Zhuge Xun was speechless.

What does this guy want to do?

Grabbing the Mahayana period is to ask for favors, is human favor so good?

Of course, Luo Cang will not give favors easily.

He asked lightly, “What are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, looking like a wealth fan, he rubbed his hands, “Have you seen the Holy Lord of the Holy Land?”

Luo Cang nodded, “Of course I have seen it, he is also a genius. ”

Being able to get Luo Cang’s affirmation shows the terrifying nature of the Holy Lord.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart was awe-inspiring, adding a little jealousy.

“Why didn’t you kill him?”

Luo Cang smiled, “Why did you kill him?” ”

Because of the war between the Holy Clan and the Sanluo?”

“Survival of the fittest, follow the laws of nature!”

10,000 years is enough time to dilute the so-called feelings.

Lu Shaoqing despised, “Why don’t you abide by it so far?

Luo Cang said, “As you can see, I changed my mind.

“My approach is inappropriate.”

Luo Cang generously admitted that his approach was wrong, and he was not embarrassed in the slightest.

“Well,” Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, “How about you go and kill the Holy Lord now?”

“Your disciple will ascend the throne as king, and take the head of the holy master as a gift.”

Luo Cang was puzzled, “The Holy Lord and you have an enmity?”

“Dafu, when you beat me like a dumpling, do you say there is any hatred?”

“Go, hurry up and kill him.”

Luo Cang squinted his eyes at Lu Shaoqing, I want to beat you like a bumble, “So, do you want me to help you kill the Holy Lord?” ”

Whatever.” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “These are two different things.

Luo Cang was speechless, and so were the others.

Playing empty gloves white wolf here?

Luo Cang couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “What do you take me for? ”

Don’t you dare?” Lu Shaoqing asked cautiously, “If you don’t dare, forget it.”

Luo Cang smiled and saw through Lu Shaoqing at a glance, “Little trick!”

“It’s not a question of whether you dare or not, the Holy Lord is already in the Mahayana period, how can it be so easy to kill him.”

Ma Yay!

Lu Shaoqing let out a deep breath, “Sure enough!

He had already guessed, but from Luo Cang’s mouth, he still felt depressed.

It seems that this time we have to take a detour, and we must never go to the holy place, let alone go to the holy mountain.

“Alas, disappointed, thought you could kill him.”

Luo Cang shook his head, “How can it be so easy.”

“He can be said to be the strongest genius on the Cold Star.”

“From the time they came to this world until now, he alone broke through the Mahayana period.”

“And it only took more than a thousand years.”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, and his mother was really a genius.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, the Holy Land was already a forbidden place for him.

Lu Shaoqing thought for a moment and asked Luo Cang, “That is to say, only you and the Holy Lord on the Cold Star are in the Mahayana period?”

Luo Cang shook his head, “Of course it’s more than that. ”

There are still a few fellow travelers here in Cold Star.”

I rub!

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Lu Shaoqing had the urge to open the door and go back.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s gloomy expression, Luo Cang smiled slightly, “Don’t worry, if you don’t provoke them, they won’t bother to care about you.”

Lu Shaoqing glanced at Zhuge Xun next to him and asked with a happy smile, “Cold Star’s hidden family, do you know?” ”

I know.”

Zhuge Xun had a bad premonition in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Do you know where they are?” ”

Give a coordinate point.”

Luo Cang stared at him, “What do you want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing blinked, sincere and innocent, “Go visit them.”

Zhuge Xun wanted to speak, but Xiao Yi next to him held her wisely and stopped her from speaking with a smile.

Luo Cang smiled, Lu Shaoqing’s mind could not hide him.

“Little fellow, are you trying to provoke the hatred of the hidden family against the Holy Land and let them fight?”

“You’re here with that in mind, aren’t you?”

Lu Shaoqing pretended to be stupid, “Old man, don’t talk nonsense. ”

They have lived for so long, they have seen countless storms and countless intrigues, Luo Cang can’t guess Lu Shaoqing’s little calculations, he can live in vain.

When he saw Lu Shaoqing pretending to be stupid, he simply said it directly.

“You are a Terran, from the ancestral star called by the people of the Holy Race.”

“The Holy Land raised troops to counterattack the Ancestral Star, will it be a coincidence that you appeared here?”

“As soon as you opened your mouth, you wanted to kill the Holy Lord, which shows that you have a feud with the Holy Lord.”

“I can’t think of any purpose you can have in finding the Hidden Family other than instigating them to deal with the Holy Lord.”

Lu Shaoqing’s heart beat a little.

It is worthy of the Mahayana period, and living long is shrewdness.

A pair of eyes not only do not dizzy with old eyes, but can see through the delusion and reach the origin.

Zhuge Xun was sweating profusely as he listened beside him.

She was terrified.

It turns out that this is Lu Shaoqing’s real purpose?

Already thought of this step from the first moment he caught her?

Lu Shaoqing faced Luo Cang’s gaze and grinned, “You said something wrong.

“Yes?” Luo Cang put his hand behind his back and said lightly, “Since you said it wrong, forget it.”

“I’m too lazy to say it.”

“Despicable.” Faced with the threat that Luo Cang did not intend to continue to reveal, Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly, “Okay, you’re right.

Luo Cang’s smile was even more indifferent, and even faintly proud, this is right.

You kid still wants to pretend in front of me?

“Can we continue?” Lu Shaoqing asked.

“Just ask.” Luo Cang did not refuse, although Lu Shaoqing was hateful, but such a genius, he didn’t mind making friends.

Selling personal favors is not harmful to yourself.

Sometimes a casual watering can be rewarded with fruit.

“Does the Hidden Family have a Mahayana period?”

Zhuge Xun’s heart beat even harder.

Why is this asked?

Is it that we don’t have a Mahayana period, so you go to find trouble?

“Nope.” Luo Cang shook his head, “I said that when the Saint Clan came to Cold Star, only the little guy of the Holy Lord stepped into the Mahayana period for thousands of years.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and smiled happily.


“So, can you give me a coordinate point?”

Zhuge Xun finally couldn’t help it, broke free from Xiao Yi, and shouted loudly, “Don’t….”

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