way to strike their own attacks.

At the moment, this punch came out, although the use of energy was somewhat primitive, but the power was not weak at all.

It can also destroy the world.

“Alas!” Lu Shaoqing was punched and slammed into the wall.

Kirkin was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

“Haha, also say that you are powerful, you can’t even catch my strength of Issei, and dare to be rampant in front of me?”

This is the main hall of the royal court, which represents the authority of the royal court.

The big that is completely released here, with the strength of Kirkin, can easily destroy here.

So, although Kirkin was angry, he did not lose his mind.

He just punched out lightly, and Lu Shaoqing was hit against the wall by him.

It turned out to be bragging.

The surrounding Sangluo people also laughed loudly and mocked

Lu Shaoqing one after another.

“Stupid human beings, do not know whether they are dead or alive.”

“Who does he think he is? Can beat Elder Kirkim?

“Naive! We Sunglo talents are the strongest.

“He is also very strong, a very strong mouth, and none of us can compare to him in terms of bragging, haha…” The

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mockery of the crowd continued to sound in the hall like a wave.

Min Fan’s face changed drastically, “Gongzi! ”

He is desperate in his heart, isn’t Gongzi also an opponent?

However, Yu Ling next to him was very calm, not only not nervous and afraid, but also a little expectant.

Lu Shaoqing got up, his face turned pale, and he looked at Kirkim angrily, “Bastard, sneak attack, what kind of hero is a good man?” ”

Haha!” Seeing this, the surrounding Sanluo people smiled even more happily.

“If you can’t beat it, you can’t beat it, you actually said that the elder sneaked attack?”

“Stupid human!”

Kirkin sneered, “Idiot! ”

Humans, holy races are all the same, stupid.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing proudly, “Kneel, admit defeat, I can spare your life!”

Anza rushed over, “Elder, kill him, kill him!”

An Za looked hideous, like an angry beast, eager to swallow Lu Shaoqing alive.

Anza’s hair was disheveled, his face was scarred, and he looked very embarrassed.

Lu Shaoqing asked with concern, “Are you okay?” ”

Ah…” An Za was angry, completely irrational, and rushed towards Lu Shaoqing.

Like a crazy beast.

Although the speed is fast and the strength is strong, the realm corresponding to the human race is only the refining period, and it is also the kind of parallel goods.

Lu Shaoqing kicked An Za back with another kick, smashing towards Kirkim like a big rock.


Dissatisfied, Kirkim took Anza and shouted angrily, “Give me a good life.” ”

As the king of the Sunroes, he behaved so badly.

Not only Kirkin was dissatisfied, but even the surrounding Sanluo people looked straight and frowned.

The inherited king is not good at all, shame.

Lu Shaoqing’s side took the opportunity to mend the knife, “Isn’t it, this is your king?”

“With such a king, you still play a fart and eat jujube pills.”

Many Sangluo people actually subconsciously agreed with Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Anza’s performance is too bad to deserve the title of king.

Kirkim was also dissatisfied with Anza, but after all, he was the king of the Sanlo people and the representative of the Sanlo people.

He could only continue to maintain, he said coldly, “Do you think you can be arrogant with a little strength?”

“After my king breaks through, he can easily kill you.”

“Cut!” Lu Shaoqing despised, “You can’t kill me, he can do it?”

“Having said that, let you adults come out, you are too weak.”

“Die!” Kirkim was so angry, his mouth was so annoying, he shot again.

This time, the power he used was much stronger than before.

I plan to beat Lu Shaoqing to death.


Lu Shaoqing patted lightly on the wall, and then disappeared in place, while also dodging away with Yu Ling and Min Fan.


Kirkin’s punch fell directly behind Lu Shaoqing, and the city wall shook, instantly breaking a huge gap. ‘

Mighty power comes out of the gap.

Then, a head-sized Xun Demon Stone fell, exploded with a bang, and a terrifying force gushed out from it.

Kirkin was stunned, stretched out his hand, and the power comparable to the self-explosion of the Jiedan period disappeared.

Kirkin felt a little puzzled, why did the Sundemon Stone explode?

Didn’t wait for Kirkin to figure it out.

There were fires around again, boom…

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