One after another, the Sundemon Stones began to explode.

Terrifying energy swept through the hall.

In just a few breaths, the hall was filled with fire, thick smoke, and terrifying energy collided one after another.

All the Sundemon stones were like lighted bombs, a chain reaction occurred, exploding one after another.

The earth shook, the terrifying energy spread, and the terrifying shock wave raged havoc.

The high-level Sanluo people in the main hall screamed one after another, their strength was very strong.

But under the explosion after explosion, the impact of force after force, many people screamed.

The weaker one screamed and disappeared into the terrible explosion.

The stronger one escaped from the main hall at the first time.


Countless Sanluo people watched in disbelief as their royal palace exploded.

The royal palace, which they regarded as a holy place, disappeared into the billowing smoke.

The energy of the explosion continued to spread, destroying everything around it like a storm.

Let the royal court here as if an earthquake had occurred, the earth cracked and the houses collapsed.

Many Sunlo people were injured or died in the impact.

Kirkin escapes with Anza, and his mind goes blank as he watches the exploding palace from the sky.

Why did it blow up?

His own punch is only two percent of the power, at most, it is only to break through a gap in the palace, and it is impossible to destroy the palace.

Kirkim’s heart was a little flustered.

He even had to wonder if he had missed his hand and used too much force to cause the palace to explode.


Kirkin couldn’t figure it out.

Why did all the Sundemon Stones explode?

It is obviously a very safe stone, and it has absolute suppression against spiritual power.

Why did it explode?

Kirkheim felt that his brain was a little too old to figure it out.

Anza looked at the palace that had disappeared in the billowing smoke in Kirkim’s hand, and he almost cried.

The Sangluo people retreated to the Southern Wilderness, and it took hundreds of years to build a palace.

It symbolizes the spirit of the Sanluo people not yielding and fighting to the end, it is the sacred place in the hearts of all Sanluo people, and it is the spiritual sustenance of the Sanluo people.

It is also the authority of he, the King of Luo, who can control the Sanluo people.

The palace is gone, and his prestige as King Luo is lost.

Play it!

He couldn’t help but say

, “Elder, you, you…” Kirkin shouted angrily, “Shut up, it’s none of my business.” ”

yes, it’s about his.

Everything, everything is that hateful human being.

He searched around and saw Lu Shaoqing in the distance.

With Anza instantly killed, “Human you…”

Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly, “Kirkim, what are you doing?”

“Would you rather destroy your palace in order to kill me?”

The sound rolled, resounded like thunder in the sky, and fell into the ears of every Sanluo person.


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“Yes, it was Elder Kirkin who destroyed the palace?”

“Oh my God, why did he do this?”

“It’s impossible, it must be a human trick, don’t be fooled.”

“However, it was indeed Elder Kirkin’s hand, and that human moved every hand from beginning to end.”

“This, not true, who can tell me…” Countless

Sanluo people were dumbfounded, unable to believe what they heard.

His own elders destroyed their spiritual symbols.

It’s hard to accept.

Some believe, some do not.

But those Sanluo people at the top, the Sanluo people in the main hall, they are difficult to refute it.

Lu Shaoqing did not make a move, it was Kirkim who shot, and it was Kirkim who pierced the palace.

It looks like Kirkin destroyed the palace.

Many people looked at Kirkim with complicated eyes, and they all thought that Kirkin had destroyed the palace.

Kirkin felt the gaze of his clansmen, and he felt a sweetness in his throat.


A mouthful of blood could not be held back, and it spurted out wildly, bright and dazzling in the air.

“Damn it!” Kirkin shouted angrily, “It’s not me, you damn human, it must be you, it must be some means you used.”

Kirkim was very panicked in his heart, and the crime of ruining the palace of the royal court, even if it was his elder, he could not bear it.

Lu Shaoqing was unhurried, “What are you shouting so loudly for?”

“Who doesn’t know that the Sundemon Stone suppresses us cultivators and is insulated from spiritual power.”

“We cultivators need spiritual power to do anything, you say, what did I take to destroy your palace?”

“To be a man, you have to speak of conscience.”

The sound was not loud, but it was still blessed by spiritual power and reached the ears of every Sanluo person.

“Poof!” Kirkheim spewed another mouthful of blood.

Xiao Yi, who saw this scene in the distance, smiled widely, “It’s really the second senior brother, it’s really powerful.” ”

You have to study hard.

This is the highest state of mouth cannon, and a few simple words can make people vomit blood in anger.

I’m still close.

Zhuge Xun was speechless, and she couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy for Kirkin.

The guy who met the bastard, it doesn’t work without vomiting blood.

However, Zhuge Xun was puzzled, “Strange, the Xun Demon Stone actually exploded, and he was unlucky, just happened to meet.” ”

The palace exploded, and the Sanluo people will definitely put this charge on his head, and it will be very troublesome at that time.”

Xiao Yi smiled straightly, acting as a junior sister of the anti-bone, “It’s very simple, the second senior brother has a way to make the Xun Demon Stone explode.”

Zhuge Xun and the plane tree were in disbelief, “This, the palace was really destroyed by him?”

“How else?” Xiao Yi was triumphant, “Apart from my second senior brother, who else can do this?”

The plane tree shook his head, “It’s really nonsense, now he will completely offend the Sangluo people, and then the two sides will not die.” ”

Ruined by the symbol of the Sunro, the spiritual sustenance.

It’s strange that the Sanlo people don’t fight hard with you.

Xiao Yi was not worried at all, “Don’t worry, you can’t help the second senior brother.” The

plane tree couldn’t see Xiao Yi like this, and reminded Xiao Yi not to blindly believe Lu Shaoqing, “Little girl, what if he doesn’t admit it?”

“At that time, the Sunroth people will be sure that it is not him who must be him.”

Zhuge Xun said coldly, “Then let’s go on a killing spree and kill all the Sanluo people.”

At this time, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “I can swear, I didn’t destroy your palace…”

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