A million spirit stones is barely enough for him to be a little more than a month.

That’s almost 10 million spirit stones a year.

Seeing no hope of getting rich, Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to speak for a while.

Kui Wei asked curiously, “Little friend, what do you want so many spirit stones for?” ”

Yes.” Lu Shaoqing was not very interested.

Dead Ghost Brother can be called Vampire Brother.

More and more excessive, but also will hit people.

Kui Wei smiled slightly, “If you need spirit stones, I have a way.” ”

Oh?” Lu Shaoqing instantly came to the spirit, and said politely to Kui, “Senior, tell me, what is the way?”

The corners of Kui’s mouth twitched.

Just now you still called me old man, now call me senior?

Kui Wei felt Luo Cang’s mood when he faced Lu Shaoqing.

At the same time, it is also affirmed that when dealing with Lu Shaoqing, the psychological quality must be tough.

Kui Wei is also an old fox, take a deep breath, calm his mood, and smile, “It’s very simple, there are spirit stones in the Holy Land.”

Lu Shaoqing gasped, “Wipe, old man, you are so ruthless.”

“Where did I offend you? Actually instigated me to rob the Holy Land? Are you still human? ”

Of course, there are spirit stones in the Holy Land, and the wealth of the world is gathered, how can there be no spirit stones?

Everyone knows that there are spirit stones in the Holy Land, but who dares to fight the idea of the Holy Land?

Kui Wei smiled slightly, “Xiaoyou is powerful, where can you use the Holy Land of Fear?” He

complained in his heart, you have a chance to summon the Mahayana period.

Even if he was discovered by the Holy Lord, he could easily retreat with his whole body, and there was no problem at all.

“The Holy Land has gone too far, constantly squeezing the cultivators on the Cold Star, and the cultivators have already suffered a lot.”

“If Xiaoyou makes a move, let the Holy Land know how powerful Xiaoyou is, I think they will have some convergence, and they can also reduce the pressure on Yongning City.”

Kui’s abacus beads jumped on everyone’s faces, and also pasted Lu Shaoqing’s face.

Yu Ling killed the messenger of the Holy Land, and the Holy Land will definitely come to take revenge when the time comes.

The strength of the Holy Land is unquestionable, and Yongning City cannot resist it.

Yongning City is gone, and the anti-holy army will have no base camp, and when the time comes, it will live a life of displacement again.

A stable life has been lived, and no one wants to return to the days of displacement.

Lu Shaoqing despised, “I don’t do things that violate the law.” ”


Kui Wei wanted to spit blood, who said before that he would not do things that were not illegal?

You kid, you like inconsistencies, don’t you?

“Little friend, you go to break into the holy place, make a fuss, let them know that there are people in the ancestral star, make a name for the cold star, and raise the majesty of the ancestral star.”

How bad Kui is, he thought of Lu Shaoqing to make trouble and help them share the pressure.

Of course, Lu Shaoqing is unwilling, what is the difference between going to the Holy Land to make trouble, and picking up lights in the toilet?

“Don’t dream, old man.” Lu Shaoqing knew what Kui was thinking, and he pointed out, “It is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself.”

“You are also an anti-holy army, afraid of Mao, when the time comes, the holy land will come and do it with them.”

“You can say here that you are waiting for work, come to kill one, come to kill two and kill a pair, soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil, afraid of a ball.”

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Kui Wei sighed, “Our strength is not strong enough, and the time is not ripe.

Xiao Yi despised, “So you want us to send us to death?”

“You won’t be in danger, after all, there are seniors.”

Kui Wei secretly said in his heart, there is a Mahayana period behind you, and you are afraid of a ball.

“Boom!” Lu Shaoqing despised.

Kui Wei was helpless in his heart, and he couldn’t do it if he didn’t encourage it.

Every time he resisted before, he was beaten into a dog by the Holy Land, and he almost collapsed several times.

Therefore, Kui Wei decided that he would not make an easy move if he was not sure enough.

He said, “Little friend, if you don’t make a move, what will happen to the Spirit City Lord?” ”

Broken city lord, who is rare, chick, you will give him the position of city lord when you go back.”

“Good!” Yu Ling did not hesitate in the slightest and directly agreed.

Kui was dumbfounded.

Is this still the decisive and ruthless Spirit City Lord he knows?

Zhuge Xun is also speechless, complaining in her heart, a woman with a small chest and no brain, stupid.

“This, this…” Kui

Wei didn’t know what to say for a while.

Lu Shaoqing said to Kui, “At that time, you will be the city lord, come on.”

Kui Wei couldn’t laugh or cry, he shook his head and refused, “Little friend, I can’t be the city lord.”

“It’s okay, Xi Huan and Mu Yan can do it, you don’t want to show your face, just let them go up.”

Kui Wei still shook his head, “The anti-holy army should not be exposed so early. ”

Yongning City still needs the Spirit City Lord to sit.”

A solemn expression appeared on Kui Xiao’s face, and his tone became different, he deliberately lowered his voice to make his voice heavy, “The Holy Land already hates us to the bone.

“If the Holy Land knows about us, it will do whatever it takes to destroy us.”

“The difference between the strength of us and the Holy Land is too great…” In

a sentence, the anti-holy army still needs to continue to lurk low-key, and it is not appropriate to go to the forefront.

Once the identity is exposed, the army of the Holy Land is killed and it is difficult to resist.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be infected as well, and sighed, “Okay, you guys can develop with peace of mind.”

Kui smiled heartily.

Lu Shaoqing continued, rolled his eyes, and asked, “Yongning City is so poor, what about other cities?”

Kui Wei glanced at Yu Ling and shook his head, “Other city lords are not as generous as the Spirit City Lord.

“That is, they have a lot of materials and spirit stones in their hands?”

Kui Wei nodded, “Little friend, what are you asking this for?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Kui, “Send troops, go deal with them, rob them all, and occupy their cities.”

Kui was speechless, held back for a long time, and held out a sentence, “I don’t do illegal things.” ”

Just kidding, if you want to him a long time ago, where will it wait until now?

He would not instigate Lu Shaoqing to go to the Holy Land to make trouble.

Kui looked at Lu Shaoqing, a pair of eyes seemed to be talking, besides, you just said that let us develop at ease, turn around and let us go to rob and play.

In the midst of everyone’s discussion, Yongning City was soon in sight…

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