Zhuge Xun was a hundred people who did not want Luo Cang to tell Lu Shaoqing the location of the hidden family.

The hidden family does not have a Mahayana period, what is the difference between Lu Shaoqing going and the wolf going to the flock?

This bastard has reached the point where there is no difference between killing a fit and killing a chicken.

Even if the hidden family has more merging periods, it may not be enough to kill.

What’s more, Lu Shaoqing also has a senior brother, who is also extremely fierce.

Lu Shaoqing drank, “When a man speaks, what does a woman interject?”

“Old man, leave her alone, women have never seen anything in the world.”

Kill him, kill him.

Zhuge Xun roared in his heart.

He is so unkind to you, you are still used to him?

Luo Cang’s smile remained unchanged, ignoring Zhuge Xun’s pleading gaze, and told Lu Shaoqing the location of the hidden family.

“They are on the east side of Dongji, on an island far from land.”


Zhuge Xun was desperate in his heart.

If it weren’t for Luo Cang’s Mahayana period, she would definitely have cursed.

It is very impolite to casually disclose the address of someone’s home.

Are you this old thing going back more and more alive?

Or did you meet the bastard guy and follow it and become rude?

“Good man!”

Lu Shaoqing gave a thumbs up to Luo Cang and patted the horse’s butt, “I met in the Mahayana period, and you are the best person.”

“I knew from the first sight that you were a good person.”

“You look handsome, and the women of Cold Star are crazy for you, right?”

“Cultivating to your realm can still be so approachable, and you can’t find a second one in ten broken eras.”

Zhuge Xun wanted to vomit when he heard it next to him.

It’s disgusting.

This bastard can make people vomit blood when he is scared, and he can make people feel sick and vomit when he pats horses.

Yu Ling looked at it and smiled slightly, feeling very happy in his heart.

Not seen for many years, still so shameless.

Luo Cang also laughed, he had heard a lot of.

But people like Lu Shaoqing patted, and he listened comfortably.

After Luo Cang listened for a while, he interrupted Lu Shaoqing, “Okay, little fellow, less slap horses here, what do you want?”

“Give me a favor!”

Going around and around, this is Lu Shaoqing’s purpose.

Luo Cang refused without thinking, “Don’t think about it.”

“My favor is not so easy to give.”

“Don’t you invest in me as a genius?” Lu Shaoqing was stunned, “There are very few geniuses like me, are you sure you don’t want to consider it?”

“Give me a favor, the future will benefit you infinitely.”

Luo Cang once again felt speechless.

You are a genius, but can you not say it in this tone?

When you say it in this tone, it’s hard to believe that you’re a genius.

Luo Cang shook his head, “Although you are a genius, you have not fully grown up. ”

Cut!” Lu Shaoqing despised, and immediately changed his face to change his tone, “Stingy is stingy, what excuse are you looking for?”

“When I grow up, I still need your favor?”

“Come on, give me a favor, or promise a favor.”

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Luo Cang was a little curious, “What’s busy?”

“When my summoned beast, let me summon you once and help suppress the formation, how about it?”

“That’s not too much to ask, isn’t it?” Lu Shaoqing was righteous, “It’s just a show of hands for you, you won’t disagree, right?”

“After all, you’re not a stingy person.”

Just now you still said that I was stingy?

Luo Cang was speechless, but this request was nothing.

At least better than someone who doesn’t know what he’s going to need him for.

After being entangled by Lu Shaoqing, Luo Cang nodded, “Okay, I agreed.”

Everyone was silent, but they didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to really let Luo Cang agree.

And after Lu Shaoqing heard it, he smiled extremely happily, “Swear.” ”


Yu Ling, Zhuge Xun, Wutong Tree, and Kui Wei, who had not spoken, all clapped their hands on their foreheads, neatly and uniformly.

Didn’t save it.

This guy, it’s really helpless.

Luo Cang was angry, “Boy, are you questioning me? ”

What is his status and needs to swear?

He stared at Lu Shaoqing with an unkind face, “Boy, the more I look at you, the more unpleasant it is.”

“Is it an eyesore? It’s okay, give me a token that can summon you. Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand to Luo Cang, “Give it to me, and you will be pleasant.”

Although he wanted to hit Lu Shaoqing, Luo Cang finally took out a token and threw it to Lu Shaoqing, “Take it, just inject spiritual power into it if you have something.”

“Howler, great, you always take care of your body, leave!”

After speaking, he waved his hand and urged everyone, “Go, hurry up, don’t get in the way here.” With

a puff of smoke, he quickly left with everyone.

It was so fast that Luo Cang couldn’t react a little.

It turns out that this is what it means? Disappear from your own eyes?

Lu Shaoqing left, and Luo Cang finally felt more comfortable.

Just now, I didn’t see anything well, I had the urge to hit people, and my ears were buzzing.

It’s much quieter now.

Luo Cang breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s really an unconscious little fellow.

“Master!” Dunkang came from a distance and stood respectfully next to him, “Why is it so nice to that kid?”

Dunkang had an unconcealable jealousy in his tone.

This is his master, and Lu Shaoqing’s behavior can be said to be doting.

Luo Cang had never been so nice to him before.

It seemed that Lu Shaoqing was Luo Cang’s apprentice.

Luo Cang looked at the direction where Lu Shaoqing and his group disappeared, and then looked at Min Fan, who had defeated An Za.

He said lightly, “I’m looking for another way for the clansmen to retreat.”

Dunkang was not convinced, “Is he worth it?”

Luo Cang’s eyes were indifferent, with a bit of expectation, “Of course.”

“I haven’t seen a few people who can defeat the fallen gods and live.”

Dunkang instantly understood why Luo Cang was so good to Lu Shaoqing.

For an enemy like the fallen god, Luo Cang, who had personally experienced it, was hated and feared, and it was his biggest nightmare.

Pampering Lu Shaoqing as a junior is not only because he is a genius, but also because he is special.

For Luo Cang, no matter who can deal with the fallen gods, Luo Cang will help the field.

Luo Cang pointed at Min Fan and said to Dunkang, “Cultivate him well, there will be no harm to you in the future.” ”

Min Fan can be said to be a line of relationship with Lu Shaoqing, and it is probably right to be nice to him.

“By doing this to him, I am just trying to give us a little hope…”

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